Archive for the Month of June, 2006.
Viewing Police State / Military NEWS articles 1 through 53 of 53.
New CIA director Hayden plans massive expansion of spying on Americans - ...Bush told Hayden to "take whatever steps necessary" to monitor Americans 24/7 by listening in on their phone calls, bugging their homes and offices, probing their private lives, snooping into their financial records and watching their travel habits. (2180 views)
Restoring the Draft - The Universal National Service Act of 2006 (2658 views)
US Army Bases Outside the USA - The following list also includes installations controlled by the US which are not listed in the official "Base Structure Report" of the Pentagon. (9470 views)
Cleveland Woman Convicted Of Felony And Sentenced To 60 Days In Jail For Putting Up Anti-Bush Posters - The fascist mindset in Amerca steam rolls over Carol Fisher, 51, who becomes another casualty of the New World Order, as freedom of speech is a thing of the past. (2140 views)
Gagged Library Exec Speaks Out - "I thought, National Security what? What’s a National Security Letter? " (2117 views)
Offensive Counterspace and US Military Superiority above the Skies - "Parasitic" Weapon Eyed for Space (2025 views)
Martial Law: For the Neocons It’s Both Necessary And Redemptive - Liberty is anathema to the Straussians: it continually challenges the call for belligerent nationalism; and it breeds licentiousness and disregard for the rule of the Few over the Many. Martial Law will be implemented to introduce tyranny – rule from above. The State and corporations will partner to rule over the people. (3070 views)
Nexus Points Emerge For Potential Summer Attack - When considered in a nexus, these indications all unfortunately illustrate a desperate drive towards preparing western populations for another attack this summer. (2227 views)
US Coup d'état: A coup is furtively being carried out by the White House Neocons - The long worked for Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) plan for global governance of the N. American continent will be effectuated by a Straussian Neocon Coup d'état. This in turn will institute tyrannical state corporate rule on a continental basis. (3728 views)
Flag Burning and Other Dubious Epidemics - The Republicans are worried about the flag, gay marriage and the terrible burden of the estate tax on the rich. The rest of us are obviously unnecessarily worried about war, peace, the economy, the environment and civilization. (2810 views)
Why Americans Should Be Packing Their Bags NOW - It is now time to think about the unthinkable. Americans...need to be considering--even planning for--emigrating to escape before full-blown tyranny arrives in the United States. (2703 views)
Special forces to use strap-on "Batwings" - Elite special forces troops being dropped behind enemy lines on covert missions are to ditch their traditional parachutes in favour of strap-on stealth wings. (3578 views)
Just in time for the 2006 Election – Bush Warms Up for a War with Iran - The most serious threat to our security and peace in the world is created by an administration in Washington that sits on the largest arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in the world and has a declared policy and practice of unilateral preemptive military action in pursuit of its goals. (1936 views)
FBI confidential informant also said to be provocateur - Activists say that she has tried to provoke conflict at various advocacy events and violent incidents with police to get people arrested. In other words, Anna is not just an informant, she may be a provocateur. (2482 views)
Alex Jones Detained On Orders Of Bilderberg Group - Customs openly told Alex as soon as they brought him into custody that the Bilderberg Group was aware of his arrival and that this was the reason for his detainment. (2509 views)
Bush's Continual Use Of The Word Homeland Reveals His Straussian Principles - Strauss taught that Patriotic Fervor is to be rallied against external enemies; this fervor is based upon the belief that the elite Few's values are the best in the world, and that all other cultures and their values are inferior in comparison. (2504 views)
Bush stacked Supreme Court muzzles public employees - "Any society or administration that facilitates secret deals and hides from the truth can only court corruption...Gagging whistleblowers...can only assist the corrupt, the criminal and the fraudster." (1914 views)
Global Military Spending Hits $1.12 Trillion - U.S. responsible for most of the spending increases (1851 views)
The American Trance - Do you want to be entertained, or informed? Here's the danger: The top half of one percent, the corporate elite, are counting on this apathy. (1841 views)
'No-work list' predicted - ... now privacy experts are warning America to prepare for the "no-work" list. (2164 views)
Bilderberg Provocateurs Tried To Instigate Violence - Numerous indications strongly suggest that the Bilderberg Group, in alliance with the Canadian government, deployed agent provocateurs this past weekend to try to infiltrate and discredit legitimate journalists and protesters. (2528 views)
Psyops Against the American People, The Boogeyman Principle - Psychological operations are a part of warfare where you use unconventional weapons, such as propaganda, distraction and fear, to cripple your enemy and make it easier to accomplish your goals. Enter the boogeyman principle. (2815 views)
The Flag of the Corporate States of America - Historian Howard Zinn wrote, "There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people." I am inclined to agree. (2585 views)
US, Global Arms & Huge Infant Deaths - The dozen US-linked "biggest military spenders" are involved in war criminal mass murder in Occupied countries. (3025 views)
Ramsey Clark on worldwide U.S. militarization - The case for impeachment is clear beyond question (1994 views)
Supreme Court upholds no-knock police search - The Supreme Court made it easier today for police to barge into homes and seize evidence without knocking or waiting, a sign of the court's new conservatism with Samuel Alito on board. (2073 views)
Big Bad "al-Qaeda" and Zyklon B - If we are to believe Ron terrorists "came within 45 days of attacking the New York subway system with a lethal gas similar to that used in Nazi death camps..." (2022 views)
Mystery death of the week - Dornheim’s last article was on research being conducted by DARPA on robotic satellite servicing. (3224 views)
Justice sacrificed to the big business of crime and fear - Fear is the raw material of thriving industries like private security and social control. Steady demand sustains a busy trade. (1981 views)
The No-Knock State - Have no fear, America! Despite the claims of alarmists, the United States is not coming underneath the type of steely totalitarian gauntlet where we need fear a knock at the door. No, your Supreme Court has eliminated that fearful scenario. Instead, there will be no knock. (2374 views)
Mossad: RSA Security & Ptech Run US Govt Computers - The most critical computer and communication networks used by the U.S. government and military are secured by encryption software written by an Israeli "code breaker" tied to an Israeli state-run scientific institution. (6908 views)
Corporate Greed and the Fake Cyanide Attack - It should be obvious by now what the supposed cyanide gas attack on New York’s subway system was all about—doling out more taxpayer money to corporations slick enough to jump on the "homeland security" bandwagon. (1950 views)
The Zero Tolerance Militarized Police State - Mayor Ray Nagin's order that National Guard troops be used to patrol New Orleans is a method of law enforcement quickly engulfing major US cities as crime becomes terrorism and men with machine guns and camouflage become the vanguard of a militarized police state. (2806 views)
GI Jitters - The Pentagon's Deep-Seated Sexual Anxiety (1893 views)
US bucks pledge, continues to pursue new landmines - According to the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, budget documents submitted to Congress in 2005 show that the Pentagon is preparing for the development of new types of antipersonnel landmines called "Spider." (2174 views)
The Supersonic Shape-Shifting Bomber - With a shift of its wing, the Pentagon’s next attack drone goes from long-range endurance flyer to Mach-speed assassin. (3142 views)
Army raises maximum age again for new recruits - The U.S. Army, aiming to make its recruiting goals amid the Iraq war, raised its maximum enlistment age by another two years Wednesday. (2096 views)
Shut Up, Go Shopping, Support the War, and Nobody Gets Hurt! - We’re Bending the Arc of the Universe Toward Injustice (2080 views)
Check Your Civil Rights at the Door - ...when you visit a Simon mall, don’t forget to check your civil rights at the door. (3184 views)
The 63 Characteristics Of Fascism And America's Development As A Fascist Nation - 27) Thought police and snitches... (65535 views)
The American Sheeple - Definition of Sheeple (3970 views)
The Bush code of secrecy - How the White House is covering up CIA abductions, brutal interrogations and spying on Americans. (1881 views)
THE LAST DAYS OF PRIVACY - As technology makes life richer and easier, we leave a trail of information that is susceptible to prying eyes (2435 views)
Big Brother is watching, but who is watching Big Brother? - ...government is casting its watchful eye on millions of ordinary Americans through largely unregulated surveillance cameras trained on public spaces throughout the nation. (3852 views)
War is Still a Racket - "Our whole history shows we have never fought a defensive war." : --USMC General Smedley Butler, 1933 (1881 views)
Sea Lions and Dolphins May Join War Games - Alongside the submarines, ships and airplanes participating in large-scale military exercises in the Pacific this month, a team of sea lions and dolphins are expected to patrol the sea. (1996 views)
Neocons Are Not Fascists, They’re Worse - ...the intellectual bullies and bloody professors who construct and support the ideology of democratic imperialism are doing far more damage than Mussolini ever did. (6642 views)
The Philosophy Of Leo Strauss Is The Foundation Of The North American Union - The Few Must Rule The Many (3592 views)
Americans Can't Win - caught between a corrupt gov't and a corrupt MSM - I knew there was something fishy about our corporate-owned media ratting out our corporate-owned government (2033 views)
The Cessnas are coming! The Cessnas are coming! - Low-flying Cessna 172s, flying in grid patterns over major cities, and snapping images of every square foot from just about every direction. (2224 views)
Hippies Homeland Security Threat - Mass Citations At Rainbow Family Gathering in Colorado - A permit for a pilgrimage? (2843 views)
Another neo-con outrage - Pentagon forcing U.S. soldiers and Marines in Iraq to take Prozac and other drugs for anxiety and depression (2094 views)
Watch Us, Wiretap Us, Search Us, Jail Us ... - The High Price of American Gullibility (2599 views)
Pages for June, 2006
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