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Dear Reader,
Last week ImpeachBush.org placed an ad calling for the impeachment of George
W. Bush on the second page of the internationally read newspaper, USA Today.
The impeachment movement has placed similar ads in the Boston Globe, the New
York Times, and the San Francisco Chronicle. If you believe the time to impeach
is now, you can help support the campaign by clicking here.
Spreading the word with more newspaper ads, getting more people to vote for
Impeachment, increasing our organizing and fundraising efforts - this can make
Impeachment a major issue in the 2006 midterm Congressional elections. A committed
effort over the next months can move Impeachment to the forefront in the elections
and to the floor of the House of Representatives which has the "sole power
of Impeachment," and onto the Senate for trial.
Ads in newspapers in Congressional Districts can help activate impeachment
organizing to bring the issue home to members and candidates where their election
will be decided.
A message from Ramsey Clark
The case for impeachment is clear beyond question.
The list of Bush's crimes is long. The "Shock and Awe" invasion was
Bush’s war of aggression -- a crime identified as the "the Supreme
international crime" by the Nuremberg Tribunal. Remember Falluja, the American
Guernica, a virtual destruction of a defenseless city by superior military technology
(36,000 homes, 8,400 shops destroyed in the final assault alone); Abu Ghraib,
the shameful celebration of sick forms of sexual torture; Haifa Street, Baghdad,
where a U.S. helicopter gun ship killed 13 unarmed people and injured 50 dancing
around a burned out Bradley Armored Vehicle; Abu Shifa, a small village, where
U.S. soldiers were accused of rounding up civilians, forcing them into a room,
then opening fire, killing 11 people, including a 75 year-old, a 6 month-old
baby, and five children under the age five; Haditha, where Marines murdered
15 defenseless civilians, and injured many more, most women and children; and
tiny Guantanamo, where the U.S. has compiled human rights violations in four
years that have been denounced by the entire world including the United Nations.
Yet President Bush arrogantly refuses to close the Guantanamo prison, or return
the land and sovereignty to Cuba while U.S. officials fret over three prisoners
who committed suicide in one day to "embarrass the U.S."
The grand total of civilian deaths in Iraq is probably more than 250,000, and
rapidly growing. (The Lancet Medical Journal) U.S. military deaths exceed 2500,
the seriously injured number more than 15,000 and the number who will suffer
mental and physical impairment from the occupation of Iraq is in the unknown
tens of thousands.
What respect for human dignity! What reverence for life! What better way to
make enemies?
The necessity for citizen action to secure impeachment is also clear beyond
question. The Congress will not act unless We, the People demand it and vote
those out of office who fail to respond.
Our government is geared for war as directed by transnational corporations,
domestic industries, and the corporate media.
Both branches of our One Party system, Democrat and Republican, favor the use
of force to have their way. Consider,
(1) Regime Change in Iran (1953) the Shah replacing democratically
elected Mossadegh; Eisenhower (R);
(2) Regime Change in Guatemala (1954) military government
for democratically elected Arbenz; Eisenhower (R);
(3) Regime Change in Congo (1961) assassination of Patrice
Lumumba, Eisenhower (R)
(4) the Vietnam War (1959-1975), Eisenhower (R), Kennedy
(D), Johnson (D), Nixon (R);
(5) Invasion of Dominican Republic (1965), Johnson (D);
(6) Contra Warfare against Nicaragua (1981-1988), resulting
in regime change from the Sandinistas to corrupt capitalists; Reagan (R);
(7) Attack and occupation of Grenada (population 110,000)(1983-1987)
Reagan (R);
(8) Aerial attack on the sleeping cities of Tripoli and
Benghazi, Libya, (1986) Reagan (R);
(9) Invasion of Panama Regime Change (1989-1990), George
H. W. Bush (R);
(10) Gulf War (1991), George H. W. Bush (R);
(11) "Humanitarian" occupation of Somalia leading
to 10,000 Somali deaths (1992-1993) George H. W. Bush (R) and Bill Clinton
(12) Aerial attacks on Iraq (1993-2001) Bill Clinton (D);
(13) War against Yugoslavia (1999) 23,000 bombs and missiles
dropped on Yugoslavia, Bill Clinton (D)
(14) Missile Attack (21 Tomahawk Cruise Missiles) destroying
the Al Shifa Pharmaceutical Plant in Khartoum which provided the majority
of all medicines for Sudan (1998) Bill Clinton (D);
(15) Invasion and Occupation of Afghanistan, Regime Change
(2001-present) George W. Bush (R);
(16) War of Aggression against Iraq and Hostile Occupation
(2003)-present) George W. Bush (R);
(17) Regime Change in Haiti (2004) Democratically elected
Aristide for three years of chaos and systematic killing, George W. Bush (R).
There have been major aggressions every several years.
Remember that every Congress in the past half century has approved excessive
military budgets and the last three have approved increases that have made the
U.S. military budget larger than those of all other nations combined.
The U.S. will remain a military threat to the world until it vastly reduces
its military expenditures. The single highest priority for peace is cutting
the U.S. military budget. The United States government may have been able to
outspend the Soviet Union into economic collapse in the Cold War arms race,
injuring the entire planet in the process. Now Bush has entered a new arms race
and is provoking a Second Cold War with China. Yet what can China do, as the
U.S. builds a first-strike oriented missile shield and uses Japan and a huge
advanced military base at Pyongtaek on Korea's west coast, not 500 miles from
The U.S. at this time is capable of striking any place on earth with a nuclear
armed missile within one hour of the order to fire, launched from a Trident
II, or other nuclear weapons system. We are at this time spending billions on
a new generation of nuclear weapons that can be used tactically, against four
blocks of Falluja, or an alleged Al Queda camp in Pakistan. At the same time,
we threaten Iran and others for seeking to develop nuclear energy with the claim
that they may build a crude bomb. Yet the only defense a nation today has to
U.S. militarism is the threat of nuclear retaliation. The U.S. is seeking total
dismantlement and prohibition of all weapons of mass destruction everywhere
else, because it possesses the vast majority of all WMD’s and far superior
delivery systems.
George Bush loved being a War President while he was winning - winning over
the bodies of impoverished and defenseless people, that is. Someone told him
only war presidents can be great presidents. He will love war again if his polls
go up.
President Bush would rather make enemies by the use of force to have his way,
than seek agreement with friends by helping others and recognizing their rights
and interests. He prefers to go it alone, and then entice or coerce whatever
help he can get from others, whether it is for Iraq, global warming, the prohibition
of land mines, or the use of minors in war, addressing hunger, poverty, AIDS,
natural disaster relief, or most United Nations activities, and absolutely,
the International Criminal Court which might indict him. He is spared defeat
at the polls because he cannot seek re-election.
He can be held accountable only by impeachment. The American people must not
acquiesce to his crimes.
Consider that all the major candidates, Democrat and Republican -- Clinton,
Edwards, Kerry, McCain, Frist, -- voted for the war and/or favor the Iraq Occupation.
To stop U.S. militarism, the U.S. must vastly reduce its military expenditures,
50% in five years and further down from there on. It must use those savings
to combat poverty, hunger, sickness and unemployment at home and abroad.
The U.S. must seek friends by word and deed, rather than make enemies. The
harm George Bush has done to the way the rest of the world sees our country
will take a generation to overcome, after we change our warlike ways.
But the only way to convince the world that We the People do not approve of
the conduct of George W. Bush is to impeach him. Otherwise we can only be seen
as approving of his acts, or as powerless to prevent them.
And the only way we can deter the next, and future Presidents, from seeking
war rather than peace is to impeach George W. Bush and his key advisors now.
Only then will political leadership know the American people will not accept
more war.
Last week ImpeachBush.org placed an ad calling for the impeachment of George
W. Bush on the second page of the internationally read newspaper, USA Today.
The impeachment movement has placed similar ads in the Boston Globe, the New
York Times, and the San Francisco Chronicle. The time to impeach is now. This
movement has grown with your continuing support. Please make a donation to the
campaign today so that the movement will grow in the coming months. Click here.
Ramsey Clark
June 15, 2006
Go to http://www.impeachbush.org/
to get involved and support the campaign to impeach Bush.
Read from Looking Glass News
Impeachment? No. Impalement!
Impeachment is just one tiny step
The Nazis, Bush and Impeachment