Archive for the Month of June, 2006.
Viewing Corporatism NEWS articles 1 through 14 of 14.
Bush & Enron: The Takeover is Complete - I'll be damned if Enron's No. 1 show pony politician, George W. Bush, should be allowed to walk away from this. (10592 views)
Sacred Ecology and Capitalism - The world’s largest financial institutions are run by gluttonous robber barons that have hijacked most of the world’s governments and set us on an irreversible course of self-destruction. They are literally consuming the earth... (6428 views)
Big Pharma Uses Scare Tactics to Keep Americans Buying Prescription Drugs - Big Pharma wants to scare consumers away from prescription drug alternatives In fact, what is happening in this country today is a chemical holocaust. (7678 views)
Halliburton sees earnings doubling in coming years - Energy services company Halliburton Co. expects net income and earnings per share to double over the next three to five years... (3477 views)
Still Soft on (Corporate) Crime - by Michael Parenti - Corporate crime is not a rarity but a regularity. (4414 views)
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Corporations - You Gotta Think like a Multinational to Earn Like a Multinational (3996 views)
Behind the Spin, the Oil Giants are More Dangerous Than Ever - For a company that claims to have moved "beyond petroleum", BP has managed to spill an awful lot of it on to the tundra in Alaska. (4169 views)
New documents suggest Pentagon lied about Cheney's role in awarding no-bid contract to Halliburton in 2003 - Newly-released government documents indicate the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) may have publicly lied about Vice President Dick Cheney's role in awarding a $7 billion no-bid Iraqi oil reconstruction contract to Halliburton in the weeks preceding the March 2003 invasion... (3612 views)
Drugs firm blocks cheap blindness cure - Company will only seek licence for medicine that costs 100 times more (4376 views)
Junkland - The aim of corporate craftsmanship is to assure that nothing works well for very long. (3745 views)
Federal contracts up 86% under Bush; Halliburton rises 600% - Federal spending on Halliburton contracts shot up an astonishing 600% between 2000 and 2005. (3687 views)
From Mp3s to Sweatshops - IPod and the Sound of Slavery (3642 views)
Kickbacks, cartels and chatrooms: how unscrupulous drug firms woo the public - Drug companies use unscrupulous and unethical marketing tactics not only to influence doctors to prescribe their products but also subtly to persuade consumers that they need them... (4119 views)
Big Pharma's Big Graveyard - Drug Profits, Fraud and Death (4778 views)
Pages for June, 2006
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