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Archive for the Month of November, 2005.
Viewing ALL NEWS articles 151 through 225 of 525.

November 10, 2005

How Convenient: Bali Bomb Suspect Explodes - Does anybody see a pattern here?

US Army Admits Use of White Phosphorus as Weapon - That's right. Not from Al Jazheera, or Al Arabiya, but the US fucking Army, in their very own publication...

Chavez blasts Mexico over summit - Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez has described his Mexican counterpart, Vicente Fox, as a puppy dog for United States imperialism.

GOP memo touts new terror attack as way to reverse party's decline - A confidential memo circulating among senior Republican leaders suggests that a new attack by terrorists on U.S. soil could reverse the sagging fortunes of President George W. Bush as well as the GOP and "restore his image as a leader of the American people."

Haiti: Insanity Takes Over, While the Selection Continues - There are currently 34 presidential candidates in the race the electoral body (CEP) has not issued an official list yet - but in reality the upcoming selection is between two U.S.-backed candidates...

Crying Wolf: Media Disinformation and Death Squads in Occupied Iraq - To penetrate the media smokescreen of spontaneous, uncontrollable violence and understand the role of intelligence operations in the creation of a beholden, occupied client state or series of statelets is fundamental to understanding the processes in Iraq today. It is also fundamental to recognising that the presence of Anglo-American forces in Iraq does not merely exacerbate the present violence; in Iraq we are the violence.

US soldiers accused of Taliban burning again - While the US military is busy investigating media reports that its troops put bodies of two Taliban on fire in Kandahar province in October, there are now fresh allegations that American soldiers burnt alive two more Taliban fighters in Zabul.

China curbs text messaging, citing its "massive influence" - The Chinese government last week issued new guidelines that seek to limit the use of cell phones for text messaging.

US Senate feigns outrage over big oil’s windfall profits - The joint hearing of the US Senate’s Energy and Commerce committees on oil profits Wednesday had its comical side. Republican and Democratic lawmakers, many of them millionaires themselves and recipients of fat campaign contributions from the oil companies, feigned dismay and even outrage over the vast sums that have poured into the coffers of big oil—and the pockets of its CEOs—as a result of soaring fuel costs over the past several months.

Wall Street bonuses expected to soar again in 2005 - As jobs and wages decline

November 11, 2005

Lobbyist Sought $9 Million to Set Bush Meeting - The lobbyist Jack Abramoff asked for $9 million in 2003 from the president of a West African nation to arrange a meeting with President Bush and directed his fees to a Maryland company now under federal scrutiny, according to newly disclosed documents. The African leader, President Omar Bongo of Gabon, met with President Bush in the Oval Office on May 26, 2004, 10 months after Mr. Abramoff made the offer.

UN warns on Iraq environment fate - Chemical spills, unsecured hazardous material and widespread pollution by depleted uranium are among the issues.

Pillaging the Gardens of Babylon - More than two years after the fall of Saddam Hussein, 10,000 artefacts looted from the National Museum of Iraq are still missing. Archaeological sites across the country have been plundered.

Hunger Strike at the Guantanomo Concentration Camp - There is a small band of men who are such firm believers in the protections of the Bill of Rights that they are willing to lay down their lives to defend these principles. They aren't soldiers or civil libertarians — they are a group of "enemy combatants" confined in the gulag of Guantanamo

More accusations of US-backed death squads in Iraq - To maintain its tenuous grip over the country, the Bush administration is relying on an apparatus of paid killers and thugs to murder and terrorise the opposition, while the US military unleashes criminal attacks to crush rebellious cities and towns.

Bushfellas: Casino Jack and the Republican Thuggees - "Even as White House aides Karl Rove and Scooter Libby dominated the headlines," read a typical analysis last week, "according to many observers Jack Abramoff remains the Republican Party's most dangerous problem."

Y. professor thinks bombs, not planes, toppled WTC - The physics of 9/11 — including how fast and symmetrically one of the World Trade Center buildings fell — prove that official explanations of the collapses are wrong, says a Brigham Young University physics professor.

Memo: False Flag Terror Will Save Bush - Now this is dangerous, considering what we know about neocon efforts to foment terrorism: "A confidential memo circulating among senior Republican leaders suggests that a new attack by terrorists on U.S. soil could reverse the sagging fortunes of President George W. Bush as well as the GOP and 'restore his image as a leader of the American people..."

CIA and FBI Plan to Assassinate Hugo Chávez - "How do we know that the CIA was behind the coup that overthrew Hugo Chávez?" asked historian William Blum in 2002. "Same way we know that the sun will rise tomorrow morning. That’s what it’s always done and there’s no reason to think that tomorrow morning will be any different."

U.S. "crating" prisoners and flying them around Eastern Europe in C-130 prison planes. - The latest outrage from an administration that brought us white phosphorous chemical weapons, sodomizing teen prisoners, and naked human pyramids.

Former Cleveland Mayor Reported Flight 93 Landed at Cleveland Airport on 9/11 and Flight 175 in Vicinity. Cincinnati WCPO TV Cover-ups Why Account Removed From Web Site - State sponsored U.S. media ignores story, leaving 'internet hounds' to smell out the truth behind what really happened to the passengers on the doomed flights.

US Soldiers in St. Louis Admit to Rape and Murder in Iraq - The man apologized and said “you know I’m just back from Iraq and I’m acting a little crazy… in Iraq we can do whatever. You think they put all that shit on the news? Man ask anybody we rape those bitches over there and we take their men and blow their brains out just like that and nobody ever knows.”

The Iraq Quagmire: Civilians paying the price - The toll of civilian casualties in Iraq prove that what’s taking place in Iraq now is nothing less than a "crime against humanity," according to an article from Iraq’s Azzaman newspaper.

Avoiding detection at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue - Wary White House aides, under constant scrutiny from a paranoid Bush administration hell bent on stopping leaks, have turned to a technique used by drug dealers and criminals to avoid detection – prepaid, disposable cell phones.

IDF choppers in service of drug cartel - American officials demand Israel provide explanations for how U.S.-made choppers sold to Israel ended up in service of Columbian drug cartel.

Illiteracy "hinders world's poor" - High levels of illiteracy are hindering attempts to erase world poverty, the United Nations education agency warns.

November 12, 2005

Senate Approves Limiting Rights of U.S. Detainees - The Senate voted Thursday to strip captured "enemy combatants" at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, of the principal legal tool given to them last year by the Supreme Court when it allowed them to challenge their detentions in United States courts.

Amman Bombings: Corporate Media Revises Script - As more details about the Amman bombings emerge, the corporate media has gone into heavy-duty spin mode to shape events to the liking of the Bushcons ...

Italy Seeks Extradition Of 22 CIA Operatives - Italian prosecutors on Friday formally requested the extradition of 22 U.S. citizens believed to be CIA operatives on charges that they seized an Egyptian Islamic cleric off a Milan street in early 2003 and flew him to Cairo, where he later said he was tortured.

A "Legal" US Nuclear Attack Against Iran - The real reason for the IAEA Iran resolution

Blondes Have More Funds - But only because one of them is the vise president's daughter, and the other is Wolfie's gal pal .

Has American Democracy died an electronic death in Ohio 2005's referenda defeats? - While debate still rages over Ohio's stolen presidential election of 2004, the impossible outcomes of key 2005 referendum issues may have put an electronic nail through American democracy.

Another Titanic Mistake - The Federal Emergency Management Agency has given the defense contracting agency Titan more than a half million dollars in brand-new contracts for Hurricane Katrina. Here are the top five reasons this was a very bad idea:

U.S. Military Eyes Paraguay - Rumors of an American base raise fears that the United States is there to stay.

Cloak, Dagger, Echelon - At its core, Echelon is a network of ground stations with dishes aimed at the dozen or so satellites that now shepherd much of the world's television, fax, Internet and voice data. High-capacity computers allow millions of signals per hour to be intercepted and scanned for keywords of interest to each country's intelligence community.

Feds' Net-wiretap order set to kick in - On Monday, the clock starts ticking for broadband and Net-phone providers to make it easier for law enforcement to conduct surveillance on users of their networks.

Bomb in ceiling caused Jordan hotel blast – source - The...brief report contradicts all the stories about "suicide bombers" but is substantiated by the photo...

The War At Home: New Orleans, Public Housing, and the "Chilean Option" - The brutal colonial war in Iraq is but the flip slide of the war at home against workers, immigrants, and other oppressed people.

Tamiflu linked to deaths of 2 teens - The drug in Japan carries a note listing impaired consciousness, abnormal behaviors, hallucination and other psychological and neurological symptoms as possible serious side effects.

Avoiding Everyday Toxins - They're everywhere -- in the food we eat, in the cosmetics we use, in the houses where we live. Is there an alternative?

November 13, 2005

60 Faculty Members from Two Utah Universities who Concur a Controlled Demolition Most Likely Brought Down the WTC - Professor Steven E. Jones is another in the long line of conservatives in the political and academic world joining the 9/11 truth movement and asking to open up further investigations on the true cause of 9/11.

Falluja, One Year Later - The city is now surrounded by a tight network of checkpoints controlled by U.S. forces and Shi'a members of the Iraqi Army. No one is allowed in without an identification card issued by the U.S. Marines, or other permission.

Protesters arrested at GOP fundraiser - The incident started when a Fort Worth woman, Beatriz Saldivar, objected to a pro-war speech at the fundraiser, at the Wyndham Arlington.

Denial of Water to Iraqi Cities - The denial of water to civilians is illegal both under Iraqi and international law.

U.N. Food Expert Condemns U.S. Tactics in Iraq - ...the U.S.-led Coalition forces and the Iraqi Army use the military strategy of cutting off food and water supplies to cities under attack by insurgents...

U.S. Fights to Remain the Ultimate Webmaster - International efforts to break down the digital barriers facing the world's poor will backfire if governments fail to work out their differences on the issue of internet governance...

Bush forces planning new Pearl Harbors, new 9/11s, in face of mounting worldwide outrage and opposition - As a potentially devastating winter approaches, promising more trouble for the Bush administration, the temptation for them to kill and blow things up becomes even greater.

The Senate agrees to Imprisonment without Charges - The Bush administration, under cover of the war on terror, is marching inexorably towards a totalitarian state.

Bush vs. Chavez - The Imperial President and the Bolivarian Democrat

Jordan: Model for a Balkanized Arab Middle East - According to Jordan’s King Abdullah II, "The crime that happened won’t push us to become a police state, but there will be a balance between freedom and security in a way that will comfort our people and guests." Guests, surely, since they often bring revenue, but not subjects of the monarchy.

Status and Syntax: Who Controls? Who's Controlled? - ...control of our own lives and destinies is what freedom is about, what democracy is about, and at a very fundamental level, what life itself is about. And participating in control of our common lives together is what democratic society and democratic government is about. Controlling others through force, fear, coercion, or deceit is what war and imperialism are about, what racism, homophobia, anti-abortionism, religious fanaticism, slavery and torture are about.

Fish Numbers Plummet in Warming Pacific - Disappearance of plankton causes unprecedented collapse in sea and bird life off western US coast.

Eat, Sleep, Work, Consume, Die - Just because technology makes it possible for us to work 10 times faster than we used to doesn't mean we should do it. The body may be able to withstand the strain -- for a while -- but the spirit isn't meant to flail away uselessly on the commercial gerbil wheel. The boys in corporate don't want you to hear this because the more they can suck out of you, the lower their costs and the higher their profit margin.

Vulnerable Venezuela - ...if Chavez continues to assert hegemony over its oil, continues to grow his influence amongst other Latin American leaders, and continues to be a thorn in the side of the Bush Administration, the U.S. could again turn its attention south.

1,100 Lawyers Leave Saddam Defense Team - Some 1,100 Iraqi lawyers have withdrawn from Saddam Hussein's defense team, citing insufficient protection following the slayings of two peers representing co-defendants of the ousted Iraqi leader.

Web sites conflict on death of Saddam aide - Conflicting claims emerged Saturday over the reported death of Saddam Hussein's chief lieutenant.

White Phosphorous, Daisy cutters, Depleted Uranium, Thermobaric bombs, Clusterbombs, Napalm...The US uses WMD against civilians. - The war on Iraq is an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe.

Prize-Winning Cuban Scientist Denied Visa - A Cuban scientist who helped develop a low-cost synthetic vaccine that prevents meningitis and pneumonia in small children says he was offended the U.S. government denied his request to travel to the United States to receive an award.

In Guantanamo; everything is permissible - "We will have the equivalent of 'letters de cachet'," said attorney Eugene Fidell, president of the National Institute of Military Justice, referring to the French kings’ power to send critics to the Bastille prison.

November 14, 2005

The world’s silence over Israel’s Abu Ghraibs - Since the Palestinian Intifada or Uprising broke out nearly five years ago, 35,000 Palestinians, including 3,000 children, have been detained by the Israelis, according to MIFTAH, a Palestinian peace and justice group.

Prepare for Peak Oil Now - ...the peaking and decline of world oil production are inevitable events -- and on that there is scarcely any debate; only the timing is uncertain. Forecast dates for the peak range from this year to 2035.


Corporate Media and Amman Bombings: Nothing Here, Move On - Once again, the corporate media fails to mention the obvious, taking us for fools and chumps...

CIA allegedly hid evidence of detainee torture - report - Blood was mopped up with a chlorine solution before the interrogation scene could be examined by an investigator...adding that after Jamadi's death, a bloodstained hood that had covered his head had disappeared.

More Miraculous or Perhaps Planted 9/11 Evidence Uncovered: A Wells Fargo Card From a Flight 11 Passenger Turns Up in Perfect Condition One Year After the Fact - The ATM card of Waleed Iskandar was returned to his parents, allegedly found by the Ground Zero Recovery Team on Sept. 11, 2002. Questions remain as to why it turned up a year later and how could such a flimsy card survive such a towering inferno?

France: state of emergency escalates attacks on the rights of youth and workers - The imposition of a state of emergency by the French government of President Jacques Chirac and Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin gives the minister of the interior Nicolas Sarkozy the right to impose police-state conditions wherever he sees fit.

The Staggeringly Impossible Results of Ohio's '05 Election - With so much going on, few have noticed the extraordinary outcome of last Tuesday's election in Ohio where the crooked state that brung you -- by hook and by crook -- a second term for George W. Bush may have turned in results so staggeringly impossible, that perhaps even the Mainstream Corporate Media (if only in Ohio?!) will have no choice but to look into it.

Secretive firm helps U.S. wage information war abroad - The Rendon Group is perhaps best known for its part in the controversy that surrounded the Pentagon's short-lived Office of Strategic Influence nearly four years ago. A February 2002 New York Times article disclosed the office's existence and reported that the company was part of the effort, which possibly included attempts to plant false new stories abroad.

Redistributing the Land, Hugo Chavez Style - Under a land redistribution campaign led by President Hugo Chavez, thousands of rural poor like Antiaga are being granted rights to farm arable land traditionally concentrated in the hands of wealthy landowners.

Civil liberties in danger, says ex-intel official - Daniel Ellsberg, the former U.S. intelligence official responsible for leaking the so-called Pentagon Papers to The New York Times and 18 other newspapers, told an audience of about 400 that the Bush administration most likely would respond to any terror attack on U.S. soil by severely restricting freedom of the press and the individual's right to speak out.

The Corporate Media's threat to Freedom - There's no similarity between the corporate media and a "free press".

Iraqi Patsy Confesses on TV - In a concerted effort to put forward the fanciful suicide bomber story, the Jordanians paraded an Iraqi woman on television.

Agents provocateurs behind French riots? - ...the global neo-con media could hardly contain their glee over the violence in France

Chavez and Fox recall ambassadors - Mexico and Venezuela have recalled their ambassadors amid a diplomatic spat between the two countries

Deforestation rate remains alarming - The world's forests are still being destroyed at an alarming rate despite a slowing down in the net rate of forest loss because of new planting and natural growth, a UN agency says.


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