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Archive for the Month of November, 2005.
Viewing Police State / Military NEWS articles 1 through 52 of 52.

November 1, 2005

Spy agency faked key Vietnam War data - One of America's spy agencies faked key intelligence used to justify its intervention in the Vietnam War, it was disclosed yesterday.

US machine guns in Iraq used so much that supplies run low - U.S. troops in Iraq are firing .50-caliber machine guns at such a high rate, the Army is scrambling to resupply them with ammunition ...

November 2, 2005

Danger of US sponsored Nuclear War - More than 470 physicists, including seven Nobel laureates, have signed a petition to oppose a new U.S. Defense Department proposal that allows the United States to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear states.

Hiding the Gulf of Tonkin Lie - Lies are employed invariably to sell wars.

November 3, 2005

SpyChips: How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track Your Every Move with RFID - Tracking Everything Everywhere—The RFID Threat

Anti-Bush Protests Mark Reelection - To mark the one-year anniversary of President Bush's reelection Wednesday, a group called The World Can't Wait staged rallies at sites across the United States, calling for radical change in Washington.

November 4, 2005

Drifting towards a Police State - Americans still seem blissfully unaware of the fundamental changes to the political system. The cloak of disinformation and diversion has successfully obscured the perils of our present course. Freedom is no longer guaranteed in Bush’s America nor is liberty everyman’s birthright. The rickety scaffolding that supports the rule of law has been replaced by the unbridled authority of the supreme presidency. The country is slipping inexorably towards the Orwellian nightmare; the National Security State.

November 5, 2005

Dick Cheney’s Song of America: The Plan is for the United States to rule the world. - The Plan is for the United States to rule the world. The overt theme is unilateralism, but it is ultimately a story of domination. It calls for the United States to maintain its overwhelming military superiority and prevent new rivals from rising up to challenge it on the world stage. It calls for dominion over friends and enemies alike. It says not that the United States must be more powerful, or most powerful, but that it must be absolutely powerful.

November 6, 2005

The FBI's Secret Scrutiny: In Hunt for Terrorists, Bureau Examines Records of Ordinary Americans - The FBI now issues more than 30,000 national security letters a year, according to government sources, a hundredfold increase over historic norms. The letters -- one of which can be used to sweep up the records of many people -- are extending the bureau's reach as never before into the telephone calls, correspondence and financial lives of ordinary Americans.

November 9, 2005

Killing Two Birds With One Tamiflu Stone - Avian Flu: Precedent for Martial Law and Globalist money spinner rolled into one.

Surrender Your DNA to the State - ...in the not too distant future (after taking our DNA samples in lieu of fingerprints at the local grocery store check-out lane), cops may be armed with VeriChip injectors along with their 9mms, Tasers, and Mace and will microchip "any person who has been detained … even if the person is not arrested or convicted."

White House keeps dossiers on more than 10,000 "political enemies" - The computerized files include intimate personal details on members of Congress; high-ranking local, state and federal officials; prominent media figures and ordinary citizens who may, at one time or another, have spoken out against the President or Administration.

Searches without warrants - The American people should be plenty worried when a federal agency has the power to secretly creep about in the electronic lives of ordinary citizens without warrants or even reasonable suspicion they broke a law. It’s because of the anti-liberty USA Patriot Act, and even people who have nothing to hide should fear the Patriot Act’s tentacles.

Martial Law in a Nutshell - 15 Questions

Army reaches low to fill ranks - Twelve percent of recruits in October had lowest acceptable scores

November 11, 2005

Memo: False Flag Terror Will Save Bush - Now this is dangerous, considering what we know about neocon efforts to foment terrorism: "A confidential memo circulating among senior Republican leaders suggests that a new attack by terrorists on U.S. soil could reverse the sagging fortunes of President George W. Bush as well as the GOP and 'restore his image as a leader of the American people..."

November 12, 2005

Cloak, Dagger, Echelon - At its core, Echelon is a network of ground stations with dishes aimed at the dozen or so satellites that now shepherd much of the world's television, fax, Internet and voice data. High-capacity computers allow millions of signals per hour to be intercepted and scanned for keywords of interest to each country's intelligence community.

November 13, 2005

Status and Syntax: Who Controls? Who's Controlled? - ...control of our own lives and destinies is what freedom is about, what democracy is about, and at a very fundamental level, what life itself is about. And participating in control of our common lives together is what democratic society and democratic government is about. Controlling others through force, fear, coercion, or deceit is what war and imperialism are about, what racism, homophobia, anti-abortionism, religious fanaticism, slavery and torture are about.

November 14, 2005

Civil liberties in danger, says ex-intel official - Daniel Ellsberg, the former U.S. intelligence official responsible for leaking the so-called Pentagon Papers to The New York Times and 18 other newspapers, told an audience of about 400 that the Bush administration most likely would respond to any terror attack on U.S. soil by severely restricting freedom of the press and the individual's right to speak out.

November 15, 2005

DRONES "TO FLY OVER CITIES" - HONEYWELL is developing a micro flying spy drone -- that would be used for civilian law enforcement!

Profiling: How the FBI Tracks Eco-Terror Suspects - The FBI collected detailed data on political activities and Web postings of suspected members of a tiny environmentalist commune in southern California two years ago as part of a high-profile counterterrorism probe...

Depleted uranium: Dirty bombs, dirty missiles, dirty bullets - A death sentence here and abroad

Chips spark ethics concerns - Medical ethics experts are questioning a proposal to implant medical identification microchips in the arms of developmentally disabled clients at Orange Grove Center.

November 16, 2005

Evidence Mounts That Bush Wants New Wars - Do the People of the United States Care Enough to Stop Him?

ALERT: USA PATRIOT reauthorization may include DNA database, habeas suspension - ...closed-door negotiations on the reauthorization of the USA PATRIOT Act have suddenly turned into an orgy of police-state expansion.

America, in all of its complexity: The naive - Listen to the president's soothing words, and ignore those who disturb your rest.

November 17, 2005

A New Federal War on Dissent? - Since the FBI admits surveilling anti-war groups and urging local police to send in information on protesters, how far might the feds already be going? Is the FBI following the standard that former Attorney General John Ashcroft publicly proclaimed in December 2001 — presuming that those who invoke "phantoms of lost liberty" are giving "ammunition to America’s enemies"? Unfortunately, because of the Bush administration’s secrecy policy, Americans cannot know how far the feds have already gone to suppress dissent.

Marines Quiet About Brutal New Weapon - War is hell. But it’s worse when the Marines bring out their new urban combat weapon, the SMAW-NE. Which may be why they’re not talking about it, much.

November 18, 2005

Anti-war sentiment adds fuel to protest - What started 15 years ago as a protest to close the School of the Americas, which trained military personnel from Central and Latin America, is also becoming an anti-war movement.

November 19, 2005

FDA approves injecting ID chips in patients - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the practice of injecting humans with tracking devices for medical purposes, according to a Florida company that makes the devices.

November 20, 2005

There is a Name for this Government-Corporation we call "The US Administration" - There is a name for this kind of government-corporation and the society it creates and it is Fascism, pure and simple. There just isn’t any other way to describe people like Rumsfeld or Cheney.

November 21, 2005

Orderly protest - ...they were still there, more than 15,000 SOA Watch protesters gathered outside the main gate of Fort Benning. For the 16th consecutive year, the protesters demanded the closing of the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, formerly known as the School of the Americas.

Feds ramp up spying on journalists, other Americans - Increased surveillance of journalists is only part of a stepped-up federal efforts to monitor day-to-day activities of Americans.

November 22, 2005

ACLU sues volunteers for event with Bush - The American Civil Liberties Union on Monday sued volunteers for an event with President Bush, saying they violated the civil rights of two people who were tossed out because of their political views.

November 23, 2005

Bush critics get goon treatment - Is the Internal Revenue Service starting to police free speech in America? Has it, in this administration of cronies and corruption, become an arm of the White House, using tax law to squelch those who would question the president?

November 24, 2005

Hospital to test ID chip in patients - A controversial device that can store security information and is the size of a grain of rice will make its way into the right arms of some 50 volunteering Arrowhead Regional Medical Center patients.

November 25, 2005

Congressman Ron Paul Reiterates Danger Of Foreign Troops Being Used For Martial Law - Speaks out on phony UN-US dog and pony show, EPA testing pesticides on children

How US Anthropoligists Planned "Race-Specific" Weapons Against the Japanese - The OSS instructed the anthropologists and other advisors to try to conceive ways that any detectable differences could be used in the development of weapons, but they were cautioned to consider this issue "in a-moral and non-ethical terms," with an understanding that, "if any of the suggestions contained herein are considered for action, all moral and ethical implications will be carefully studied." Prefiguring the findings of Stanley Milgram's later "shocking" obedience experiments, most consulted anthropologists abandoned their moral authority and complied with the OSS' request.

Fascism Anyone? - ...fascism’s principles are wafting in the air today, surreptitiously masquerading as something else, challenging everything we stand for. The cliché that people and nations learn from history is not only overused, but also overestimated; often we fail to learn from history, or draw the wrong conclusions. Sadly, historical amnesia is the norm.

"Wanted" Billboards Cropping Up Across U.S. - How long before these billboards bear the faces of 'political dissidents' and other enemies of the state?

November 26, 2005

When US bars its door to foreign scholars - Concern is mounting that the US government is using antiterror laws - namely, the Patriot Act - to revive a now-discredited practice common during the cold war: the prevention of foreign intellectuals who are critical of administration policies from entering the country and sharing their views with Americans.

November 27, 2005

Pentagon Expanding Its Domestic Surveillance Activity - "We are deputizing the military to spy on law-abiding Americans in America..."

CIFA: Pentagon’s COINTELPRO - Our new COINTELPRO, run by military intelligence and probably the CIA, will make the old COINTELPRO pale in comparison.

Body Politics: Evolving Police State in America - Four years ago, President George W. Bush quietly assumed dictatorial powers with a secret executive order granting himself the right to imprison anyone on earth indefinitely, without charges or trial or indictment or evidence, simply by declaring them an "enemy combatant," on his say-so alone. This week, the assemblage of bootlickers and bagmen that befoul the U.S. Senate voted to codify the core of this global autocracy under the pretense of curtailing it.

November 28, 2005

The Recruiters' War - Pressured to fill quotas, army and Marine recruiters have been enlisting kids who don't meet basic physical, moral, and educational standards. Ten recruiters reveal just how corrupted—and in one case deadly—their job has become...

United States v. Deborah Davis: Next Stop: Big Brother - Commuting By Bus In Denver? Papers, Please.

Environmental Warfare and Climate Change - The World's climate can be modified by a new generation of sophisticated electromagnetic weapons.

Frontline: Private Warriors - What do private military contractors do?

November 29, 2005

Fascism then. Fascism now? - When people think of fascism, they imagine Rows of goose-stepping storm troopers and puffy-chested dictators. What they don't see is the economic and political process that leads to the nightmare.

American Police State: The Frog Has Cooked - Miami cops to stage sieges, randomly check ID's, ride buses and trains

An Army of None - If counter-recruiters succeed and enlistees flee, a draft could be next.

November 30, 2005

Incident at Oglala, 30 Years Later: The Long Struggle of Leonard Peltier - The FBI led the attack on AIM as part of its Counter Intelligence Program (COINTEPRO), begun in the mid-1960s under its director J. Edgar Hoover, and used with terrifying effectiveness against the Black Panther Party. COINTELPRO employed many dirty tricks against its targets including wiretapping, assassination, and the use of agents provocateurs-all in coordination with state and local police forces.


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