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In the wake of political damage caused by looming scandals, plummeting popularity,
continuing failure in Iraq, a still-unaddressed energy collapse and approaching
shock (exacerbated and hastened by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita), and a major Republican
election defeat, the desperate and hemorrhaging Bush administration and its network
are resorting to murder, death, chaos and fear to restore their grip on power.
The US-orchestrated 9/11 provided the “new Pearl Harbor” needed
to shock a nation into submission, and into supporting (to use the infamous
words of Zbigniew Brzezinski) “imperial mobilization” -- an endless
“war on terrorism,” a sequential region-by-region conquest for oil,
and a police state within the US.
Now a November 10 report published by Capitol
Hill Blue reveals that Bush/GOP operatives are contemplating how another
“devastating attack” on US soil could do the trick for Bush again.
Fabricated terrorism is an ancient and classic method of social control. Post-9/11,
every nation and community had had its own 9/11-type terror event at the precise
moment a country’s ruling elite needed one to justify draconian measures
to paralyze communities (and minds). From Spain (Madrid bombings) and Indonesia
(Bali bombings), to London (the 7/7 bombings) and Lebanon (the Rafik
Harriri assassination, blamed on Syria). Acts of pure terror carried out
and facilitated by Anglo-American forces, as well as “real” terrorism
by insurgencies and resistance (in response to criminal Anglo-American actions)
continue to fuel a never-ending world war.
In the past week, Jordan got its own Pearl Harbor, its own 9/11. The same questionable
circumstances, anomalies,
and spin. The same Al-Qaeda/Zarqawi
attributions. The same Pavlovian reactions and backlash (“denunciations
of ‘terrorists’”), followed by the same justifications for
more militarization and aggression.
That the mass murder of its own citizens, and its political rewards, are the
subject of chat among US “lawmakers” merely confirms the deep criminality
that is routine and systemic throughout Washington. It also adds to the evidence
proving that Bush-Cheney neocons are not only fully complicit in the murders
of 9/11, but maintain an ongoing interest in more Pearl Harbors and Operation
Northwoods-style events, and new lies, when it serves them.
As a potentially devastating winter approaches, promising more trouble for
the Bush administration, the temptation for them to kill and blow things up
becomes even greater.
Read From Looking Glass News:
GOP memo touts new terror attack as way to reverse party's decline