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Archive for the Month of July, 2005.
Viewing Media NEWS articles 1 through 34 of 34.

July 1, 2005

U.S. Won't Cede Control of Net Computers - The U.S. government will indefinitely retain oversight of the main computers that control traffic on the Internet, ignoring calls by some countries to turn the function over to an international body, a senior official said Thursday.

July 2, 2005

Media Censorship - Hard enough to combat censorship in the corporate pres, but in some ways the "independent press" is just as bad. Indymedia, has been a gatekeeper of certain issues, depending on locality...

July 3, 2005

'Down and Dirty' News And Dark Side Of Bush Family Taboo In Washington Press - Neo Con Thugs Intimidate Publisher To Pull Plug On Book Exposing Corruption And Treason Within The Administration

July 4, 2005

Pliant American press behaving like Pravda in coverage of the U.S. president - If clear evidence emerged showing George W. Bush had written in his diary that he had lied to the American people to justify his invasion of Iraq, would the U.S. media even consider that a story?

CNN’s Hard News - Serving 0.0001% of America - If you want news…turn off your TV and look elsewhere. You want to live in a dream world where the most important thing you need to know is that some family way on the other side of our nation is suffering from a personal loss…CNN & FOX News are for you!

Too Much TV May Hurt Kids' Learning - Too much TV-watching can harm children's ability to learn and even reduce their chances of getting a college degree, three new studies suggest in the latest effort to examine the effects of television on kids.

Another liberal column. Right? - The mainstream media in this country are dominated by liberals. I was informed of this fact by Rush Limbaugh. And Thomas Sowell. And Ann Coulter. And Rich Lowry. And Bill O'Reilly. And William Safire. And Robert Novak. And William F. Buckley, Jr. And George Will.

July 5, 2005

Bush team uses 'skin game' to attack porn - John Ashcroft may have departed from the Department of Justice, but under the direction of his successor, Alberto Gonzales, his morality crusade continues

July 6, 2005

Fox Assures Us Bush Supreme Court Pick Will Be Honest - It says FOX FACTS! That means it must be a fact right?

July 10, 2005

CNN video censored at Guantanamo prison - Taking up U.S. President George Bush's challenge for reporters to visit the Guantanamo Bay military prison in Cuba, CNN did, but its video was censored.

The Trouble with Normal - So DailyKos has conducted a "mass banning" of those who had been "perpetuating a series of bizarre, off-the-wall, unsupported and frankly embarassing conspiracy theories." I hope no one is terribly surprised by this development.

American Author In London Talks About Subway Bombings And Anti-Bush Book Written in Arabic - “My book delves into some pretty controversial topics, like the present administration’s connections and involvement with pedophilia in America. I also devote a chapter to the Bush connection to the Nazi Party as far back as his grandfather, Prescott, as well as the Bush connection to operation Northwoods in the 1960s, which was a precursor for the tragic events of 9/11."

July 11, 2005

'Plain Dealer' Holding Stories Because of Fear of Jail - Plain Dealer Editor Doug Clifton says the Cleveland daily is not reporting two major investigative stories of "profound importance" because they are based on illegally leaked documents -- and the paper fears the consequences faced now by jailed New York Times reporter Judith Miller.

July 12, 2005

Freedom of Repression - New ruling will allow censorship of campus publications

July 13, 2005

Propagangsters - If Martha Stewart can be sent to jail for lying to a government employee while not even under oath to save $ 30,000 of her own money, why can't elements of the rich, corporate media be fined and sent to jail for lying to the whole damn country and enabling the continued maiming, dismemberment and killing of our soldiers? And who will speak for the 100,000 plus innocent Iraqis they also helped murder? Their only crime was defending their families and property, which is their moral right as protected under the Geneva Conventions both Bush and Blair choose to ignore!

July 14, 2005

Sneaky Subliminal Advertising—Why it Works - Thirsty people can be made to drink more than they normally would by being exposed to subliminal facial expressions, which are not seen consciously.

Google's Bias for Bigness - Could the popular search engine's quest for news quality leave alternative sources in the dust?

July 15, 2005

COMCAST KILLS EMAIL FROM 'AFTERDOWNINGSTREET' COALITION! - Advocacy Group, Internet Host Charge 'Political Motivation' Behind Filtering of Email by Country's Largest Net Services Provider!

July 18, 2005

Vivanco Attacks Telesur: "The Airwaves Are Falling!" - Nobody yet knows whether Telesur will truly open the doors of the media to the people. Or even what its programming will be like. But with the Chicken Littles of simulated democracy like Vivanco and Ravell running around cackling "the airwaves are falling! The airwaves are falling...," Telesur is already comforting the afflicted by afflicting the comfortable.

FBI Monitored Web Sites for 2004 Protests - FBI agents monitored Web sites calling for protests against the 2004 political conventions in New York and Boston on behalf of the bureau's counterterrorism unit, according to FBI documents released under the Freedom of Information Act.

July 19, 2005

Google's Growth Prompts Privacy Concerns - Google is at once a powerful search engine and a growing e-mail provider. It runs a blogging service, makes software to speed Web traffic and has ambitions to become a digital library. And it is developing a payments service. "This is a lot of personal information in a single basket," said Chris Hoofnagle, senior counsel with the Electronic Privacy Information Center. "Google is becoming one of the largest privacy risks on the Internet."

What Does "Fair and Balanced" Journalism Mean? - "Q: What do you get when you balance the truth with a lie? A: You get a partial truth or a partial lie. Is that what good journalism is about?"

July 20, 2005

Democrats Move to Reregulate Media - The measure would restore the Fairness doctrine, reinstate a national cap on radio ownership and lower the number of radio stations a company can own in a local market.

July 21, 2005

UN at odds over internet's future - A UN group charged with deciding how the net should be run has failed to reach a decision.

July 22, 2005

Separating Press and State - It is journalists who create the unsubstantiated allegations that becomes secret evidence in articles, op-eds, editorials, and even in academic journals about Palestinian or other Muslim political activists, leading to detainment without charges that have lasted for years. It is journalists, who use rumor and innuendo to suggest that such activists, and their political positions, present a national security threat, when the threat they pose is actually to undemocratic Muslim governments and Israel. Ironically such journalists can not be held legally accountable for falsifying evidence, or for violating or depriving US citizens of rights in such cases, since as members of the press, their First Amendment rights are more sacrosanct than the Constitutional rights of US citizens, and our Bill of Rights.

July 24, 2005

Agents raid, shut down unlicensed Free Radio - Federal agents armed with a search warrant shut down Free Radio 96.9 FM, the self-proclaimed oldest-running and most notorious unlicensed radio broadcaster in San Diego, in a midmorning raid yesterday.

July 26, 2005

'Chavez TV' beams into South America - A swastika painted on a US flag flashes across the screen. Out of sight a voice proclaims: "Let's recover our memory and history from the claws of the Empire ..." The voice is replaced by anti-imperialist chants and metallic sounds, then the screen goes dark. Welcome to Telesur, Latin America's answer to CNN and the BBC World Service.

Clear Channel claims to be part of the government - Texas-based Clear Channel Communications is in the news again for yet one more shocking abuse of its corporate power. It is now claiming, against all sense and reason, that one of its concert stadiums qualifies it as part of the Florida government which performs an "essential governmental purpose" and that it should therefore be above the law.

British Government Embraces Cyberwarfare - More likely, as Parliament will now pass whatever police state measure that comes down the pike in the wake of the London bombings (one of the primary reasons the attacks occurred), we can expect mysterious denial of service attacks on sites critical of the British government.

July 28, 2005

Telesur keen on Aljazeera link up - The new Venezuela-backed Latin American TV station Telesur is considering a possible alliance with Aljazeera.

Bill Gates will be frisking you with a simple point and click - In a determined strike to quell the proliferation of counterfeit software, beginning today, Microsoft will require that all customers coming to its website for upgrades and other downloads submit their computers to an electronic frisking.

July 30, 2005

TV Anchors; field-marshals in the Information-war - Is there a difference between Bin Laden and Brit Hume; between Tim Russert and Al Zarqawi? Not a speck; they are cut from the same cloth and engaged in the same vicious blood-sport. At least al-Zarqawi can say he?s fighting to liberate his country from foreign occupation. What does Tim Russert fight for? The unchecked power of the corporate media?

It's Telesur vs. Telebush, As Electronic Warfare Looms Over the Americas - A new Latin American Television station spearheaded by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is designed to counter the influence of the North American media so that, 'the light of truth might slip through and break the grip of corporate television.' The Bush Administration and U.S. Congress are not amused.

FBI holds eight on piracy charge - The US authorities have charged eight people in connection with the illegal trading of copyrighted films, music, games and software over the net.


Pages for July, 2005

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