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Archive for the Month of July, 2005.
Viewing Corporatism NEWS articles 1 through 25 of 25.

July 1, 2005

The Vice Lords of the Replacement Economies - How the Drug War and the Prison-Industrial Complex connect in a vicious cycle of violence, vice, and profit

July 2, 2005

Is That a Pool Cue in Corporate America's Pocket, or Are They Just Excited About the Supreme Court? - None of this should be a shock - as I have written before, the media regularly misses the real story about how Big Money runs the show in Washington, D.C. Reporters seem to prefer the fake storyline of "conservative" vs. "liberal" as opposed to the real storyline of "Big Money" vs. "Ordinary Americans."

July 3, 2005

Live8 is an NWO Psyop - so is AIDS - Live8. There hasn't been anything like it since... well since the last Pharma-inspired major world PsyOp: the so-called SARS epidemic which 'raged' at exactly the time the U.S. wanted to turn eyes away from Iraq -and yet maintain the elevated sense of threat which the Iraq invasion had created.

July 4, 2005

Live 8 Concerts Beat The Drum For What? - Of course, poverty, contaminated water supplies, hunger, stolen agricultural lands---none of this will be eliminated.

July 10, 2005

Wal-Mart hires Justice Scalia's son for whistle-blower suits - Wal-Mart Stores Inc., trying to fend off lawsuits claiming it illegally fired corporate whistle-blowers, has hired the former chief lawyer for the Department of Labor, Eugene Scalia, and has begun to fire back at its accusers

July 11, 2005

Drug Lobby Second to None: How the pharmaceutical industry gets its way in Washington - The pharmaceutical and health products industry has spent more than $800 million in federal lobbying and campaign donations at the federal and state levels in the past seven years, a Center for Public Integrity investigation has found. Its lobbying operation, on which it reports spending more than $675 million, is the biggest in the nation. No other industry has spent more money to sway public policy in that period.

A Government on the Take - Special-interest groups have found ways to buy government favors at all levels, and our elected representatives no longer even pretend that ethics matter.

July 12, 2005

Environmentalists plan Exxon Mobil boycott - A coalition of environmental and liberal lobbying groups is planning to boycott Exxon Mobil products to protest the company's challenges to warnings about global warming and its support for oil and gas exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

July 13, 2005

Oil industry providing workers for BLM office - "It's akin to the foxes guarding the henhouse. These are public lands and there clearly is a quid pro quo expected here, that there is going to be faster permitting, faster approval rates, and instead they really should be taking their time to make sure they're doing it right."

Coca-Cola Threatens Top Indian Photographer with Lawsuit - The billboard features the ubiquitous red Coca-Cola wall painting, commonly found across India. Directly preceding the Coca-Cola ad, and part of the billboard, is a dry water hand-pump, with empty vessels waiting to be filled up with water - a common scene in India, particularly in Chennai.

July 14, 2005

NIH Finds Ethics Violations in 44 Cases - Forty-four government scientists who also worked as consultants for drug companies violated agency regulations designed to prevent conflicts of interest, a review by the National Institutes of Health shows.

July 16, 2005

FOIA documents expose FBI-insurance industry links - The FOIA records show that the insurance-fraud case brought against the Lampazianies was started not by the FBI, but rather by a private company, an insurance-industry-funded group called the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB).

July 19, 2005

Energy Bill’s Secret Could Create More Enrons - Among other things, holding companies would be free to raid the assets of utilities to feed speculative investments in completely unrelated businesses - just the kind of behavior that Enron engaged in with such disastrous results.

July 20, 2005

Campaigning for Oil - A 527 helps Alaska's push to open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

July 21, 2005

Another $27.5 Million Fraud by Halliburton-KBR - America remains One Nation Under Fraud

Wal-Mart Again Seeks Entry Into Banking - Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is again trying to get into the banking business, after being stymied in two previous attempts since 1999.

July 24, 2005

Workers Rights Group Says NFL, NBA Jerseys Are Manufactured in Sweatshop - NBA and NFL jerseys are being manufactured in a Honduran factory where workers who earn 19 cents per garment in sweatshop conditions are producing $75 jerseys, a human rights organization asserted yesterday.

July 26, 2005

Arkansas' Real Welfare Queen - In Georgia, there are already 93 Wal-Mart Supercenters and 19 regular-sized Wal-Marts. So why do the boys in Bentonville keep planning to open more?

July 27, 2005

Oil industry awash in record levels of cash - When major oil companies report their quarterly profits next week, they're once again expected to post record numbers. With crude trading around $60 a barrel, the oil industry is enjoying one of the biggest windfalls in its history. But as the industry looks for places to put that cash, it's finding it harder and harder to put funds to work finding new deposits of oil and natural gas.

Halliburton announces 284 percent increase in war profits - Halliburton announced on Friday that its KBR division, responsible for carrying out Pentagon contracts, experienced a 284 percent increase in operating profits during the second quarter of this year.

July 28, 2005

E.P.A. Holds Back Report on Car Fuel Efficiency - "Something's fishy when the Bush administration delays a report showing no improvement in fuel economy until after passage of their energy bill, which fails to improve fuel economy. It's disturbing that despite high gas prices, an oil war and growing concern about global warming pollution, most automakers are failing to improve fuel economy."

July 30, 2005

US oil firm returns to Libya - Occidental Petroleum Corp says it has become the first US oil company to resume production in Libya since the US imposed economic sanctions nearly two decades ago over the country's alleged support to terrorism.

Energy bill lacks declaration of independence on foreign oil - The U.S. petroleum industry, already enjoying record profits from skyrocketing oil and natural-gas prices, lobbied aggressively for the legislation and received billions in tax breaks partly designed to encourage new drilling.

Senate Approves Bill Protecting Gun Businesses - Long sought by the gun lobby, the Senate measure - approved 65 to 31 - would prohibit lawsuits against gun makers and distributors for misuse of their products during the commission of a crime.

Private Prisons Experience Business Surge - Since 2000, the number of federal inmates in private facilities — prisons and halfway houses — has increased by two-thirds to more than 24,000. Thousands more detainees not convicted of crimes are confined in for-profit facilities, which now hold roughly 14 percent of all federal prisoners, compared to less than 6 percent of state inmates.


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