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Archive for the Month of July, 2005.
Viewing Government / The Elite NEWS articles 1 through 39 of 39.

July 1, 2005

Republican Hypocrisy Revealed - STOP REPUBLICAN PEDOPHILIA

July 2, 2005

Big contributors to GOP reap big post-election rewards - From rewrites of the laws governing bankruptcy and class-action lawsuits to relief for oil, timber and tobacco interests, GOP supporters who gave millions of dollars last year are reaping decisions worth billions from a Congress with more Republicans.

Maniacs on Pedestals - Ever since the Constitution was ratified, what is now the national government of the United States has been brutally killing people. It began with George Washington's invasion of Pennsylvania to put down the Whiskey Rebellion in 1794, and has scarcely stopped for a day.

The Lobbyists' Scandal: The Secret World of Washington - Unsurprisingly, ever increasing numbers of them are former legislators. The revolving door is nothing new, but today it spins faster than ever. Congressmen and their aides become lobbyists, cashing in their contacts for seven-figure salaries

Rove Blew CIA Agent's Cover - Since I revealed the big scoop, I have had it reconfirmed by yet another highly authoritative source. Too many people know this. It should break wide open this week. I know Newsweek is working on an 'It's Rove!' story and will probably break it tomorrow.

July 3, 2005

PRESIDENTIAL MANIC BEHAVIOR - When President Bush pranced before a crowd of captive soldiers last Tuesday at Fort Bragg he swaggered, smirked, gesticulated, glad-handed, grinned, and in many respects acted as though he had swallowed a handful of uppers before coming on-stage.

Watergate Again? Another break-in, more computers stolen at Democratic Headquarters in Ohio - Thieves targeted the Ohio Democratic Party Headquarters this week, stealing a computer and a high-tech communications gadget belonging to party chairman Denny White.

July 4, 2005

Increase in the Number of Documents Classified by the Government - A record 15.6 million documents were classified last year, nearly double the number in 2001, according to the federal Information Security Oversight Office. Meanwhile, the declassification process, which made millions of historical documents available annually in the 1990's, has slowed to a relative crawl, from a high of 204 million pages in 1997 to just 28 million pages last year

July 8, 2005

Donation Brought Access to DeLay - A company indicted in a Texas campaign fundraising case says it was told that by giving a Tom DeLay political committee $25,000, company officials would get access to the U.S. House majority leader to influence legislation.

July 9, 2005

Deep Throat and COINTELPRO - COINTELPRO was vastly more significant than Watergate, which was a tea party in comparison.

July 10, 2005

Confessed Iran-Contra Figure Lands Sensitive Pentagon Post - Robert Earl, who helped in the failed coverup of the '80s scandal, is now chief of staff to Gordon England, acting deputy secretary of Defense.

THE LYNCHPIN TO BUSH'S IMPEACHMENT - All of this adds up to a pretty long rap sheet of impeachable offenses, and we haven't even begun to itemize all of the related RICO predicate acts ...

July 11, 2005

Rove's Leak Points to Bush Conspiracy - The larger point is that senior White House officials, possibly including Bush, revealed the identity of a covert CIA officer as part of what appears to be a conspiracy to discredit Wilson in retaliation for telling the truth in his op-ed column.

Torture, Racism, & The Sovereign Presidency - President George W. Bush has embedded murder, assassination, torture, and mistreatment of prisoners into the structure of the U.S. system of global domination. Many U.S. citizens, rightly outraged, want to know why this sort of barbaric, sadistic violence has become an integral part of U.S. security policy, and what the Administration’s justification of torture means institutionally for the future governance of this country. Above all, they want to know how Bush has been able to avoid impeachment for committing high crimes.

July 12, 2005

ROVEGATE - Is Cheney a target? Some insiders say yes.

Karl Rove, Fairy Queen of the GOP (Gay Old Party) - Bush Family retainer and Republican dirty trickster Karl Rove, under grand jury investigation for leaking the fact that Ambassador Joseph Wilson's wife Valerie Plame is a covert CIA operative, may face a stiff prison term, since "outing" an agent like Plame is a federal crime

July 14, 2005

Gannon won't give clear answer on whether he's seen classified memo on Wilson-Plame case - Gannon originally referenced the memo in an interview with Wilson, which Talon News posted on its website on October 28, 2003.

July 17, 2005

Spy v. Spy: Bob Novak, the CIA's MOCKINGBIRD program & the Plame/Wilson Scandal - Spooks war against each other regularly. Usually, it doesn't hit the front pages of the major-metro dailies. And such is how we know that something has gone terribly awry in Washington and at Langley.

July 18, 2005

Bush Cheney, Rove Retain Lawyers in Plame Scandal - Speculation in the Beltway continues regarding whether President Bush and Vice President Cheney knew about and/ or authorized the leak to Novak as a way to retaliate against Wilson.

July 20, 2005

GOP SLEAZE ALERT - President Bush has nominated William Robert Timken, Jr. to be the next U.S. ambassador to Germany. Timken, the head of Canton, Ohio-based Timken Co. and one of the Bush campaign's deep pocketed "Pioneer" half million dollar contributors, also served on the board of directors of Ohio-based Diebold, Inc., the company accused of helping to fix the 2004 presidential elections through the use of faulty and paperless computerized voting machines.

Business as Usual with Judge Roberts: Straight Corporate with Pepto-Bismol Chaser - The prime lobby that should feel gratified by his nomination is of course Big Business, the protection of whose interests has been Roberts chief concern throughout his career, and the protection of whose interests has always been the prime concern of the US Supreme Court.

Supreme Court nominee Roberts' lawyer wife facilitates global satellite system projects and her firm is targeting Iraq reconstruction - Yet another first for our boundary-breaching White House: for the first time in American history, we're going to have a justice on the high court whose spouse facilitates financing and putting together global satellite systems. Also, the firm in which she is a partner, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, emphasizes among other things its expertise in facilitating business in Iraq

July 21, 2005

"The Neocons Have Played U.S. for a Chump!" - It’s bad enough that the slippery Neocons got the U.S. involved in the Iraqi War, now those scoundrels want us to attack Iran! Just the other day, the unindicted war criminal, Henry Kissinger, suggested that we take Iran down, if certain conditions were fulfilled.

July 22, 2005

The Word on "Turd Blossom" - The Redolent Gaseous Effluvia of the "Boy Genius" - Those who lack honest and intelligent comprehension typically make their sales through glad-handing, with one hand over your shoulder and the other hand down in your pants, Bush's signature approach. Adding insult to injury, Bush tops that off by being jokingly self-deprecating. He doesn't mean it at all, of course. After all, he is the "war president." But, as a result, when being upstaged or criticized, Bush has no problems with deprecating others. It runs in the family.

John G. Roberts: Gitmo-police-state freak and Cheney cabalist - John G. Roberts, the new Supreme Court nominee is sure to keep the skids greased in the continuing story of this nation's decline.

Confirmation Path May Run Through Florida - Roberts' low-profile role as an advisor to Republicans during the 2000 presidential recount fight is likely to be closely scrutinized.

Master Plan - The United States long ago ceased to be anything like a living, thriving republic. But it retained the legal form of a republic, and that counted for something: As long as the legal form still existed, even as a gutted shell, there was hope it might be filled again one day with substance. But now the very legal structures of the Republic are being dismantled.

July 23, 2005

CIA Whores: Porter Goss, Bob Novak & John McCain - This love affair between Novak/Goss/McCain, is very strange indeed.

July 24, 2005

American revolution, now! Eliminate the one party system with two faces - The powerful of the country run a minimum security, open air labor camp called the Unites States of America in which the wardens are the Republicans and Democrats located in the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the US government, along with their governments-in-waiting at think tanks around the country. The hideous and anticompetitive one-party system with two faces is an abomination, a monster disguised as an American politician, or maybe even a general or CEO, who claims to be the leader of the free world.

July 25, 2005

Former Marine Colonel's Wife Talks Again About Military Assassin Squads, Drug Running, Illegal Weapon Deals... - ...And Sexual Perversion Deep Within The Highest Levels Of U.S. Military And Government

July 26, 2005

Blair's make-up bill tops £1,800 - Prime Minister Tony Blair has spent more than £1,800 of taxpayers' money on cosmetics and make-up artists since coming into office, it has emerged.

July 29, 2005

Bohemian Grove endorses Roberts; 10 yrs in Iraq - A parade of Lincoln Town Cars has been ferrying back and forth to Monte Rio the last couple of weeks, bringing notables up to Bohemian Grove for the summer encampment.

July 30, 2005

CIA Analyst Ray McGovern: 'Bush Is A War Criminal' - ...the people that are currently running U.S. foreign and military policy were affectionately known as 'The Crazies' during the Reagan and Bush Sr. administrations, and were “kept at arm’s length,” never permitted to rise above middle management levels of influence because of their radical proclivities.

Bush Plans to Return to Ranch in August - It will be the president's 50th trip to the ranch since he was elected nearly five years ago.

July 31, 2005

The reception John Bolton will face at the UN. - ...if Mr. Bolton decides to engage in the type of group sex activities he once "enjoyed" at New York's Plato's Retreat in the 1970s and 80s and the physical and mental abuse he dished out to USAID contractor Melody Townsel in Moscow and Bishkek in 1994, he will face the kind of scrutiny he's never before experienced.

Another man who knew too much? - ...we can see the many cautionary examples of agents who grabbed the tail, and were destroyed for their efforts. The FBI's Darlene Novinger, for instance, whose undercover work had the misfortune of implicating Vice President George Herbert Walker Bush and his son Jeb in a narcotics smuggling operation linked to the Lebanese Phalange.

Shapeshifting - John Perkins represents the most deeply nefarious of CIA "limited hangouts".

Karl Rove on Welfare - Remember the day after the election last November, a triumphant newly elected (for the first time) President George W. Bush introduced to a national television audience a beaming Karl Rove as "The Architect" of his winning campaign. Did you know that you, the taxpayers, paid for his salary and benefits while he was running George W. Bush's political campaign day after day inside the White House?

"DISINFORMATION SYNDROME” AFFLICTS FEDERAL GOVERNMENT - Officials Routinely Rewarded for Lying and Punished for Telling the Truth.


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