Archive for the Month of June, 2006.
Viewing Environment NEWS articles 1 through 5 of 5.
Canada Pays Environmentally for U.S. Oil Thirst - Huge Mines Rapidly Draining Rivers, Cutting Into Forests, Boosting Emissions (4045 views)
Why is Cancer Sweeping Tiny Fort Chipewyan? - A generation ago, Lake Athabasca was clear and clean enough that Fort Chipewyan residents drew their drinking water straight from it, and thought nothing about dipping a cup over the side of a canoe during hunting trips. Those days are long gone... (3512 views)
Polar bears may be turning to cannibalism - Polar bears in the southern Beaufort Sea may be turning to cannibalism because longer seasons without ice keep them from getting to their natural food... (3428 views)
Study says Earth's temp at 400-year high - The National Academy of Sciences studied tree rings, corals and other natural formations, in part, to conclude that the heat is unprecedented for potentially the last several millennia. (3760 views)
Air-conditioning: Our Cross to Bear - America's Air-Conditioned Nightmare (6871 views)
Pages for June, 2006
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