Archive for the Month of June, 2006.
Viewing Globalization NEWS articles 1 through 5 of 5.
Bush border policy linked to Carlyle deal? - If we continue to "follow the money," we begin to see that the Bush administration may well be following a globalist agenda to create a North American Union, which would be consistent with nearly unregulated migration of people from Mexico to the United States. (5043 views)
US divided by superhighway plan - "Bush Administration Quietly Plans NAFTA Super Highway" (7506 views)
CFR/Bilderberg Plan To Erase US Borders Finally Gets Attention - Bush "super-state" agenda to create American Union. (8204 views)
CFR Making Moves on American Sovereignty - Council on Foreign Relations has influence on Bush & Fox; group suggests the "Amero" be the new money of the Americas (3489 views)
David Rockefeller Is The Impetus Behind The North American Union - David Rockefeller and his CFR and Trilateral Commission is the impetus for the North American Union; his efforts began in the early days of the Bush Administration. (5294 views)
Pages for June, 2006
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