Archive for the Month of May, 2006.
Viewing International Affairs NEWS articles 1 through 64 of 64.
Bolivia says gas nationalization "just the start" - President Evo Morales ordered the military to occupy Bolivia's natural gas fields on Monday after nationalizing the industry and threatening to expel foreign companies that do not recognize state control. (2151 views)
Airbrushing The Dead - It takes a deft hand to not only erase an active sponsor of genocidal violence, but also hide some 200,000 butchered human beings. (2498 views)
Winnipeg used for urban warfare training - More than 500 soldiers carrying guns will fan out through Winnipeg streets beginning Sunday, in the largest urban-warfare training exercise in the Canadian military's history. (2191 views)
Evo Morales' Courageous Move Now Makes Him a US Target along with Hugo Chavez - To get a good sense of where US policy is heading, one need only read the front page of the New York Times or Wall Street Journal - painful as that may be to do. (2621 views)
Iraq, Afghanistan Among Top Ten Failed States - "Most secure" countries included Canada, Japan, Australia, Switzerland, Austria, Ireland, the Netherlands, Belgium, and the four Scandinavian nations. (2058 views)
Myanmar's junta goes for the kill - Myanmar's military rulers have launched a major new crackdown on the country's main opposition National League for Democracy (NLD) party, fueling widespread speculation that the hardline State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) intends to eliminate its harassed and beleaguered rival completely within the next 12 months. (2195 views)
The Charmless Inconveniences of the Bourgeoisie - Left Strike at Indian Airports (2249 views)
Two years out of Israeli jail, Vanunu's life on hold - "What sort of democracy limits a man's liberty on the pure assumption that he could break the law again?" (2035 views)
Anti-war crusader rips into Harper - "Carbon copy" of Bush, mom of slain U.S. soldier says. (2346 views)
Not One Drop - The "international community" has never cared a whit about Iran or its fictitious weapons programs. The driving force behind the hostilities is Washington. (2274 views)
Bush likely behind British Minister Jack Straw's axing - US neocons are delighted at the demotion of a Blair minister lacking in total loyalty to their agenda (2086 views)
Drain Canada - Prepare for the coming Canadian water war. (2296 views)
Israel’s secret death recipe: Poisonous Chocolate - A new book reveals how Israel's secret intelligence service, the Mossad, murdered a top Palestinian fighter by feeding him poisoned chocolates in the late 1970s. (2091 views)
New U.S. Foreign Policy for Palestine; Starvation - The United States and Israel have finally agreed on a plan to resolve the decades-long Israel-Palestine conflict. Israel will continue lobbing missiles into civilian areas of Gaza and the West Bank while the US cuts off food and other vital aid to the territories. That way they can maximize the human suffering while preparing the people for a violent death. (1901 views)
'Robin Hood' gang rob gourmet stores in bid to feed Hamburg's poor - They dress up in pink catsuits, have names like Spider Mum and feel a social obligation to plunder as part of a campaign to help the poor. (1845 views)
Demolishing U.S. government lies about Cuba - Cuba is designated by the U.S. government as a "state sponsor of terrorism." This is no mere war of words; there are concrete implications to such a designation... (2195 views)
US military, intelligence officials raise concern about possible preparations for Iran strike - Strike could come earlier than thought (1790 views)
Israel rated world’s sixth-largest nuclear power - The current dispute over Iran's nuclear program has shocking parallels with the tensions sparked off by Israel’s attempts to acquire the nuclear bomb in the 60s. The only major difference is that the U.S. decided at the time not to curb the Israeli nuclear program. (2459 views)
Continental Integration of Military Command Structures: A Threat to Canada's Sovereignty - Territorial control over Canada is part of Washington's geopolitical and military agenda as formulated in April 2002 by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. "Binational integration" of military command structures is also contemplated alongside a major revamping in the areas of immigration, law enforcement and intelligence. (2097 views)
The Bush Administration is Trying to Link Hugo Chavez to Iran's Nuclear Program - Is Venezuela the New Niger? (1870 views)
Iranian Oil Bourse Opens for Business: A Final Step Toward US Dollar Collapse & Preemptive Nuclear Strike - The impending opening of the Iranian International Oil Bourse (IOB), set to commence trading next week on the island nation of Kish, strongly increases the chances of an imminent nuclear American-Israeli strike on Iranian nuclear and financial facilities. (2173 views)
The NED, NGOs and the Imperial Uses of Philanthropy - Why They Hate Our Kind Hearts, Too (1896 views)
Israeli Gestapo-like security personnel intimidate travelers from Europe coming to the United States - According to European journalists, Israeli citizens and European nationals who are employees of the airport passenger screening firm ICTS -- International Consultants for Targeted Security -- an Israeli firm based in the Netherlands, routinely intimidate journalists who are visiting the United States, demanding to know what stories they are working and with whom they will be talking. (1689 views)
Chávez is a threat because he offers the alternative of a decent society - Venezuela's president is using oil revenues to liberate the poor - no wonder his enemies want to overthrow him. (1809 views)
Rothschilds seek black gold in the Black Sea - The Rothschild family is to return to the oil business in the former Soviet Union, a century after its hasty exit before the Russian Revolution. (2613 views)
Israel Punishes Palestinians for Existing - We'll teach you to exist on our planet. (2652 views)
Us Troops Prepared To Attack Iran: Bush Said To Be Seeking "Persian Gulf Incident" - Once an Iranian attack on a US-flagged tanker or warship is announced, US commanders could be ordered to "counter-attack" with all available force—including nuclear weapons. Even if they suspected a ruse, no serving soldier can fail to protect his or her comrades. (1858 views)
Chavez calls Bush "Genocidal Assassin" who "Belongs in Jail" - Chavez...expressed his views on a visit with the Mayor of London. (1800 views)
Blair's Legacy: Choking Every Freedom We Ever Had - Relentless strangling of human rights hasn't stopped yet (1808 views)
Undoing a History of Robbery - It's okay for the corporations of the world (and the governments that work for them) to force free trade deals down smaller and less powerful nations throats -- deals whose only intention is to expropriate the weaker nations resources and people while creating a market that makes locally grown products unprofitable for the locals to grow or buy. (1813 views)
Where is the Global Outcry at This Continuing Cruelty? - Nearly 60 years after most Palestinians were first forced from our homes, the killings and blockades carry on with impunity. (1720 views)
US spells out plan to bomb Iran - Strategists are understood to have presented two options for pinpoint strikes using B2 bombers flying directly from bases in Missouri, Guam in the Pacific and Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. (1699 views)
U.S. war exercises threaten Caribbean - According to the Cuban newspaper Granma, the scope of the U.S. military maneuvers dwarfs even the Pentagon’s naval deployment during the October 1962 missile crisis. Similar maneuvers in the past were used to gather information needed to launch aggression, like the "exercises" that preceded the U.S. invasion of Grenada in 1983. (1760 views)
Martin Van Creveld: Israel the Mad Dog - I fear the rabid Van Crevel and his fellow citizens more than I fear Ahmadinejad and the Iranian mullahs. (2251 views)
Our liberties and sovereignty under assault as Harper remakes Canada in Bush's image - For anyone who need more convincing, here’s a sampling of what "President Stephen Harbush" has wrought over the past two months. (2763 views)
U.S. Secretly Backing Warlords in Somalia - More than a decade after U.S. troops withdrew from Somalia...officials of Somalia's interim government and some U.S. analysts of Africa policy say the United States has returned to the African country, secretly supporting secular warlords who have been waging fierce battles against Islamic groups for control of the capital, Mogadishu. (2396 views)
U.S. Sends More Military to Caribbean - Three warships, 2,000 troops en route to join Operation "Caribbean Lion" (1864 views)
Viva Chavez - This century’s Enlightenment is coming from south of the border. (1739 views)
Does Israel have the right to exist in its current form? - May 15 marked the 58th anniversary of Al Nakba (The Catastrophe). Every year, Palestinians recount the tragedy of 1948. (2953 views)
Iran Badge Story: More Neocon Propaganda - It should be noted that the dubious badge story came from "Iranian expatriates," that is to say the Iranian equivalent of Iraqi expatriates (who happened to have close ties to the neocons and the Pentagon) responsible for telling outrageous lies about Saddam and weapons of mass destruction and other chimerical horrors. (1850 views)
Nepal declares holiday as king stripped of powers - Nepal's new government declared a public holiday after parliament passed a proclamation stripping King Gyanendra of his powers and thousands of people staged a celebration rally. (1722 views)
Amusing Quote of the Day - This, a message from the President of one of the most unjust and definitely the most nonpeaceful countries in the world... (2134 views)
Zionist rain of death on Sudan - The current campaign to attack Sudan under the guise of protecting the people of Darfur is another manifestation of Zionist attempts to create "regime change" in Sudan. (1779 views)
Notorious Database Vows to Attack Abbas - "...there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the "devil" only in order to drive the "TV watcher" to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US and the lobbyists for the US war on terrorism are only interested in making money." (1822 views)
Vladimir Putin and the rise of the petro-ruble - Putin’s plan is similar to that of Iran, which announced that it would open an oil-bourse (oil exchange) on Kish Island in two months. The bourse would allow oil transactions to be made in petro-euros, thus discarding the dollar. (2107 views)
MP investigates Dr Kelly's death - An investigation into "unanswered questions" about the death of weapons scientist Dr David Kelly has been launched by a senior backbench MP. (2559 views)
Most Effective Way to Ask for Pay Raise - Go on a rampage! (1865 views)
The New York Times Versus Chavez - Talk About "Meddlesome" (2312 views)
US covert operations underway in Somalia - Resource conflict escalates over Horn of Africa (2722 views)
U.S. Aggression-Time Once Again - The Fourth U.S. "Supreme International Crime" in 7 Years Is already Underway (2242 views)
The Harper Government: Towards A New Social Order? - Consequences of the New Social Agenda (2680 views)
The Militarisation of the Eastern Mediterranean - Israel's Stake in the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline (3845 views)
Tony Blair Will Make Britain Look Like It Lost To The Nazis - The crypto-fascist surveillance state says "show us your papers" (2078 views)
The Latest Confrontation Between the US Empire and Evo Morales and Hugo Chavez - What Evo Morales and Hugo Chavez Are Doing Jointly That's Roused the US Ire (2567 views)
The Latest Neocon Lie About Iran - "Separate Dress Codes for Religious Minorities" (1701 views)
34 countries play hide-n-seek WMDs - In lieu of discovering WMDs in the hands of so-called rogue nations, the US and their "coalition of the willing" are busy practicing how to plant them first - and then find them. (1875 views)
The secret NSA Diana tapes - The NSA has admitted it holds 1,050 documents – transcripts of its satellite surveillance on Diana during the last weeks of her life. (1836 views)
Australian military occupation of East Timor proceeds "full steam ahead" - As Australian troops pour into East Timor and take control of the capital Dili, the neo-colonial character of the operation is becoming increasingly evident. (2515 views)
Canadian Prime Minister Harper attempts to muzzle the press - ...he will no longer give press conferences for the parliamentary press gallery, after journalists balked at the attempts by the prime minister’s office to dictate who can and cannot ask him questions. (1797 views)
Cheney desperate to attack Iran, World Cup offers pretext - Keep your eyes peeled, folks. These guys are cornered and any day now they're going to act... (1949 views)
Why Australia wants "regime change" in East Timor - If one were to believe the official version, the intervention of Australian troops into East Timor is driven by the purest motives. They are there simply to restore peace and stability after the collapse of government authority. But this political fiction has been increasingly exposed by events of the past few days as the power struggle which sparked the crisis comes to the surface. (2377 views)
UN Closes Book On Milosevic Cover-up - The Hague Tribunal's final verdict on Slobodan Milosevic's death has concluded that he was not poisoned and there was no foul play involved. Imagine my shock. (2623 views)
Embedded Journalism and the Disinformation Campaign for War on Iran - The Straussians of course uphold the use of disinformation ("noble lies") to prepare the public for the difficult choices they, the Wise, have made. (2388 views)
Pages for May, 2006
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