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Archive for the Month of April, 2006.
Viewing Globalization NEWS articles 1 through 2 of 2.
Wolfowitz: Bringing his neocon "cabal" to the World Bank - Iraq war architect Paul Wolfowitz, who helped craft the suspension of military aid to countries that refused to exempt U.S. military personnel from prosecution by the International Criminal Court, has used his position as World Bank President to reward with debt relief those nations that signed the exemption agreements... (4680 views)
Rich Nations Use IMF-World Bank Meet to Advance Own Agenda - Developing nations left the weekend's joint meetings of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) with few gains, while the rich countries that dominate the boards of the two lenders managed to shape the agenda almost entirely to serve their own interests... (3489 views)
Pages for April, 2006
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