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Archive for the Month of June, 2005.
Viewing Corporatism NEWS articles 1 through 36 of 36.

June 1, 2005

Wal-Mart Truth - Part 2 - Every item bought at Wal-Mart adds another nail in the coffin of America's future.

Wal-Mart Truth - Straight From Their Lips - Part 1 - The chain does 32 BILLION DOLLARS a year. We won't get into name-calling or labels. I'm presenting the facts with a few comments. There shouldn't be one person on the planet that should not be concerned about what they are doing. With more than 500 stores in the US alone, they have a big impact and far too much power.

June 3, 2005

Wal-Mart fights benefits disclosure in Minnesota - "If it's true what people say, that big multinational companies are outsourcing health care to taxpayers, then it would be good to have a handle on which ones. It's just information."

The Baku-Ceyhan Pipeline: BP’s Time Bomb - BP’s profits come with enormous human cost and environmental damages, and its latest venture -- the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) oil pipeline which opened in late May -- has done little to make amends.

June 5, 2005

Threats to critics of Vioxx alleged - Academics and doctors who spoke against the drug, which was recalled later, say a Merck executive leaned on them - One day in 2000 after lecturing about risks of the pain-reliever Vioxx, Harvard University professor Lee Simon got a call that shocked him. It was from Louis M. Sherwood, then a senior vice president at Merck & Co. Inc., maker of Vioxx. Sherwood challenged Simon's view - later proved correct - that Vioxx could cause more strokes than a rival drug. Sherwood didn't stop there. He said "he would hurt my career if I continued to lecture," Simon recalled. "I was astonished."

June 6, 2005

Former Enron Executives Slated to Receive Taxpayer Handouts - “Congress should not be in the business of slipping taxpayer subsidies into large bills to benefit individual corporations, especially executives from a company that perpetrated one of the greatest corporate frauds in American history."

June 8, 2005

Revealed: how oil giant influenced Bush - White House sought advice from Exxon on Kyoto stance - President's George Bush's decision not to sign the United States up to the Kyoto global warming treaty was partly a result of pressure from ExxonMobil, the world's most powerful oil company, and other industries.

Injuries to All - As is the case in other industries, meatpacking and poultry workers have suffered the impact of the Bush administration's collusion with industry giants like Tyson, a fact that has permitted "government agencies themselves [to] give production priority over worker safety."

June 9, 2005

U.S. Limits Prosecutions Under Privacy Law - The Justice Department has decided that most health care employees can't be prosecuted for stealing personal data under a privacy law intended to protect medical information. "It looks like they decided on the outcome for political reasons, namely the health care industry's desire to get out from criminal prosecution."

Washington more open to business than usual - In what could be the most business-friendly climate since the days of President McKinley, President Bush and the GOP-controlled Congress are moving to extend corporate tax breaks, pass pension reforms, allow oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and limit lawsuits - including a settlement of asbestos litigation that has driven 70 companies into bankruptcy.

US slashes tobacco reparations demand by $120bn: Political pressure feared as prosecutors ask for only $10bn - "Big tobacco is one of the top donors to Republicans and it is getting what it paid for."

June 10, 2005

Recovering Bolivia's Oil and Gas - Foreign capitalists are getting rich, and intend to go on getting rich, from these resources. They restrict the possibilities that this wealth, which should belong to us, might be used to benefit the lives of all Bolivians. The capitalists, whether local or foreign, puts profits and her or his own personal benefit above the collective and national interest.

June 11, 2005

Halliburton Subsidiary Becomes Target of Criminal Probe in Kazakhstan - Halliburton’s Kazakhstan operations reportedly violated customs laws by shifting imported equipment to operations that were not exempt from customs duties.

walmart china stocks porn? - While wandering down the isles of this megastore...I discovered a wall of porn!.. not segmented by curtains or velvet ropes, but literally right above the children's movies...

June 12, 2005

INTERNATIONALIZING U.S. ROADS - Nearly two dozen states have passed legislation allowing their transportation systems to operate toll roads and okaying private firms to build and run them. Converting existing roads to toll corridors – thereby forcing taxpayers to pay each time they use roads for which they’ve already paid.

Banned contractor soliciting Iraq deals - Former executives of Custer Battles -- an American firm accused of stealing millions from Iraq reconstruction projects and banned from further government contracts -- have continued doing contracting work and have formed new companies to bid on such projects.

June 14, 2005

America's Corporate Benedict Arnolds - Large corporations are in full retreat from paying their fair share of taxes. In 2003, corporations paid just 7% of the cost of the US government, according to a study by Citizens for Tax Justice.

Bad Faith - Bad faith insurance is where an insurance company decides to wrongfully deny legitimate claims.... "all they have to do is deny a small percentage of legitimate claims, and they're up a cool $1 billion a year."

June 15, 2005

Wal-Mart institutes availability requirement - New rule requires workers to work any shift or be fired

Ex-White House Official to Join Fuel Co - A former White House official and one-time oil industry lobbyist whose editing of government reports on climate change prompted criticism from environmentalists will join ExxonMobil Corp., the oil company said Tuesday.

June 16, 2005

Top Officials’ Names Censored from Report on Lawbreaking - Government censors redacted 45 names from a report charging that Pentagon officials broke laws in negotiations with aircraft manufacturer Boeing. Based on the context in which the blacked-out names appear, some could be White House officials.

June 17, 2005

Court Rejects Wal-Mart's Anti-Flirt Code - German Wal-Mart employees will be able to keep flirting with each other after a German court on Thursday ruled that the supermarket chain's code of conduct that banned relationships between workers was illegal.

Shell: Hostage-Takers Are Demanding Jobs - Gunmen who seized two German and four Nigerian oil workers are demanding petroleum giant Royal Dutch/Shell honor promises of jobs and benefits in the oil-rich south, a company spokesman said Thursday.

Bush's Top Aides Have Significant Wealth - They're on the government payroll, but some of President Bush's top aides have millions of dollars in stocks, real estate and other investments, according to financial disclosure forms released Wednesday.

Halliburton to build new $30 mln Guantanamo jail - A Halliburton Co. unit will build a new $30 million detention facility and security fence at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where the United States is holding about 520 foreign terrorism suspects.

June 18, 2005

Land Study on Grazing Denounced - The Bush administration altered critical portions of a scientific analysis of the environmental impact of cattle grazing on public lands before announcing Thursday that it would relax regulations limiting grazing on those lands, according to scientists involved in the study.

June 19, 2005

Farmers 'terrified out of their homes' to sue BP for £15m - In what will be a landmark human rights case in the UK, the farmers allege that the pipeline destroyed their land and forced them into destitution.

June 21, 2005

The GM Job Massacre - "Job cuts will save the automakers big bucks, but it's a bloodletting for the rank and file and euthanasia for the union. Anyone who has worked the line knows job cuts mean speedup, overload, excessive overtime, and health and safety hazards. Production doesn't slow down when the workforce is reduced. The jobs just get harder, faster, longer and more dangerous."

Nine Out of 30 Dow Jones Industrial Index Companies Convicted of Crimes - In tallying the corporate criminals, the weekly newsletter did not include crimes committed by joint venture companies or subsidiaries of the 30 corporations.

June 22, 2005

French and U.S. probe Halliburton - French and U.S. officials have been probing for some time allegations of millions of dollars in kickbacks in a Nigerian oil project that involved Halliburton and the French company Technip between 1995 and 2002. U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney was an executive of Halliburton during much of that period.

Contract that spawned Guantanamo prisons awarded to Halliburton during Cheney's tenure as CEO - Experts say firm may have built secret camps

June 23, 2005

The Road to Riches Is Called K Street - Lobbying Firms Hire More, Pay More, Charge More to Influence Government

June 27, 2005

Big Food Strikes Back; Ag industry aims to strip local control of food supplies - Local actions around GMOs, in particular, are designed to address important gaps in federal and state policy, and mitigate potentially serious threats to public health, the environment, and survival of local farm economies.

Work For Wal-Mart? You May Need Welfare - Thousands of low-wage Wal-Mart workers are on public assistance. Many state lawmakers say it's time the megastore was forced to provide affordable employee health insurance.

June 29, 2005

Wal-Mart's Business Plan - It has destroyed 100,000 small businesses, is breaking the union movement, has shipped massive amounts of jobs overseas, and has the news media in it's pocket. They are a version of the Pullman Company, but much more dangerous.

June 30, 2005

Congress seen paving way for private toll roads - The next road you travel -- and pay a toll to use -- could be privately owned.


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