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Archive for the Month of June, 2005.
Viewing Globalization NEWS articles 1 through 9 of 9.

June 3, 2005

UK pushing for Africa debt plan - The UK Chancellor Gordon Brown has put forward a bold plan to tackle poverty in Africa ahead of the G8 Summit of rich countries in Scotland next month. But the plan is facing opposition in the US - and particularly from President George W Bush.

June 13, 2005

CAFTA in Peril on Capitol Hill: One Business Leader Gives Lawmakers an Ultimatum - With the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) in serious trouble, a prominent business leader recently laid it on the line: Business groups are prepared to cut off campaign contributions to House members who oppose the pact. "If you [lawmakers] are going to vote against it, it's going to cost you."

All Immigration Problems Solved! - A panel set up by the Counsel on Foreign Relations wants Americans to stop thinking of themselves as United States citizens and to think of themselves as just North Americans. The panel has published a report called “Building a North American Community” in which it proposes a single common border around the three countries. It seems unfortunate that Asia is not adjacent to us so that they could provide even larger numbers of even cheaper labor for the corporate citizens of this new world order, that has now completely bought out our government.

June 14, 2005

A Truckload of Nonsense - The G8 plan to save Africa comes with conditions that make it little more than an extortion racket

June 15, 2005

Playing Chicken: Ghana vs. the IMF - For the last few years the Ghanaian market has been flooded with cheap imported chicken from the European Union and the United States. This phenomenon is known as "dumping." Developed countries -- such as the EU and the US -- will often take excess product, whose production has been heavily subsidized and sell it to the developing world at prices that are so low, they ruin local markets.

June 16, 2005

Oxfam Accuses Wealthy Nations of Cheating - "Rich countries are dodging the commitments they have made to reduce subsidies that hurt poor farmers overseas," said Celine Charveriat, spokeswoman for Oxfam's Make Trade Fair campaign.

June 17, 2005

Is the Annexation of Canada part of Bush's Military Agenda? - For nearly two years now, Ottawa has been quietly negotiating a far-reaching military cooperation agreement, which allows the US Military to cross the border and deploy troops anywhere in Canada, in our provinces, as well station American warships in Canadian territorial waters

June 21, 2005

Gender Melding – New World Biology - Here’s my theory: Emasculating men and de-feminizing women eliminates the cultural problems of soldiering and slave labor. It also eliminates the traditional roles of parents. This way the creature parents, from a social viewpoint, can legally be sent to war zones and assigned to corporation labor.

June 25, 2005

Central bankers meet at BIS - Anti-globalization protestors dressed as monks fell to their knees in mock prayer to the gods of money as the world's most powerful central bankers gathered for their annual summit on Saturday.


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