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Archive for the Month of January, 2006.
Viewing Voting Integrity NEWS articles 1 through 9 of 9.

January 1, 2006

Coalescing Evidence of Massive Voter Registration Fraud in Ohio 2004 - More and more evidence continues to accumulate that Voter registration fraud was responsible for a great deal if not the total Bush vote margin in the 2004 Presidential election.

January 10, 2006

Did the NSA help Bush hack the vote? - What are e-voting machines and central tabulators that pass the voting results over electronic networks from the internet to phone lines? No more than data easily spied on and tapped into. The Franklin County Board of Elections, for example, tells us that it was a “transmission error” in Gahanna Ward 1B, where 638 people cast votes and Bush, the Wonder Boy, received 4258 votes. It’s not magic, nor is it an accident or an act of God.

The Soon-to-be-Indicted Rep. Bob Ney of Ohio's Connection To Electoral Fraud - The Dots Connect Between Abramoff, Ohio 2004 Election Smokescreen and Ney's Former Staffer Revealed to be on Diebold's Payroll While Working for White House Law Firm - All the While as HAVA -- America's "Election Reform" Bill -- is Used for Political Payoff in the Bargain...

January 13, 2006

Your Vote: Paper or Plastic? - Every President in memory had to meet with David Rockefeller for approval before running for office or getting the nomination. Their party affiliation meant and means nothing. These men choose "who will wear the suit this time" for every election. They NEVER lose.

January 15, 2006

Face it, the pols again proved they don't need you; they control the voting machines - The same band of fascists who have taken over the Republican Party also control the Democratic Party through the monstrous Democratic Leadership Council. A fact that many have yet to face up to. But come November, millions will dutifully cast votes on rigged equipment and the powers that be will pretend to count them, knowing full well the outcome beforehand.

January 17, 2006

The Gun is Smoking - 2004 Ohio Precinct-Level Exit Poll Data Show Virtually Irrefutable Evidence of Vote Miscount - The analysis is based on the most accurate statistical method yet devised for determining whether exit poll error, random variations, or vote count manipulation cause the discrepancies between exit polls and official vote tallies.

January 19, 2006

Loot the Vote: The Bush Faction's Future Victories are Already in the Bag - Despite the scandals, the indictments, the mounting death count in Iraq, and the ever-deepening unpopularity of Bush and his minions, the Faction's tools for "manufacturing consent"...are greased and ready, unchallenged by the clueless, spineless Democrats and the dollar-dazzled media. So look for more "astonishing upsets" and poll-confounding "surprises" in the coming national elections, as brute power rapes reality once again.

January 20, 2006

Diebold in Florida:The Harri Hursti Hack and its Importance to our Nation - ... this was proof positive that our democracy is and has been, as we have all feared, truly at the mercy of unscrupulous vendors who are producing electronic voting machines that can change election results without detection.

January 27, 2006

Election Theft Emergency - Mark Crispin Miller talks about how the right stole the 2004 presidential election -- and how they'll do it again unless we stop them.


Pages for January, 2006

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