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Archive for the Month of January, 2006.
Viewing Environment NEWS articles 1 through 11 of 11.

January 3, 2006

Watching as the world vanishes - Fanaticism is a driving force here, as it often is behind great crimes. This is a crime against nature, and this fanaticism is economic - the belief that money and profit should outweigh all other considerations, including survival of the species. If we maintain our current rates of consumption and environmental strategies, by the end of this century, one-half of the species now alive on earth may be extinct.

20 years on and whales are under threat again - Dust down the slogan, it's needed once again: Save The Whale. Twenty years on from the introduction of the international whaling moratorium that was supposed to protect them, the great whales face renewed and mortal dangers in 2006.

January 8, 2006

Toxic sprays are a political issue - Agribusiness maintains its power by co-opting the federal and state governments, including land grant universities, in making sprays the emblems of science and modernization.

January 10, 2006

Toxic waste creates hermaphrodite Arctic polar bears - Wildlife researchers have found new evidence that Arctic polar bears, already gravely threatened by the melting of their habitat because of global warming, are being poisoned by chemical compounds commonly used in Europe and North America to reduce the flammability of household furnishings like sofas, clothing and carpets.

January 13, 2006

"Doomsday" seed bank to be built - Norway is planning to build a "doomsday vault" inside a mountain on an Arctic island to hold a seed bank of all known varieties of the world's crops.

Chemtrails And Aluminum Harm Heart, Lungs And Plants - Chemtrails which are known to contain heavy metals such as barium oxide and aluminum oxide, are known to be a bigger problem than once thought.

Hurricanes of 2005 were filled with mysterious lightning - The boom of thunder and crackle of lightning generally mean one thing: a storm is coming. Curiously, though, the biggest storms of all, hurricanes, are notoriously lacking in lightning. Hurricanes blow, they rain, they flood, but seldom do they crackle. Surprise: During the record-setting hurricane season of 2005 three of the most powerful storms--Rita, Katrina, and Emily--did have lightning, lots of it.

January 16, 2006

Environment in crisis: "We are past the point of no return" - Thirty years ago, the scientist James Lovelock worked out that the Earth possessed a planetary-scale control system which kept the environment fit for life. He called it Gaia, and the theory has become widely accepted. Now, he believes mankind's abuse of the environment is making that mechanism work against us. His astonishing conclusion - that climate change is already insoluble, and life on Earth will never be the same again.

January 28, 2006

Arctic experiencing summer temperatures - It may still be January, but the Arctic region is reportedly experiencing record, summerlike temperatures.

January 29, 2006

Climate Expert Says NASA Tried to Silence Him - The top climate scientist at NASA says the Bush administration has tried to stop him from speaking out since he gave a lecture last month calling for prompt reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases linked to global warming.

January 31, 2006

Ocean's temperature off Santa Barbara now highest in 1,400 years - Southern California coastal waters have warmed in recent decades to their highest level in 1,400 years, according to a study of fossilized plankton published this week in the journal Science.


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