Archive for the Month of May, 2006.
Viewing Government / The Elite NEWS articles 1 through 24 of 24.
The vast right-wing conspiracy - One of Carlson’s sons is Tucker Carlson, the embarrassing conservative television talking-head, the other, Buckley, works with Republican pollster/spinner Frank Luntz. It’s a small world. (2595 views)
Mystery of 5.5 Ton Coke Flight Deepens - The CIA, "Cocaine One" & Putting Planes in Suspense (9641 views)
GOP sex scandal has roots in Iran-Contra - There is a focus on the activities of Porter Goss's CIA Executive Director Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, who was reportedly assigned to John Negroponte's death squad and Contra support operations in Honduras in the 1980s. (2433 views)
PICNIC in Herzliya - Herzlia (or Herzliya), Israel is a city north of Tel Aviv which is of some interest... (2414 views)
Indicted GOP lobbyist Abramoff operated sex, spy ring at Watergate, Ritz-Carlton, Sheraton hotels - Prostitutes financed by Jack Abramoff and linked to AIPAC and former Israeli prime minister serviced House, Senate members, media hosts, top military, other feds: MSNBC host Joe Scarborough allegedly cooperating with probe regarding Abramoff indictments—considering whether to report sex-ring scandal on "Scarborough Country": U.S. intelligence: Sen. Leader William Frist and reporter Robert Novak alleged as regular clients (7764 views)
Feith to Teach Next Generation of Neolib Marauders - Doug Feith should be in shackles and an orange jumpsuit, convicted as an engineer of mass murder and working as an Israeli mole. (2318 views)
Another scandal involving the intelligence agency - Individuals familiar with IN-Q-TEL report that the company is suspected of steering CIA funds to start-up firms with close ties to the GOP as well as "pump and dump" penny stock firms... (2541 views)
We've Got Crackheads in Congress - Nice to know we're in good hands, eh? (3280 views)
The situation at the CIA can only get worse with "Hitler Hayden" at the helm - Hayden bringing his special baggage from Fort Meade to Langley (2710 views)
Congress Critters Clueless about Hayden - As usual, the neocons will get pretty much everything they want and will continue to do whatever they want—including the further eviscerating the Constitution—until they are dragged kicking and screaming from the White House and Pentagon, an unlikely prospect at best. (2438 views)
Porter & "the boys": Goss made his "bones" on CIA Hit Team - Is that Porter Goss sitting next to Barry Seal? (4346 views)
Skeleton in the Bush family cupboard - Once again evidence indicating that Skull and Bones, and offshoot organisations such as the Bohemian Club are not "frat boy clubs", they are elitist organisations intimately linked with the occult. (4616 views)
Rupert Murdoch backs Hillary Clinton: by their friends you shall know them - Murdoch is if nothing else a good judge of character. He can sniff out a politician who lacks any principles, whose views and votes are for sale. Support from such elements—in Australia, Britain the US and elsewhere—has played a decisive role in his amassing a multibillion-dollar fortune. (4018 views)
San Diego Defense Firm Titan Corp. Link to 5.5 Ton Cocaine Bust in Mexico - The company is also receiving attention for its role as the biggest campaign contributor of disgraced former Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham. (4551 views)
Fast-track Flyboy - ...the obvious question is: Who decided this asshole should be an officer and a gentleman? Put that to his new press secretary. I guarantee it will be a Kodak moment. (4739 views)
MI6 Are The Lords Of The Global Drug Trade - It may be a revelation to many people that the global drug trade is controlled and run by the intelligence agencies. In this global drug trade British intelligence reigns supreme. (3151 views)
Bilderberg to Meet in Canada - The secretive group known as Bilderberg will hold its annual secret meeting at the posh Brook Street Resort a few miles from Ottawa, Canada, June 8-11. (2225 views)
Israel praises its not-so-secret agent John Bolton - PNAC punk John Bolton is always up for selling out America and slaughtering some Arabs. (2872 views)
Impeachment? No. Impalement! - Upon the sharp and righteous sword of the people’s justice. (2349 views)
Straussism - The Zionist Neocon Philosophy Directing The Age Of Tyranny (2982 views)
A Memorial Day wish for President Bush & Company to resign - And I speak for all of us in America who have to live that day over and over again in our memories, trying to figure out the cruelty of our own people being behind it, dodge and deny it as they will. (2333 views)
Wish List: Charles Krauthammer in Jumpsuit Orange - Krauthammer and the neocons are not interested in waiting around for a decade—they want Iran to suffer now. (2530 views)
Goldman Sachs might as well recruit from White House - Can it get any clearer than this? Goldman Sachs is attached at the umbilicus to the White House. Their offspring get shuttled directly to the executive branch and its departments. (2750 views)
Pages for May, 2006
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