Archive for the Month of July, 2005.
Viewing Science / Health NEWS articles 1 through 23 of 23.
Top 100 Aids Inconsistencies - Any five of these 100 inconsistencies are grounds for a major overhaul of the Aids paradigm. They expose the misrepresentation, fraud, pseudo-science and hype that underpins the drugs and therapies used in Aids treatment today. The persistence of AIDS dogma is truly astonishing, in the face of so many specific scientific flaws (6199 views)
Now Charles Backs Coffee Cure For Cancer - Prince Charles gave an enthusiastic endorsement last week to the Gerson Therapy, which eschews chemotherapy in favour of 13 fruit juices a day, coffee enemas and weekly injections of vitamins.
Ritalin-Aspartame-Chromosome Damage - Killing Kids For Money -
What they should know about the aspartame connection
Vitamins to be Banned Worldwide... - "Big Pharma" won a major victory in Rome, Italy today. Vitamins and minerals, for over-the-counter sale will be phased out, almost completely, in every country on Planet Earth. (2682 views)
Medical journal peer reviews exposed as a `flawed practice' - Medical journals are an immoral marketing tool for drug companies, a former editor of the `British Medical Journal' says, and medical journalism isn't about the truth (1837 views)
The Rich Die Differently From You and Me - The inequalities that mark American life maintain their hold through age and even death, a new study shows.
Vietnam War link confirmed between Agent Orange and diabetes: Pentagon - Agent Orange, the chemical defoliant widely used during the Vietnam War by US forces, is associated with diabetes found in American veterans, a Pentagon study said. (1889 views)
Costs Prompt Many Women to Skimp on Health Care, Survey Finds - A quarter of U.S. women say they're skipping doctor visits and delaying or skipping on buying prescribed drugs because they can't afford them. (1860 views)
Acrylimide Only In GM Foods? - I am starting to believe that this is only found in GM foods, not just potatoes, but all of the GM's. It is produced when high heat is used to cook them. Since potatoes are more likely to have the heat treatment, they are not mentioning other foods. (1911 views)
Allegations of Fake Research Hit New High - Allegations of misconduct by U.S. researchers reached record highs last year as the Department of Health and Human Services received 274 complaints — 50 percent higher than 2003 and the most since 1989 when the federal government established a program to deal with scientific misconduct. Research suggests this is but a small fraction of all the incidents of fabrication, falsification and plagiarism. (1742 views)
EU bans sale of vitamins - Controversial new European laws which could outlaw thousands of vitamin and mineral supplements were upheld by European Court judges.
Fresh fears raised about aspartame -
The European Food Safety Authority is reviewing "as a matter of high priority" the results of a large new study into aspartame, the artificial sweetener consumed by millions of people worldwide and used in more than 6,000 food and drink products. (2427 views)
Harvard professor investigated in fluoride research flap - Harvard University is investigating an allegation that a dentistry professor downplayed research showing an increased risk of bone cancer for boys who drink fluoridated tap water. (1836 views)
Curry ingredient fights skin cancer - The compound that makes curry yellow could help fight skin cancer, US researchers say (1881 views)
US to clamp down on foreign researchers - The Pentagon has alarmed some US scientists by proposing new restrictions on access to sensitive technology by foreign researchers. (1969 views)
Teflon firm faces fresh lawsuit - US chemicals giant DuPont is facing a lawsuit accusing the company of failing to warn consumers about the health hazards of Teflon non-stick coatings. (1967 views)
Hybrid Cars Can be Made Even Greener - Hybrid automobiles can be made even more environmentally friendly by the addition of solar cells. (2088 views)
Mississippi Glowing - Anniversary of the first atomic bomb testing brings back memories to residents (4137 views)
Government Abandons Children to Big Food - A government-convened panel that was intended to discuss ways to limit marketing junk food to kids instead became an enormous PR opportunity for the junk food industry. (1993 views)
Broccoli Ingredient May Fight Bladder Cancer - Researchers Identify Chemical Behind Broccoli's Cancer-Fighting Effects (1810 views)
Licensed to Ill - Increasingly, drug companies aren't just selling cures. They're also marketing disease. (2512 views)
BREAKING NEWS: Object Bigger than Pluto Discovered, Called 10th Planet - Astronomers have discovered an object in our solar system that is larger than Pluto. They are calling it the 10th planet, but already that claim is contested. (1823 views)
Pages for July, 2005
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