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Archive for the Month of May, 2005.
Viewing Economics NEWS articles 1 through 11 of 11.
Dwelling Disparities: How Poor Housing Leads to Poor Health - Substantial scientific evidence gained in the past decade has shown that various aspects of the built environment can have profound, directly measurable effects on both physical and mental health outcomes, particularly adding to the burden of illness among ethnic minority populations and low-income communities. (3669 views)
Feeling Overworked? Well who isn't? - Forty four percent of Americans are overworked using at least one of three different measures, and those overworked employees have, on average, poorer health and higher rates of clinical depression, both of which help to drive up health care costs, as you'd expect.
Asia is Home to Largest Number of Forced Labor Globally - Nearly 9.5 million people in south Asia and the Pacific are working as forced labor, which is a whopping 77 per cent of the global forced labor estimated at 12.3 million people, says a new International Labour Office (ILO) report. (2186 views)
Real wages fall as attack on US workers intensifies - In a stark indication of the mounting attack on the social conditions of American workers, the average real wage in the US has begun to decline steeply for the first time in over a decade. The decline in wages is a product of increased inflation in recent months, combined with a persistently poor job market, even in the midst of a supposed economic recovery. (2974 views)
Forget buying -- low-wage workers can barely afford rent - In Seattle, if you're earning the minimum wage, you have to work 90 hours a week to afford to rent an average two-bedroom unit, let alone buy one. That's just one of the most recent indicators to show housing is growing increasingly out of reach for many working families here. (2857 views)
Brazil's Poor are Cut Down After a 150-mile Protest March - A 17-day protest march by 12,000 landless Brazilian peasants ended in violence as activists fought police and demanded faster government land resettlement to cut rural poverty. (2191 views)
Economic Crash: Planned? - Here’s my guess and magic wand: I believe the crisis is likely going to be the permanent economic crash of America. The big players in the American stock markets pulled out about 2 years ago. When the markets crash, and our nation is completely bankrupt and beholding to foreign creditors, our money will fall to nothing. We will lose mortgaged homes in the multi-millions, and all civil liberties will be suspended. Martial law will rule the day until we, the people, accept global governance, which will be ushered in - no ifs, ands, or buts - with the final crash of the United States. (3176 views)
Rags to Rags, Riches to Riches - The American Dream is More Liveable in the Old World - "..the social class into which you are born matters a lot when it comes to where you stand on the American socioeconomic ladder. It matters more in the United States, the supposed land of upward mobility, than it does in Europe. The American Dream of "rags to riches" is less livable in America than it is in the aristocratic Old World that America rejected when its founding document proclaimed that "All Men Are Created Equal." (2701 views)
Experts: Petroleum May Be Nearing a Peak - Could the petroleum joyride - cheap, abundant oil that has sent the global economy whizzing along with the pedal to the metal and the AC blasting for decades - be coming to an end? (2836 views)
True Believers at the World Bank: Rigid ideology is a threat, not an asset. - A quarter of a century of day-in, day-out asset stripping sponsored by the IMF and the World Bank left millions of poor people poorer. Meanwhile, the unregulated capital flows — another tenet of the Washington Consensus — led to speculative booms and currency crashes that pushed hundreds of millions of people down into dollar-a-day poverty.
Poverty is not an accident - Poverty has always been the critical component to create extreme wealth. It does not occur by accident. Poverty keeps labor cheap. Slave labor is just imposed poverty. (2093 views)
Pages for May, 2005
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