Archive for the Month of August, 2005.
Viewing ALL NEWS articles 226 through 300 of 509.
Fed up with the FDA, activists to protest against harmful antidepressants - Activists who are fed up with waiting for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to take proper action to protect the public from dangerous psychotropic drugs, are holding a three-day rally in front of the White House to condemn the FDA's failure to act on the matter.
Army Intel Unit Exposes Massive FBI 9-11 Cover Up - by Daniel Hopsicker- Here’s the big question nobody seems to be ready to ask: Upon what basis did the 9.11 Commission conclude that the FBI’s timeline was correct and that an elite Army Intel unit was mistaken in saying they were tracking Mohamed Atta roaming freely across America during 1999 and 2000? (2368 views)
Abramoff Indicted in Casino Boat Purchase - Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff and a business partner were indicted by a federal grand jury in Fort Lauderdale on Thursday, charged with five counts of wire fraud and one count of conspiracy in their purchase of a fleet of Florida gambling boats from a businessman who was later killed in a gangland-style hit. (2858 views)
Verichip for All: Tommy Thompson Has Gone Insane - Since he became a director of Applied Digital Solutions, a company that manufactures the VeriChip, Tommy Thompson, Bush's former HHS secretary, wants to tag all US citizens like cattle. (1796 views)
Career Justice Department attorney named firewall between Special Prosecutor and Attorney General. - In another sign that Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald has uncovered some serious criminal wrongdoing in the investigation of the White House leak of Valerie Plame and her non-official cover network tracking weapons of mass destruction proliferation, outgoing Deputy Attorney General James Comey appointed career Justice Department attorney and Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General David Margolis as the person who will broadly oversee Fitzgerald's investigation. (2651 views)
Clarifying Bush: I Will Kill Iranians - In Bushzarro world, when our potentate speaks, translation is often required. For instance, when Bush fielded questions from the corporate media at the faux cowboy ranch in Crawford, he responded to a question about Iran from an Israeli public television reporter as follows: "All options are on the table." (1418 views)
US bid to block new Iraq abuse video - The Pentagon has moved forcefully to block the release of new video evidence of prisoner abuse at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, arguing it would help recruit new fighters and endanger American lives. (1546 views)
Attacks double on US troops in Iraq - The commander of US transportation and other logistics forces in Iraq has said the number of roadside bomb strikes against his soldiers throughout the country has doubled in the past year. (1608 views)
Still Hiding the Bush Bulge - Pasadena residents didn’t get to read about the exploits of local celebrity Dr. Robert Nelson, who, besides being a Jet Propulsion Lab photo analyst who helped present those dramatic photos of Saturn’s rings and moons, also gave the lie to White House claims that the bulge seen on Bush’s back during the presidential debates was "just a wrinkle." (2012 views)
Half-price Colombian fighters offered for Iraq - A US company operating out of Ecuador says it has signed up about 1,000 Colombian police and military staff to work as hired guns in Iraq, for less than half of their US counterparts' salaries. (1420 views)
My sadness at the privatisation of Iraq - The US transnational companies are taking over — and they'll benefit for years to come (1477 views)
American Graffiti: Signs of the times - Feel like getting something off your chest against that iniquitous warmonger in the White House? Well, you can write a letter to your newspaper, tune in to liberal talk radio, or click to a reliably leftie website. Alternatively, you can take a drive on the highways of the United States. (1575 views)
Gaza: The World’s Largest Prison - Gaza is the most densely populated territory on earth, where 1.4 million defenceless Palestinians huddle together in an area of about 360 square km. Gaza forms the westernmost portion of original Palestine, having land borders with Egypt on the south-west and today’s Israel on the northern and eastern borders. (1364 views)
UN nuclear watchdog rebuts claims that Iran is trying to make A-bomb - The UN nuclear watchdog is preparing to publish evidence that Iran is not engaged in a nuclear weapons programme, undermining a warning of possible military action from President George Bush. (1306 views)
Venezuela May Deny Americans Visas - American citizens could be denied visas to visit Venezuela in response to a U.S. decision to revoke the visas of three Venezuelan military officers, the vice president said Friday. (1374 views)
Italy hastens troop withdrawal - Italy, a month ahead of schedule, has started reducing its presence in Iraq by drawing down the first 130 forces in a planned 300-troop withdrawal, a Rome-based military source said today. (1578 views)
15 Iraqis dead after US gunfire: doctor - An attack on a US military patrol followed by heavy US gunfire has left 15 Iraqis, including eight children, dead and 17 wounded in a town west of Baghdad, residents said on Saturday. (1531 views)
How can the US ever win, when Iraqi children die like this? - "They offered us compensation. I refused. I lost my son, I told the officer. "I don't want the money - I don't think the money will bring back my son. You have killed the innocent and such things will lead the people to destroy you and the people will make a revolution against you. You said you had come to liberate us from the previous regime. But you are destroying our walls and doors." (1497 views)
US Ambassadors: Bush Crime Family Rewards "Donors'" - If you "donate" enough money to the Bush Crime Family, you can still buy yourself an ambassadorship (2464 views)
DEA Seeks Private Guards To Protect Traveling Tonnage of Pot - In Unprecedented Move, DEA Seeks Private Security Forces to Protect and Destroy Drugs (3528 views)
Bush sending VP to Alberta - Dick Cheney's tour to focus on oilsands (2161 views)
Skin cancer hits young - Researchers say two malignancies are appearing in dramatic numbers among people under 40 despite public health efforts on wearing sunscreen, protective clothing (1928 views)
Experimental Hybrid Cars Get Up to 250 Mpg - Politicians and automakers say a car that can both reduce greenhouse gases and free America from its reliance on foreign oil is years or even decades away. Ron Gremban says such a car is parked in his garage. (1748 views)
US displays high-tech Iraq battle tools - Bomb seeking robots, spy planes and a handheld device that translates a soldier's English commands or questions into Arabic are some of the high-tech battlefield equipment developed for use by US forces in Iraq. (1445 views)
Guantanamo Detainee Says Beating Injured Spine - Guantanamo Detainee Says Beating Injured Spine (1769 views)
Cannabis-based drugs might relieve bowel disease - Derivatives of the active compound in cannabis -- cannabinoids -- may have the potential for treating inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, UK researchers report.
Election Fraud Continues in the US - New Data Shows Widespread Vote Manipulations in 2004 (2032 views)
Rescued soldier: I was used - JESSICA LYNCH, the former US army supply clerk who became a national icon after her capture and rescue during the invasion of Iraq in 2003, says she was "used" by the Pentagon to "show the war was going great". (1479 views)
Are Half of All Americans Mentally Ill? - A new study by Harvard University and the National Institute of Mental Health (search) claims that 46 percent of all Americans will, at some point in their lives, develop a mental disorder. (2112 views)
Wars Need to Be Prevented, Not Stopped - "We must prevent the next war while simultaneously stopping the current one. We can do it and we must." (1584 views)
Censored by MSNBC: Firefighter reported WTC basement explosions - He remembered hearing the north tower shake and thought something in the basement had exploded. (2395 views)
Security Cameras Multiply in Manhattan - At last count in 1998, the New York Civil Liberties Union found 2,397 cameras used by a wide variety of private businesses and government agencies throughout Manhattan. This time, after canvassing less than a quarter of the borough, the interns so far have spotted more than 4,000. (2022 views)
Someone Tell the President the War Is Over - At Fox News Bill O'Reilly is trashing Donald Rumsfeld for his incompetence, and Ann Coulter is chiding Mr. O'Reilly for being a defeatist. In an emblematic gesture akin to waving a white flag, Robert Novak walked off a CNN set and possibly out of a job rather than answer questions about his role in smearing the man who helped expose the administration's prewar inflation of Saddam W.M.D.'s. (On this sinking ship, it's hard to know which rat to root for.) (1404 views)
New Paper Points To Bacteria - Prostate Cancer Link - This is an excellent pioneering paper out of Perth, Australia, which for the first time suggests that BACTERIA may play a role in prostate cancer.
Ohio GOP Secretary of State and gubernatorial candidate J. Kenneth Blackwell cannot certify how Federal election assistance money was spent. - Ohio's Blackwell received over $40 million in Federal funds to ensure all Ohioans could vote in November 2004 election. Instead, he sat on over $30 million and diverted the money he spent to friends and businesses owned by top GOP contributors. He even parked the money in a bank run by a top Republican businessman. (2191 views)
The Harring Report: The National Young Men’s Meat Grinder - The Bush Butcher’s Bill: Officially, 46 US Military Deaths in Iraq from 1 through 10 August, 2005 – Official Total of 1,953 US Dead to date (and rising) (6498 views)
Illegal Aliens - America's New Slave Class - President George Bush, a man who has never soiled his hands with a hard day’s work for a day’s pay in his life, promotes illegal alien migration by saying, "They do work that Americans won’t do." What he really means is--corporations welcome illegal aliens so they can work for slave wages which aids his corporate friends to help buy more Lear Jets and drive Rolls Royces along with a third home in Aspen, Colorado. (2072 views)
Tattletale America: Truck Drivers, Janitors, Exterminators etc. Training to Be Citizen Spies - All across America, people who have jobs working with the public are being trained to spy on the businesses and people they serve. Imagine, you pay the cable man or the exterminator hundreds of dollars for their service, and while they’re in your house they are spying on you – in many cases getting a percentage of anything seized from you (2660 views)
U.S. Lowers Sights On What Can Be Achieved in Iraq - The Bush administration is significantly lowering expectations of what can be achieved in Iraq, recognizing that the United States will have to settle for far less progress than originally envisioned during the transition due to end in four months, according to U.S. officials in Washington and Baghdad. (1427 views)
E-Waste and iWoes - Computers and their accessories contain toxins such as mercury and lead, causing massive environmental damage worldwide. But not all of the major computer companies are serious about reducing waste. (1993 views)
Turkish Intelligence: Al-Qaeda a U.S. Covert Operation - Turkish intelligence specialists agree that there is no such organization as al-Qaeda. Rather, Al-Qaeda is the name of a secret service operation. (2061 views)
"The Stakes Are Too High for Us to Stop Fighting Now": An interview with FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds - In this brand new interview conducted last week, we find the indefatigable Sibel Edmonds as spirited as ever and determined to press on with her legal cases, in her attempt to alert the American people of high-level criminal behavior and corruption in and around the U.S. government. (2228 views)
Babies Caught Up in "No-Fly" Confusion - Infants have been stopped from boarding planes at airports throughout the U.S. because their names are the same as or similar to those of possible terrorists on the government's "no-fly list." (2213 views)
Mercury, Another Threat to the Amazon - Mercury threatens the health of the people of the Amazon. In Brazil, more than 2,000 tons of this heavy metal have been dumped into the environment by "garimpeiros" (artisanal gold miners) since 1980, but some researchers say that a great deal more is found in the Amazon jungles. (1766 views)
Savvy, clout fill pockets of investment firm - U.S. looking into Carlyle Group links to teacher funds (2021 views)
Bring 'em On! The Bush administration's Top 40 Lies about war and terrorism - ...15) U.S. air defenses functioned according to protocols on September 11, 2001... (2132 views)
Chavez makes US oil export threat - Oil exports to the US could stop amid growing tensions between the two countries, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has said. (1441 views)
The Iraqi constitution adopted in 1990 under Saddam Hussein was among the most secular in the Arab world - It made no mention of Sharia -- Islamic religious law -- although Islam was named the official state religion. It prohibited all forms of discrimination, gender or other, and guaranteed freedom of expression as part of "the revolutionary, national and progressive trend." (1762 views)
U.S. minorities are becoming the majority - The United States as a whole is moving in the direction of its two most populous states, California and Texas, where members of racial and ethnic minorities account for more than half the population, according to the Census Bureau. (3960 views)
American violence in Iraq: Necrophilia or savagery? - ...while US physical violence in Iraq is occupying the center stage because of the continuing daily meat grinding of Iraqi citizens at the hands of the occupiers, a sizeable majority of the US population is still walking around like drugged-out zombies repeating a slogan impregnated with ignorance and permeated with support for violence: Support the troops! (1470 views)
Totally at Israel's mercy: The myths of Camp David - Had it not been for the Palestinians' turn to violence, so the myth goes, we would not now have Ariel Sharon in office, there would be a satisfactory peace, there would be no killings, and so on. What the myths ignore is the "state" left to the Palestinians would have been a mere colony of Israel -- non-viable and indefensible, without borders with any state but Israel, totally at Israel's mercy. (1375 views)
Dick Cheney and the American Likudniks - Isn't it striking that everybody in the Bush Administration associated with the planning of the attack on Iraq, and the creation of the lies told to lead to that attack, are Jewish intellectuals with close ties to the extreme right-wing Zionists in Israel? (2175 views)
U.S. Troops Shot Iraqi Family To Pieces: - Now only the pregnant mother, Anwar, her 13-year-old daughter are alive to tell how the bullets tore through the windscreen and how they screamed for the Americans to stop, but her plea fell on deaf ears... (1456 views)
Close Informant And Friend Of Former FBI Agent John O'Neill, Killed on 9/11, Tells How FBI Higher-Ups "Shut Him Down" Letting 9/11 Happen - Janet Parker was helping O'Neill get close to a known terrorist kingpin in the months preceeding 9/11, but says FBI officials did everything in their power to block O'Neill. (2465 views)
Canada's CBC locks out employees - Canadian public broadcaster CBC has locked out 5,500 workers after failing to reach an agreement with their union. (1874 views)
US Troops Hold Children Hostages in Northern Iraq: Police - US troops held five children as hostages to demand handover of insurgents near a northern Iraqi town on Tuesday, police said.
US: Prison withheld videos from probe - The US Justice Department's inspector-general has said a federal detention centre in New York City failed to turn over hundreds of videotapes to investigators probing the treatment of detainees taken into custody after the September 11 attacks.
The Wal-Mart Thought Police - The "everyday low prices" superchain refuses to carry books and music that dare criticize conservative values. (2560 views)
Uneasy Standoff in Venezuela's Media Wars: The Corporate Media vs. Chavez - The controversy surrounding the media in Venezuela refuses to die. This is because the country is experimenting with a slow but steady anti-capitalist restructuring which the private media see as a threat to their existence. At this juncture, after surviving a military coup, a 63-day oil stoppage-sabotage (the oil coup) and a presidential referendum--all backed by the private media-- President Hugo Chavez is encouraging the formation of public and community media to counteract attacks on "the process" by the private media. (1921 views)
Post: White House fears indictment - White House officials told The Washington Post they fear someone in the Bush administration may be indicted regarding the leak of a covert CIA operative's name.
The vitamin police - Tell me, again, just why the United Nations is so concerned about nutritional supplements (1925 views)
Bush's Crawford Ranch: An Elaborate Set - The original completion date of the house was November 7 - election day 2000. In other words, the curtain went up on the set on schedule for "show time." The very timing of this event indicates that Bush was absolutely confident that the election would be successfully engineered in his favor. (21156 views)
End wasteful corporate handouts - Call it, if you will, the crack cocaine of state and local governments' economic-development practices — their endless flow of tax breaks and outright gifts to private corporations they want to land, or figure they have to pay off to stay put. (2371 views)
Delay for .xxx "net sex" domain - The plan for a virtual red light district through the creation of a .xxx net domain name has hit delays after concern from government officials. (2976 views)
Is Bush Out of Control? - Buy beleaguered, overworked White House aides enough drinks and they tell a sordid tale of an administration under siege, beset by bitter staff infighting and led by a man whose mood swings suggest paranoia bordering on schizophrenia. (1987 views)
Analysis: "Black August'"in Iraq - According to the Iraq Index Project of the Brookings Institution, from Aug. 3 through Aug. 10, 44 U.S. soldiers were killed in Iraq in the first 10 days of August alone, compared with 28 killed the week of July 28 through Aug. 3.
All Hail the "Iron Fist"! - Prominent neo-conservatives urge the Bush administration to criminalize speech -- and even private thoughts -- that supposedly "encourage" terrorists. (2118 views)
Junk Food Nation: Who's to Blame for Childhood Obesity? - The recent conflict over what America eats is an example of how in Bush's America corporate interests trump public health. (1829 views)
U.S. seeks massive stock of smallpox vaccine - The United States has issued a tender for up to 80 million doses of a smallpox vaccine to guard against terrorist attack, worth over $1 billion, vaccine-makers said on Tuesday.
ME: Beaten Afghan's Body "Falling Apart" - An Afghan detainee who died in military custody was injured so severely that has leg muscles were split apart, an Air Force medical examiner testified Tuesday in the trial of a soldier accused in the beating.
Timeline: Tube shooting - Leaked documents appear to throw new light on the "mistaken" shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes. What is most interesting in the new "official story" is that he was not running trying to evade police, nor was he wearing a heavy jacket as some early "eyewitnesses" stated. (4202 views)
The Saudi oil bombshell - In a newly released book, investment banker Matthew R Simmons convincingly demonstrates that, far from being capable of increasing its output, Saudi Arabia is about to face the exhaustion of its giant fields and, in the relatively near future, will probably experience a sharp decline in output. (2357 views)
FBI agent's misconduct prompted hotel evacuation - A training device mistakenly left by a FBI Secret Service contractor at a Washington hotel was the "suspicious package" that prompted a building evacuation. The FBI and Secret Service sent teams of investigators to the Mayflower Hotel, a few blocks from the White House, after the package was found. Another possible false flag operation stopped before it got started. (1704 views)
Thaksin fights insurgency with TV - The Thai government has decided to step up its fight against the insurgency in the Muslim south of the country with an unusual weapon - cable television. Using TV to distract dissatisfied, rebellious people. (1940 views)
Able Danger Intel Exposed - by Daniel Hopsicker -Mohamed Atta was protected from official scrutiny as part of an officially-protected cocaine and heroin trafficking network with ties to top political figures, including Republican officials Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris, and it was this fact—and not the "terrible lapses" of “weak on terror” Clinton Administration officials cited by Republican Congressman Curt Weldon—which shielded him from being apprehended before the 9.11 attack. (2340 views)
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