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Clarifying Bush: I Will Kill Iranians

Posted in the database on Saturday, August 13th, 2005 @ 16:29:05 MST (1418 views)
from Another Day in the Empire  

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In Bushzarro world, when our potentate speaks, translation is often required. For instance, when Bush fielded questions from the corporate media at the faux cowboy ranch in Crawford, he responded to a question about Iran from an Israeli public television reporter as follows: “All options are on the table.” Of course, this means the Bushcons are considering bombing the dickens out of Iranian school kids and grandmothers. “The use of force is the last option for any president. You know we have used force in the recent past to secure our country.”

For this president, “force” (i.e., wanton mass murder) is the only option when dealing with Muslims. As for securing “our country,” it remains to be seen how making up a passel of lies about nukes and Saddam hobnobbing with Osama accomplished this—but then the invasion and subsequent occupation were not about making America safe, although the perception held by some is that it made Israel safe (see the comments of Philip Zelikow, executive director of the nine eleven white wash commission). Bush used the weapons of mass destruction ruse to kill thousands and thousands of Iraqis. Ditto Iran—in due time.

As Mike Whitney pointed out earlier this week, the “facts about Iran’s ‘alleged’ nuclear weapons program have never been in dispute. There is no such program and no one has ever produced a shred of credible evidence to the contrary…. Iran has no nuclear weapons program. This is the conclusion of Mohammed el-Baradei the respected chief of the IAEA. The agency has conducted a thorough and nearly-continuous investigation on all suspected sites for the last two years and has come up with the very same result every time; nothing.” In Bushzarro world, however, not having nukes means you have nukes. No matter what the Iranians do, they will be attacked.

Ace researcher Wayne Madsen provides details:

According to sources within the German Federal Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst - BND), the Bush administration has drawn up plans to hit Iran’s nuclear, other WMD, and military sites with heavy saturation bombing using bunker buster bombs and tactical nuclear weapons. The attack will be coordinated with urban and rural critical infrastructure sabotage carried out by elements of the People’s Mujaheddin (MEK), Pentagon Special Operations units, and other Iranian dissident groups. The German intelligence comes from classified briefings provided by elements within the CIA that are concerned the neocons in the Bush administration will, in attacking Iran, set off a chain of events that will lead to world war.

And “world war” (or as the neocons call it, world war IV) is exactly what Bush and crew desire. “This fourth world war, I think, will last considerably longer than either World Wars I or II did for us. Hopefully not the full four-plus decades of the Cold War,” former CIA director (and PNACite and JINSAite) James Woolsey said in early 2003 (parroting his neocon buddy and fellow Defense Policy Board member Eliot Cohen, according to Right Web). “Only fear will re-establish [Arab] respect for us…. We need a little bit of Machiavelli.” (Quoted in the Glasgow Sunday Herald, April 13, 2003.) Niccolo Machiavelli, of course, believed the ends justify the means and “the worst and most treacherous acts of the ruler are justified,” as the historian Steven Kreis puts it. In other words, in order to get your way, it’s perfectly legitimate to start a world war, no matter millions of people may be killed.

“The Iranians refused to comply with the demands of the free world, which is: do not, in any way shape or form, have a program that could lead to a nuclear weapon,” Bush continued. “In this particular instance, the EU three—Britain, France and Germany—have taken the lead in helping to send the message, a unified message to the Iranians…. In all these instances we want diplomacy to work and so we are working feverishly on the diplomatic route and, you know, we will see if we are successful or not. As you know I’m skeptical.” Bushzarro translation: Bush and his neocon taskmasters have long planned to attack Iran and allowing the Europeans to send “unified message” is another ruse to buy time.

Of course, the impending attack and mass murder in Iran has nothing to do with the Europeans or their squeamishness about illusory nukes in Iran. As usual, it is about Israel and the neocon plan to slice and dice up the Middle East, eviscerate Muslim societies and culture, and fine tune the “new and improved” neoliberal approach to dominating “markets” through wholesale destruction and mass murder.

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