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Archive for the Month of July, 2005.
Viewing International Affairs NEWS articles 76 through 111 of 111.

July 22, 2005

Fifty Years of American Racism - This Kuwaiti writer argues that for 50 years, U.S. has provided Israel with weapons that have put the Palestinian people 'through all kinds of suffering, murder, displacement, and genocide' and that Washington and the West, based on 'power and profit' seek the complete extermination of Muslim civilization.

Israeli settlers stab to death Palestinian child - Two Israeli settlers stabbed to death a 12-year-old Palestinian boy near the West Bank city of Nablus, Palestinian sources said.

July 23, 2005

Beijing Says Central Asian Nations Want U.S. Forces to Leave - The Chinese government says that the countries in Central Asia that have hosted American and allied forces for operations in Afghanistan now want them out, but that the United States has no intention of leaving.

Prince Turki, former head of Saudi intelligence, becomes Saudi ambassador to US - Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the 22-year Saudi ambassador to the US, the glad-handing "dean of the Washington diplomatic corps," and confidant and partner to successive US presidential administrations, has resigned. He has been replaced by Prince Turki al-Faisal, the former head of Saudi Arabian intelligence (and the current ambassador to Britain).

Jailed Israeli Whistle Blower Claims Israel's Hidden Stockpile Of 200 Nuclear Weapons He Knew About In The 1980s Has Grown Even Larger Today - Although Mordechai Vanunu was finally released from prison last year, he still is under "a restricted travel' arrest and a government imposed gag order to speak about nuclear weapons. Fighting for his complete freedom, he said this week if President Bush is looking for nuclear weapons in the Middle East, 'he can find them right here in Israel.'

US Military Contingent Arrives in - The Paraguayan government opened its doors to a US military contingent comprised of planes, weapons, equipment and ammunition, which arrived in Paraguay after the National Congress granted immunity to US soldiers.

Tearing Up the NPT - Well, that tears it. Or, rather, tears it up. President Bush effectively tore up the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons by announcing this week that "as a responsible state with advanced nuclear technology, India should acquire the same benefits and advantages as other such states."

Firm Hired by Navy to Sway Vieques Vote - The Navy hired a communications firm for $1.6 million in 2001 in an apparent attempt to influence the outcome of a vote on whether part of the Puerto Rican island of Vieques would continue to serve as a bombing range, according to documents obtained by a watchdog group.

July 24, 2005

South America’s New Militarism - Several months ago, an official Brazilian commission visited Vietnam. With the goal of “sharing information about resistance doctrine,” the commission composed of colonels and lieutenant-colonels visited Hanoi, Ho Chi Min City (formerly Saigon), and the Cu Chi Province, where 250 kilometers (150 miles) of underground tunnels constructed during the war with the United States still remain. On the Brazilian army’s webpage, Gen. Claudio Barbosa Figuereido, head of the Amazon Military Command, asserts that Brazil will face actions similar to those that have taken place in Vietnam, and now in Iraq, should the Amazon come into conflict

800,000 infants face starvation in Niger - Torrential rains, following 13 months of drought, are adding a savage new twist to what the UN calls the world's "number one forgotten and neglected emergency" - which has forced parents to feed poisonous leaves to their children to try to keep them alive.

Corporate Socialism, Not Free Trade: CAFTA is no panacea for U.S. or Central America - The track record of NAFTA undermines the credibility of almost every supposed benefit of CAFTA. Don't buy the false premise of these pacts being about "free trade." They serve to advance the power and profit of the giant corporations that create them, not the interests of average citizens or business people.

Egyptian TV 'experts' blame Israel - Several Egyptian "security experts" and "political analysts" interviewed by Arab TV stations after the Sharm e-Sheikh bombings on Saturday claimed that Israel and Jews were behind the carnage.

Central Asia Battle Lines Being Drawn - Buried in the news of the July 7 London bombings, and a tepid G-8 Summit in Gleneagles, Scotland, was another summit that took place in Astana, Kazakstan, on July 5-6. Heads of state representing six nations—Russia, China, Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan—and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), drew the battle lines in Central Asia urging the United States to announce a timeframe to fold up its military bases in Central Asia.

July 26, 2005

Súmate put on trial as U.S. puppet - It has shown how the NED and Súmate are hired hands of the U.S.imperialists and have close connections to the World Bank and IMF, whose structural policies are responsible for impoverishing Third World nations.

Posada Carriles deportation case turns into Bay of Pigs sparnfarkel - That’s right, U.S. prosecutors and Posada’s attorneys will now have to duke it out over whether the U.S. government engaged in an act of terrorism against the Cuban government in the early 1960s. And the irony is that it will be to the benefit of U.S. prosecutors to argue that it was terrorism, since it would seem to bolster the government’s case against granting Posada asylum.

July 27, 2005

US Openly Supports Iranian Terrorists - The U.S. Government is now openly supporting the Mujahideen-e-Khalq, an Iranian resistance movement designated as terrorist organization by the US State Department.

Election scandal and impeachment send Arroyo government reeling, and Filipinos to the streets - The new Philippine crisis presents another sobering example of how people in nations outside of the Anglo-American axis grasp the concepts of democracy and liberty better than those inside the "elite bubble" ever will. Filipinos are taking to the streets, raising their collective voices, and fighting for ethical government. They are being active and creative with their protest. They know what is at stake. The yoke of imperialism, and the stink of corruption, are all too familiar to Filipinos, and they are taking action.

July 28, 2005

Israeli forces kill teenager in Jenin - Israeli occupation troops have shot dead a 15-year-old Palestinian bystander in the West Bank town of Jenin while a four-year-old was seriously wounded in shooting at the Rafah refugee camp near Gaza.

Srebrenica Propaganda Challenged by Independent Research - ...US policy undermined UN and European brokered peace settlements, which could have ended the war in 1992 or 1993, in order to pursue a military solution which inevitably endangered safe zones. By facilitating shipments of illegal weapons to Muslim forces, the US helped turn safe zones into staging areas for conflict and tripwires for NATO intervention.

July 29, 2005

Cheney Orders STRATCOM To Prepare Nuclear Attack Against Iran - Politcal activists and observers have sent out a "world wide red alert' in response to what they called Cheney's "Hitler-like" state of mind.

Group Slams the "Iron Triangle" of US Food Aid - U.S. food aid is inefficient, wasteful and designed in most cases to benefit domestic constituencies, particularly U.S.-based agribusiness firms, shipping companies and some non-governmental organizations (NGOs), more than needy people in developing countries, according to a new report released this week by the Minnesota-based Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP).

New post to help Castro 'demise' - US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has announced the creation of a new post to help "accelerate the demise" of the Castro regime in Cuba.

July 30, 2005

US warns customers against buying Iran oil & gas - As per the current US policy, oil and gas producers such as Iran, Sudan, Burma and Venezuela are bad boys which makes it difficult for the US companies to have dealings with them. But then, the US does not want others to deal with them either.

Uzbekistan evicts United States from air base - Uzbekistan has told the United States to quit a military base that has served as a hub for missions to Afghanistan since shortly after the September 11, 2001, attacks, a Pentagon spokesman said on Saturday.

Does she or doesn’t she? - According to north Korea, the Americans do have nuclear weapons on the Korean peninsula, covertly deployed on the territory of its neo-colony, the Republic of Korea, in the south

THE ZIONISTS HAD A PLAN TO DISINTEGRATE IRAQ IN 1982 AND CONTROL THE ARAB WORLD - In 1982 the Hebrew-language magazine Kivunim (Directions), the official organ of the World Zionist Organization published an important article entitled, “A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties”. The Zionist plan called for the destabilisation of Arab states and the breaking them into their smaller ethnic minorities in order to ensure Israeli domination over the smaller and weaker remnants.

Palestinian medics start hunger strike - Workers in the Palestinian health sector have started an open hunger strike that threatens to halt the provision of medical services in all government health clinics.

UN report: Rape in Darfur continues - Sudanese police and soldiers continue to rape civilians in Darfur despite government promises to stop them and punish those responsible, a UN report has said

Georgian Opposition Leader Says Grenade Attack on Bush Was Staged by Authorities - The leader of the Georgian opposition Labor Party said on Thursday that the grenade attack on U.S. President Bush in Tbilisi on May 10 was prepared and staged by Georgia’s secret services in a bid to improve the image of Georgian President Saakashvili and present him as a staunch fighter for democracy.

Israeli Bulldozers Destroy Remains of Byzantium Church in Gaza - Sadeq asserted that such Israeli aggression is a "new phase of Israeli series of aggressions against archeological sites and historic buildings in Palestinian cities and towns".

French Family Values - The French family, without question, has lower disposable income. This translates into lower personal consumption: a smaller car, a smaller house, less eating out. But there are compensations for this lower level of consumption. Because French schools are good across the country, the French family doesn't have to worry as much about getting its children into a good school district. Nor does the French family, with guaranteed access to excellent health care, have to worry about losing health insurance or being driven into bankruptcy by medical bills.

July 31, 2005

War Criminal Ariel Sharon: Did He Murder His Wife? - Powerful suspicions that Sharon eliminated his first wife and possibly his first son are widespread.

Mossad: The Enemy Within America - And Israel - Israeli espionage, specifically the MOSSAD, has targeted America since the earliest days and its penetration of America has far surpassed anything that the USSR could have envisioned, or actually accomplished, during the height of the Roosevelt Administration or the subsequent Cold War.

CIA says Iranian hostage photo does not show Iranian President-elect - ...neocon-supplied photos intended to "prove" that incoming Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad as one of the hostage takers at the U.S. embassy in Teheran in 1979 have proven to be as phony as Iraqi WMDs and Niger government documents.

Colombia: Our Other War - There is no doubt about the impact of the policy of military support for a government that is trying to kill its way to stability. For decades, that has meant massacres of rural citizens whose misfortune it is to get in the way of the fighting.

Countdown: The Coming UK Coup - We present unambiguous political analysis showing there is a covert timeline to ensure that in October of this year, the U.K. will railroaded into becoming a Homeland Security State --using the same methodology which established the prototype in the United States.


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