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Did David Boren Install a Homosexual Network in the CIA?

Posted in the database on Tuesday, June 21st, 2005 @ 10:10:07 MST (4709 views)
by Michael P. Wright, Norman, Oklahoma    Friends of Liberty  

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Since FriendsOfLiberty.com has provided the interviews with Kay Griggs on the subject of the military-homosexual complex, I would like to open up consideration of the question of whether David Boren, using the influence he gained as the patron and mentor of George Tenet, was able to install a homosexual network in the CIA.

First of all, I am 100% sure that Boren is homosexual. This has been known at the gossip level around Oklahoma for more than three decades.

Boren was outed without any ambiguity in a 1995 book entitled The Price of Achievement, by W. Scott Thompson, who was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford the same time Boren was there. Boren was openly gay at Oxford, but tried to appear to be straight when he came back to Oklahoma to run for office.

It wasn't an easy appearance to maintain. As a legislator in the late 60s, Boren had a bad habit of mashing his body up against teen-age page boys in the Capitol elevators. With two years remaining on his third term, Boren resigned from the U.S. Senate in 1994, after he was assured that he would be named president of the University of Oklahoma. The year before the gay press started to out him and he was being accused of male-on-male sexual harassment. Boren managed to conceal this unpleasant news from most Oklahomans.

W. Scott Thompson was a Reagan appointee who came out himself as gay during the Reagan years. He later became a professor at Tufts. He devotes two pages of his book to Boren. He says that Boren's homosexuality "was never too far from the surface." For all the evidence about Boren and his history of predatory homosexuality, go here:


This website has been up since 2000, and Boren has never sued me for libel. Rest assured that he knows about it. He has also never sued W. Scott Thompson. The reason is obvious: more than anyone else, Boren knows we are telling the truth...

Now, what do I know about Tenet? He is probably gay or bisexual, but I can't say for sure.

Boren has made a lifelong practice of setting up young men with government jobs, if they are sexually appealing to him and if they are gay or if he thinks they might be gay.

Just the fact that Boren set Tenet up on his career path, and that the two men have remained close friends since the 80s, makes me suspect that Tenet is queer. What else do I know? All these facts can be documented:

1. Tenet and Boren were reported by TIME to be having a "leisurely breakfast" together in a Washington hotel on the morning of the 9/11 attack; this TIME article is online:


2. at his 1997 swearing-in ceremony, Boren was present and Tenet declared his "affection" for him; Tenet did not even say that about his own wife; go here for the transcript of that event:


This information is from Tenet's March 2005 speech at OU. This was hosted by his good friend and mentor Boren. I have a copy of the video of this speech:

3. Tenet boasted that he had kissed Arafat more times than any other U.S. official;

4. Tenet said that he "loved" OU football coach Bob Stoops;

5. Tenet admitted to being in the locker room of the OU football team, before the 2004 Sugar Bowl game;

6. while bragging about Tenet, Boren let slip the fact that Tenet was given the chief of staff job with the Intelligence Committee, in 1987, even though there were several other members who out-ranked hiim;

See the video from the December "Medal of Freedom" ceremony at the White House:

7. Bush talks about the fact that Tenet was always seen around the CIA with an unlit cigar in his mouth; observe the knowing smile from General Tommy Franks;

8. after praising Tenet for his "humble origins," Bush says that Tenet still has "a lot of Queens in him"; this was followed by another knowing smile from Franks.

Out in the audience was David Boren, one of the Queens. Look for him at the end of the video. He appears wearing a dark suit, and is in the center of the screen. He can be recognized by the bald spot. Observe him rubbing his hand over another man's back and resting it on his shoulder. In the very end of the video clip, he turns and shows his face to the camera.

Al Martin is the author of The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran Contra Insider. On page 96 he reports that in the mid-80s the CIA set Boren up with a homosexual contact and then surreptitiously photographed it, so they could get some leverage on him. Perhaps they were simultaneously rewarding and controlling him with young male flesh. Most likely, Boren's strong interest in developing Tenet's career was partly a strategy to get himself into the position of controlling the CIA, rather than having it control him."

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