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9-11 -

Father Of 9/11 Victim Says Government Ran Attack As Media Hit Pieces Continue

Posted in the database on Tuesday, September 05th, 2006 @ 12:42:57 MST (3885 views)
by Paul Joseph Watson    PrisonPlanet.com  

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Emotional shell game accusation of 'disgracing victim's memories' doesn't jive anymore

Another 9/11 family member has gone public to rubbish the conspiracy theory that the attacks were planned and executed by nineteen incompetent Arabs with box cutters who were getting drunk in a strip club the night before and barely even made it to the airport on time. Meanwhile, hit pieces against the 9/11 truth movement continue in the lead up to the fifth anniversary of the event.

A familiar emotional shell game on the part of the debunkers is to proclaim that questioning any aspect of 9/11 disgraces the memory of the victims. This tactic is clearly not working anymore especially in light of the fact that Bill Doyle, representative of the largest group of 9/11 family members - says that half now completely distrust the official version of events.

Bob McIlvaine's son Bobby was working for Merrill Lynch in the 103rd floor of the south tower when Flight 175 struck. He was likely one of the unfortunate individuals who obeyed the Port Authority's ridiculous order for workers to stay in the building and not evacuate even after Flight 11 had ploughed into the north tower.

McIlvaine is convinced that the attacks were an inside job orchestrated by elements within the US government.

"Today, there are no ifs or buts in my mind that this was an inside job. The US government orchestrated it with the help of MI6 and Pakistan and Mossad. What they are telling us is bullshit. The hijackers were patsies and Osama bin Laden was set up," McIlvaine told the London Independent.

McIlvaine has since devoted his life to educating others on what really happened on 9/11.

Despite the best efforts of Jewish American Adam Yehiye Gadahn to propagandize the reality of the Al-Qaeda myth, Americans are becoming increasingly skeptical of 9/11 and if the recent rash of hit pieces against the 9/11 truth movement are anything to go by, the establishment is stricken with concern.

There were another two major 9/11 semi-debunking pieces over the weekend, one in the San Francisco Chronicle and one in Reuters. Expect a deluge of them for the next two weeks as the five year anniversary comes to pass.

The most incongruous sentence from the Chronicle piece is where CIA involvement in 9/11 is characterized as "the epitome of preposterous beliefs that start with a conclusion and work backward to find evidence."

Wasn't it media talking heads and government officials in the hours after the attacks who were reading off the same script and ascribing blame to Bin Laden with no substantiating evidence? Did they then not present alleged "evidence" to work backward to the already pre-determined conclusion? So-called evidence that is insufficient to federally indict Bin Laden for involvement in 9/11 five years after the attack - despite the fact that it took less than three months to indict him for the 1998 embassy bombings.


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