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Disbelief Caused by Bush 'Hatred' Say 'No Spin' News Heads Descending
Deeper into the Defensive
The campaign to discredit the 9/11 Truth Movement has gone from manageable
to desperate for the administration. The push for more evidence had been dammed
up by the premise of the Moussoui Trial. But since its completion, pressure
has forced an ever-defensive government to dole out evidence.
So, we have seen the handled release of more Pentagon footage and now, the
release of some of the NORAD recordings from 9/11. Fox News has had on many
guests regarding 9/11 since the Pentagon footage was released, including 9/11
Scholars for Truth members James
Fetzer, the founder, and Kevin
Barrett, whose un-tenured teaching position has come under attack.
Both scholars raised questions that Fox News couldn't fully address, but Fox
was still able to maintain the catch all defense summed up in the label "Conspiracy
But now the Bush administration's parrot has been forced to descend deeper
into the circles of illogical defense-- showing the forced hand in trying to
suppress information about the truth of the September 11 attacks.
The recent Scripps-Howard/Ohio State Poll found that 1/3
of the American public "suspect federal officials assisted in the 9/11
terrorist attacks or took no action to stop them so the United States could
go to war in the Middle East."
Fox News, then, must hobble backwards over itself in the name of damage control.
This only compliments the May 2006 Zogby Poll that reveals a shocking 42% of
American adults believe in a cover-up of 9/11. It further revealed that over
70 million Americans would support a new investigation.
This has forced a new line of defense in a crumbling and deceptive government
to hide the truth-- that Americans don't believe the Official 9/11 story solely
due to their 'hatred for Bush.'
The Propaganda-Peddling Ring known as Fox has one primary organizational purpose--
to maintain a public confidence that the administration's house of cards is
structurally sound. The executive-branch records any approximate mandate as
carte blanche on its asset sheet, and there is a vested interest in a nation
torn apart by wedge issues-- one that asks only questions within the realm of
the Socratic shadow world.
A populous nosing around the metaphysical light is a troubling one-- national
security doesn't really justify much outside of the cave.
So, Fox News must continue to rationalize and write-off all forms of dissent,
especially regarding 9/11-- which they continually characterize as the doubts
of fringe conspiracy theorists.
Now that this is no longer possible, they must pawn off legitimate doubts as
'blind hatred.' Fox, of course, still cannot debate the facts of the case. To
do so would be to fight an unwinnable case.
Fox News' John Gibson addresses several major concerns of 9/11 conspiracy theorists--
including faked Bin Laden tapes, controlled demolition of the 'Twin Towers'
(building 7 is not mentioned here), missiles at the Pentagon.
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Video | Infowars.net
But he dismisses them collectively on two faulty fronts, first categorizing
the belief that the 'U.S. government had something to do with the 9/11 attacks'
as "madness" put forward by "America haters in Europe and Canada
and Arab nation. A best selling book in France started it." (referring
here to Thierry Meyssan).
After re-enforcing the idea that doubting the Official 9/11 story is Un-American,
Gibson dismisses collectively claims contrary to the official account as being
'much closer to alien spaceships than they are to observable and verifiable
Fox News would like you to believe that the 9/11 case is one still rooted in
rhetoric when in fact the situation is one of mounting evidence--piles and piles
of indescrepancies and proven-evidence (as is in the case of thermite
being found in molten steel samples) that is simply ignored by a government
facade that claims, as John Gibson did, that "hundreds if not thousands
of experts have told them exactly what happened on 9/11."
During the same news cycle that the Scripps-Howard poll shows a third of Americans
believing the government took part in the attacks, partial tapes from NORAD
on 9/11 have been released.
Even Fox News had to concede in its coverage that the Pentagon lied about the
NORAD timetable. Sean Hannity acknowledged this point-- without analizing it--but
was quick to assert, falsely, that it "doesn't prove there was any wrongdoing."
This weakening defense is readily reinforced by the easy "incompetence"
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BACKUP: Infowars
Hannity wants to ask questions like: "Would the government ever be ready
for some thing like that, do you think, or is it one of those things that are
so unpredictable that that seems almost the natural response?"
Vanity Fair reporter Michael Bronner, who was on to cover his
coverage of the NORAD tapes, covers the incompetence rationale with statements
like: "It's the breakdown between the FAA and the military trying to figure
out where the planes were that caused them the biggest problems all day."
This gives a false impression that contradicts the standard
operating procedure of NORAD to scramble jet fighters whenever a jetliner
goes off course or radio contact is lost. NORAD's official website also claims
that they will "detect, intercept
and if necessary engage any air-breathing threat to this continent."
There is also the testimony
of Norman Mineta, who was the Transportation Secretary during 9/11. He claims
to have been in the bunker with Vice President Dick Cheney while an inferior
officer reported the closing distance of the hijacked planes, asking the Vice
President "if the orders still stand."
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Hannity's whitewash in the interpretation of the NORAD tapes signals a new line
of defense in the cover-up of 9/11 that cannot stand. There are simply too many
discrepancies for the public to ignore any longer.
The ignorance of the general public the administration has relied upon is unravelling.
One third of the American public suspects that the government was involved in
the attacks--that number without any admissions, accusations or attention by
any leading Democrats or Republicans.
The truth, then, is out in massive numbers without the help of politics. This
implies strongly that the hopes of the administration to keep this thing under
wraps in an open-ended War on Terror is simply over. They will be forced to
show their hand or give up. Either way, the public will no longer be deceived
about the truth of 9/11.
Fox News would love to really believe that sentiment and rhetoric are still
the controlling devices behind the shifting public belief on 9/11. Unfortunately
for Fox and the remainder of complicit mainstream media, the debate is being
driven by evidence that cannot or is not being refuted by those in government
in a position to do so.
Unfortunately for the criminal elements in and around the government who actually
attacked the United States on 9/11, the truth of that evidence is coming out--
it is only a matter of time.
Hatred for Bush may be one of the consequences, but it is not the cause of
public opinion on 9/11. This excuse will only bide time.
Read from Looking Glass News
Questions Avoided by Corporate Media concerning DoD Lies & 9/11 Commission
"Conspiracy Theorists" Vindicated: Pentagon deliberately misled Public
Tapes Only Intensify Implausibility Of 9/11 Official Story
Poll: Over 70 Million American Adults Support New 9/11 Investigation
Skeptic on 9/11 Prompts Questions on Academic Freedom
for 9/11 Truth under Attack
Iran-Contra Criminal Grills Jim Fetzer
Teacher Persecuted for 9/11 Heresy
ashes still hot; Barrett next to be burned at stake
Ward Churchill, 9/11 Official Version Guardian
Receives Customary Death Threats
9/11 Commission's Incredible Tales
Commission report is a lie
Commission continues cover-up, circles wagons for stumbling empire
Commission - Forgedda Boudit
reasons to question the official story of 9/11
Reasons to Question the Official 9/11 Story
Half-Dozen Questions About 9/11 They Don't Want You to Ask
- Look Inside The 911 Smoke Plume
The Myth and the Reality
Destruction of the World Trade Center
Impossibility of Flying Heavy Aircraft Without Training
a Plane Into the World Trade Center?
Evidence that Official 9/11 Story is a Lie
1975 World Trade Center Fire
Implosion Looks Like WTC Collapse
gas tanks' demolition foreshadows Twin Towers' demolition
Times at the Pentagon
911 Witness - Interview with April Gallop
Papers Author Daniel Ellsberg Says Government May Have Carried Out 9/11
Aicraft Registry Oddities
Pentagon eyewitness IDs Global Hawk
Flight 77 Hitting The Pentagon Would Really Look?
Animation showing military precision of flight paths
of 911 Exceeded Their Software Limits
All "911"
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