Untitled Document
By any interpretation of international law, Israel today is committing
massive and egregious war crimes and crimes against humanity against the defenseless
people of Palestine and Lebanon. It's doing it with the full support
and encouragement of the US and willful compliance of the West, most of the
Arab world, the UN and the dominant corporate media worldwide acting as cheerleaders
for the mass killing, crippling destruction, and immiseration of innocent civilians
in Lebanon and the Palestinian Occupied Territories. Israel falsely claims its
duel assaults are in response to Hamas' capture of an Israel Defense Forces
(IDF) soldier near Kerem Shalom crossing, southeast of Rafah, on June 25 and
Hezbollah's cross-border incursion on July 12, killing eight IDF soldiers in
the exchange that followed and taking two others prisoner.
The three soldiers were captured, not "kidnapped" as falsely
reported. But nearly 10,000 Palestinian and Lebanese civilians were
forcibly abducted, are now held in indefinite detention in Israeli prisons,
many administratively without charge, and are grievously abused or tortured
according to Amnesty International and B'Tselem, the Israeli human rights monitoring
group. Amnesty, in fact, reported in 1998: "By Israel's own admission,
Lebanese detainees are being held as 'bargaining chips;' they are not detained
for their own actions but in exchange for Israeli soldiers missing in action
or killed in Lebanon (during the Israeli occupation there). Most have now spent
10 years in secret and isolated detention (and many are still there or have
been replaced by other abductees)." The "civilized world" rails
about the three IDF prisoners of war, yet is unconcerned about 10,000 Arab victims
because they're Muslims, not white enough, and no criticism of Israel is allowed
or tolerated publicly for whatever it does. Still, no nation claimed it had
a right to declare war on Israel to free its prisoners unjustifiably held nor
would the world community tolerate it if one did.
But that's just what Israel did and is getting away with it with the full support
of the US and world community. Clearly the events of June 25 and July 12 in
no way justify Israel's right to wage all out retaliatory war, and in doing
it Israel is grievously violating international laws and norms. Nonetheless,
it's known Israel planned to wage them long before it got the pretexts to do
it. Both "wars" were planned well in advance, Israel intended to wage
them all along and only needed an excuse to do it in each case. Had not Hamas
and Hezbollah obliged (insignificant as their provocations were), Israel would
have "manufactured" pretexts as it's done in the past to execute the
plans it had in mind. The result since has been the mass suffering and death
of innocent men, women and children (in numbers far greater than reported as
they always are) who always pay the greatest price when conflicts begin.
But that's part of Israel's plan as their strategy is always to deliberately
inflict great pain on the civilian population of its targets hoping the people
affected will blame their ruling authorities for it and turn against them. In
Palestine and Lebanon that means Hamas and Hezbollah that Israel intends making
every effort to destroy. The strategy never worked before, and it won't now
as evidenced by how events are now unfolding. Instead of turning the people
in the Occupied Territories and South Lebanon against Hamas and Hezbollah, both
these authorities are gaining support in response to Israel's extreme and unjustifiable
reign of terror that eventually will come back to haunt it and its US ally as
it always does.
Israel's Plan Is to Wage a Scorched-Earth Reign of Terror Similar to
What the US Is Doing in Iraq
Israel responded quickly and overwhelmingly to the Hamas and Hezbollah provocations.
It initiated "Operation Summer Rain" against Hamas and the Palestinians
and "Operation Change of Direction" against Hezbollah and the people
of Lebanon. Both IDF assaults continue unabated so far through intensive attacks
from the air and on the ground.
It's not the purpose of this article to document the carnage inflicted thus
far in each conflict area. It's been brutal, unrelenting and excessive involving
suspected use of illegal weapons including chemical agents, depleted uranium
(DU) munitions that will leave deadly irremediable toxic radiation forever over
the areas struck and beyond, and white phosphorous bombs and shells, known as
Willy Pete, that burn flesh to the bone and can't be extinguished by water that
only makes it worse when used. The IDF is also reportedly testing in real time
some new terror weapons, possibly for the first time. One of them is a thermobaric
bomb reported being used freely across Lebanon. This bomb contains polymer-bonded
or solid fuel-air explosives in its payload. It also has a fuse munition unit
(FMU) used on the nose of Israeli artillery shells able to penetrate buildings,
underground shelters and tunnels creating such a blast pressure that all the
oxygen is sucked out from the spaces and the lungs of anyone in the vicinity.
The Lebanese, and likely the Palestinians as well, are their lab rats with consequences
to them too horrible to imagine.
Much of this is being well covered daily with graphic pictures of destroyed
bodies (including of young children) in the alternative media online, in print,
on Aljazeera and in other independent media sources uncorrupted by their governments
or corporate affiliations. Sadly, as usual, it's impossible to have any understanding
of what's going on or why through the US corporate media, so-called US National
Public Radio and TV that have sunk as low as Fox News in their corrupted one-sidedness,
and the "vaunted" and "venerable" BBC that's about as bad.
As it always is, especially in time of war, the first casualty is truth that's
being suppressed in the mainstream and replaced with Israel and US-friendly
Nonetheless, those seeking alternative sources of news and information to learn
and understand the truth know that Israel's response to two minor incursions
against it has been disproportionate in the extreme. But it's part of Israel's
long-standing strategy to provoke conflict deliberately, to get the PLO in the
past and Hamas and Hezbollah today to respond, falsely label them "terrorists"
for doing it, and then claim a justifiable right to strike back with brute force
in "self-defense" that's, in fact, an act of aggression. It's always
done to avoid a political solution with them which Israel has no intention of
accommodating ever. In executing its current plan, the IDF has now maliciously
and willfully attacked innocent civilians in Palestine and Lebanon and created
a humanitarian disaster in both countries. The world response to these atrocities
has been tepid, shameless and disgraceful, and hundreds of thousands of defenseless
people are paying a dreadful price as a consequence. Israel is being allowed
and even encouraged to get away with murder and mass destruction, and most world
governments through their acquiescence are, de facto, willing co-conspirators.
As a result, nothing is being done to help the innocent victims whose suffering
continues daily with no letup.
Israel's assaults on the Occupied Territories and Lebanon were planned well
in advance with the full knowledge and approval of the US. It was reported earlier
this year in Israel's Maariv daily that the events now underway in Gaza and
the West Bank were in the works for months. It was explained in an interview
the paper did with IDF Southern Command General Yoav Galant, responsible for
Gaza, who said that "we (Israel) have a plan to (re) occupy the Strip"
(and) "We are in advanced states of preparing forces for readiness"
to do it in response to "increased (Palestinian) attacks." Another
IDF official confirmed what the general said and added that the IDF completed
its training to reenter Gaza and informed its soldiers to prepare and be ready
for orders to move in. Neither the general or other IDF official explained,
however, that the Palestinian "attacks" were with crude weapons and
only in response to Israel's daily assaults against them with the most sophisticated
weapons the IDF has other than its nuclear ones.
The story in Lebanon is very similar and the predictable outcome from Hezbollah's
justifiable responses to Israeli instigated intermittent conflict, cross-border
incursions, freewheeling abductions, and repeated violations of the country's
airspace. It's brought us to where we are now and Israel's plan and intent to
destroy Hezbollah as a political entity as well as the military strength it's
built up since the IDF withdrew from South Lebanon six years ago.
Hezbollah publicly admitted receiving military aid from Iran and Syria in the
Arab press, and the Syrian defense minister confirmed his country helped supply
some of it. This was just reported on July 21 by Matthew Kallman of the San
Francisco Chronicle Foreign Service - a most unexpected venue. Kallman quotes
Israeli professor Gerald Steinberg of Bar-Ilan University who said: "In
a sense, the preparation (for the Lebanon assault) began in May, 2000, immediately
after the Israeli withdrawal, when it became clear the international community
was not going to prevent Hezbollah from stockpiling missiles and attacking Israel.
By 2004, the military campaign scheduled to last about three weeks that we're
seeing now had already been blocked out and, in the last year or two, it's been
simulated and rehearsed across the board." The professor forgot to mention
that Hezbollah attacks were justifiable and in response to frequent Israeli
cross-border ones against them, the Lebanese people and the Palestinians, as
explained above. It's called self-defense, but not by the Western media or this
Israeli professor.
Kallman reported further that over a year ago a senior Israeli IDF officer
(unidentified) began giving "PowerPoint presentations" off the record
to US and other officials and unnamed journalists and think tanks explaining
the plan now underway "in revealing detail." The officer described
a three week campaign to destroy Hezbollah's "long-range missiles,"
rocket launchers and weapons stores, its command and control centers, and disrupt
transportation and communication in the country. He said IDF ground forces in
large numbers would then invade Southern Lebanon in the third week of the campaign
to destroy targets identified through reconnaissance but not to remain on a
long-term basis. It turned out the IDF did it after 10 days and are now in the
south of the country.
Kallman also quoted Eran Lerman, a former colonel in IDF intelligence who said
the Israeli military debated how to accomplish what it's now undertaken. There
were two sides. "One is the air power school of thought, the other is the
land-borne option......the air force concept is very methodical....and slower
to get results. A ground invasion that sweeps Hezbollah in front of you is quicker,
but at a much higher cost in human life and requiring the creation of a presence
on the ground." Moshe Marzuk, former head of the Lebanon desk for Israeli
Military Intelligence, added "Israel has learned from past conflicts in
Lebanon, the West Bank and Gaza.....that a traditional military campaign (on
the ground) would be counter-effective. A big invasion is not suitable here.
We are not fighting an army, but guerrillas.....If we are to be on the ground
at all, we need to use commandos and special forces." So far, the script
outlined above is playing out about as planned. But Kallman was also told what
any military observer knows well. The best of plans don't always work out as
intended which the daily Haaretz military analyst, Daniel Ben-Simon, indicated
when he said: "I have no idea how this movie is going to end."
No one does, but it's the purpose of this article to address why these operations
were undertaken, what Israel and its US ally hope to achieve by them, and what
may follow next, hard as that may be to know. Still, it's important to try as
the danger of an expanded conflict is possible with untold consequences should
it happen.
Israel's Intent and Goals and Those of Its US Ally
The US is always fully aware well in advance of any significant operation Israel
intends to undertake. As that small but powerful nation's paymaster and benefactor,
Israel wouldn't dare under most circumstances not keep its most valued ally
fully in the loop and most concerned about having its full compliance. That's
rarely ever a problem though as both nations share a common interest in the
Middle East. For Israel it's primarily security against potentially hostile
neighbors, its intent to assure pro-Israeli regimes in the region, and its ability
to expand its undeclared borders beyond where they now are to wherever it's
able to do it and get away with it. Israel already controls the choicest parts
of the West Bank, the Syrian Golan Heights it captured in the 1967 war and never
returned, and the 25 square kilometer Shebaa Farms area of South Lebanon it
never relinquished after seizing it as well in the 1967 war. It's maintained
its occupation of both areas after the end of hostilities with Syria nearly
40 years ago and its withdrawal from Lebanon in May, 2000, 22 years after it
first invaded this defenseless country.
Like Israel, the US also has a clear interest in the Middle East that's elementary
to a grade schooler with any intelligence. The region has about half the world's
acknowledged oil reserves and for over half a century has been viewed by US
officials as a treasure of almost unimaginable strategic and economic value.
That view has prevailed at least since the historic meeting on the USS Quincy
in early 1945 near the end of WW II between Franklin Roosevelt and Saudi King
ibn Saud to begin a relationship that would later assure US access to Saudi
oil and the beginning of its dominance in the region in return for this country's
agreeing to provide security for the monarchy.
Ever since, the US has pursued a policy to establish and support client states
in the region and to conduct hostile covert actions or wage war to install them
in nations important enough like Iraq where they didn't exist. Despite our rhetoric
concerning the Middle East or anywhere else, this country has no interest whatever
in removing dictators or establishing democracies. It's only interest everywhere,
but especially in countries with great strategic importance, is to have in place
client states run by leaders subservient to US wishes and aims. Independent-minded
leaders like Saddam, the Iranian Mullahs and President Mahmoud Armadinejad,
Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, and three-time democratically elected Venezuelan
President Hugo Chavez, beloved by the great majority of his people, are prime
targets for regime-changing removal by force if necessary - only because they
chose to run their countries independently of US authority. Imperial powers
like the US never tolerate that.
Israel's well-planned actions against Hamas and the Palestinians and Hezbollah
and the people of Lebanon are part of the same regime-changing strategy. In
the Occupied Territories it's to destroy Hamas as an independent-minded political
entity and replace it with a compliant one like Fatah and Mahmoud Abbas willing
to serve Israel's interests and not those of the Palestinian people. In South
Lebanon, it's essentially the same thing - to destroy Hezbollah as a political
and resistance force, remove its resilient threat to Israeli hegemony in the
region, and replace it with an Israel-friendly Lebanese government in full control
of the country.
The Evolution of Israeli-Hamas Relations
Israel wasn't always hostile to Hamas it now views as an enemy it intends to
destroy. In the 1980s, the Israeli government lent it support to check the growing
authority and legitimacy of the PLO that had suspended retaliatory attacks and
wanted to pursue a political solution with Israel that Prime Minister Yitzhak
Shamir at the time explained Israelis would never agree to and, in fact, said
he went to war with Lebanon in 1982 to prevent. But once established, Hamas
rose in prominence largely due to its well organized and effective social service
network that provides such essential services as food assistance, health care,
education, daycare and other charitable aid to Palestinians in great need of
them. But Hamas also has a military or resistance wing that has engaged in attacks
against Israeli soldiers and civilians in retaliation for Israel's war of attrition
against the Palestinian people that's caused decades of immiseration with little
relief or outside support to offset it.
Because of that, Israel was horrified when the January, 2006 election didn't
turn out the way it thought it had carefully arranged and Hamas won a clear
majority of the seats in the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC). Without
the larger than life figure of Yasser Arafat to lead it, the Palestinian people
finally rejected the dominant Fatah party and its post-Oslo history of corruption
and subservience to Israeli authority. From the start, it was clear Israel had
a single aim - to destroy Hamas as a political entity by any means. The Ehud
Olmert led Kadima government planned it, the IDF trained in preparation for
it, and it just awaited a convenient pretext to initiate what began on June
The Hezbollah Story
The Hezbollah story is quite similar. It was born out of the Israeli invasion
of Lebanon in 1982 and the oppressive occupation that followed. Hezbollah was
formed to resist the occupation, expel the Israelis, and it remained an effective
opposition force to Israel ever since. It's major base of support is in the
Southern Lebanon Shiite region and Northern Beka'a valley it controls that's
up to one-third of the population. It's also likely supported by the estimated
400,000 Palestinian refugees in the country who live in overcrowded camps, struggle
to achieve their basic needs, have no legal rights, and get no government aid
or protection. Hezbollah is also a major political force and is represented
by 11 lawmakers in the Lebanese Parliament and has two government ministers
in the country's cabinet. But it also maintains a military wing as a needed
deterrent to Israeli oppression that up to now has been the only effective force
against it in the region. That's why Israel's aim has always been to eliminate
Hezbollah and now initiated on July 12 what looks like all out war, the reinvasion
of Lebanon that followed on July 22, and possible occupation of the country
ahead if it decides that's what's needed to achieve it. It never was able to
do it before and likely won't succeed now whatever strategy it follows. But
Israel is determined and seems intent to follow the strange and doomed to fail
policy of "always wrong but never in doubt." It won't be any different
this time, but once again Israel appears to be repeating past mistakes and making
its victims pay the harsh price for them.
Throughout Israel's occupation of Southern Lebanon in 1980s and 90s that price
was severe indeed, but Hezbollah's committed resistance nonetheless finally
succeeded in getting the IDF to withdraw from the country in May, 2000. After
22 years of failing to subdue a resilient South Lebanon, it's hard to believe
Israel is once again willing to try and in so doing inflict mass death, suffering
and destruction on the innocent people throughout this country that are no match
for the IDF militarily in a head-on confrontation. But it goes unreported and
undiscussed in the mainstream that if Israel really wanted to end retaliatory
attacks against its territory and people, the easy sure way to do it is to stop
provoking the Palestinians and Hezbollah by attacking them first. The fact that
it hasn't done it shows it won't and doesn't want to because in a state of peace
and calm it would be unable to avoid the political solution it never intends
to negotiate in good faith.
Israel instead prefers to continue the policy it began against Lebanon in 1968
when the IDF conducted terror raids and military aggression against the country
that included attacking the Beirut airport and destroying 13 civilian planes
on the ground claiming it was in retaliation for an attack by Lebanese trained
Palestinians targeting an Israeli airliner in Athens. IDF incursions into Lebanon
continued in the 1970s against the PLO including the major invasion into Southern
Lebanon, the "Litani River Operation." It was launched in March, 1978
to establish an occupation zone that Israel put the Christian South Lebanon
Army (SLA) in place to man when it withdrew its forces weeks later.
But Israel reinvaded the country in June, 1982 in force with intent to stay,
remaining until Hezbollah forced it to withdraw in May, 2000. Before it did,
however, the IDF managed to kill about 18,000 mostly innocent civilian Lebanese
and Palestinians. Yet, despite the carnage, the IDF was unable to destroy Hezbollah
which resisted effectively including against Israel's April, 1996 17 day "Operation
Grapes of Wrath" that accomplished nothing but more death and destruction.
Today, Hezbollah under its leader, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, is stronger than
ever and is gaining support beyond its Shiite base and near autonomy in the
South in response to the Israeli inflicted atrocities committed in the current
conflict. It now remains to watch and speculate where this conflict is heading.
The Road from Palestine and Lebanon May Lead to Iran and Syria
The US and Israeli plan may be to escalate the current Palestinian and Lebanese
conflicts and extend them to Iran and Syria. It's a real possibility and the
most serious threat at this time with all its potentially dreadful consequences.
Whether it will or won't happen only high-level insiders in both countries know
for certain, and even they may be unsure until the current conflicts play out
further. If it's undertaken, this added escalation will have unknown hazards
for all involved combined with the increasing out-of-control conflict in Iraq
and the one in Afghanistan fast heading in the same direction. At this time,
whether the Washington neocons in charge of things, the Pentagon and the Likudnik
spin-offs in the Olmert Kadima party are willing to risk going further is anyone's
The Threat to Iran
The future is uncertain, but what is known is that a number of reports circulated
earlier this year and in 2005 that the Bush administration signed off on a "shock
and awe" nuclear attack against Iran to destroy its entirely legal commercial
nuclear program based on the unproved claim Iran is using it to develop and
produce nuclear weapons. Among other places this was reported by journalist
Seymour Hersh in the New Yorker magazine recently. Hersh went further saying
Israel has called Iran a "major threat" that "must be stopped"
from developing these weapons. In a subsequent article Hersh then reported these
plans are off the table because of strong resistance to them inside the Pentagon.
But it's hard to believe this is so given the position of the hard-liners in
charge in Washington and Israel determined to pursue regime change in both Iran
and Syria and replace the current leaderships there with pro-Western ones who'll
dutifully serve their obedient role of subservient client states.
Israel also has long had designs on Iran that have been known at least since
October, 2003, when the German weekly Der Spiegel reported that the Mossad (the
country's intelligence gathering and covert action and counterterrorism agency)
had marked six Iranian nuclear facilities as targets for an Israeli pre-emptive
air strike. It added that then Israel Prime Minister Aeriel Sharon called Iran
"the greatest danger to Israel" and Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz said
"Iran calls for Israel's annihilation (and) We must do our utmost under
US guidance to delay or eliminate the prospect of the extremist regime (in Tehran
from) securing weapons of this sort." It went on to report "a special
unit of Mossad received an order...to prepare a detailed plan to destroy Iran's
nuclear sites Mossad believes (have) reached an advanced stage....." The
completed Mossad plan was then "delivered to the Israeli Air Force, (to)
carry out the strike."
As far as we know, the US is also making plans and has since 2004 been committing
hostile acts against Iran by flying unmanned aerial surveillance drones across
its airspace and has infiltrated special forces reconnaissance teams secretly
into the country "to collect targeting data and to establish contact with
anti-government ethnic minority groups" according to Seymour Hersh in his
reporting. The Iranians are well aware of these activities and are likely doing
all they can to thwart or counteract them. They also understand quite well what's
at stake for them - that the US and Israel are planning regime change by whatever
means they think will work and are using the falsely claimed threat of Iran's
perfectly legal commercial nuclear program as the pretext to pursue it. The
rest of the world so far seems willing to go along with this duplicitous scheme
as well as the dominant corporate media once again dutifully performing their
customary cheerleading role of support for whatever operations the US and Israel
intend to conduct, legally justified or not. The public as usual is largely
in the dark and has no idea what's going on or what's at stake.
Target Syria - Also under Threat
Syria, along with Iran, is also part of the same apparent US - Israeli scheme
to escalate the Middle East conflict further. Both countries are Hezbollah allies
and, as mentioned above, are known to have provided it arms, something no nation
does more of than the US and often to empower unstable, undemocratic regimes
that jeopardize global security. But that's portrayed as perfectly acceptable
when it's done by the world's only superpower and for whatever reason it has
in mind. It's another story, entirely, however, when a smaller nation does it,
especially if that country is not a US client state and the arms it supplies
goes to a source the US and its allies wish to keep them from, even if their
intended use is only for self-defense.
Thus, while there's a vast world arms trade for legal and nefarious purposes
the public generally hears little or nothing about, it's another story when
the arms suppliers are Iran and Syria, their transactions or aid are quite proper,
but the recipients are Hezbollah and Hamas, sworn enemies of the US and Israel.
The US claims Iran and Syria are state sponsors of terrorism and says Hezbollah
and Hamas are terrorist entities. It doesn't matter if it's true or not, just
that the US says it is to justify whatever action it and its Israeli ally have
in mind. There's now a systematic demonization campaign under way to claim both
countries have armed Hezbollah to conduct "unprovoked terror attacks"
against Israel and thus provide justifiable cause for Israel and the US to retaliate.
Again, truth is not the issue, only what the US and Israel say is true.
Also, in March, 2006 the UN Security Council took the unprecedented step, aimed
at Syria, of approving a resolution to establish a hybrid tribunal for a political
crime. It will consist of 2 Lebanese and three international judges to try the
killers of former Lebanese Premier Rafik Hariri that will allow an international
judgment to take precedence over Lebanese law. From the start, the finger of
guilt was pointed at Syria, but so far there's been no evidence uncovered to
prove it.
But by unjustifiably associating Syria with the Hariri killing and accusing
it of supplying Hezbollah with arms for claimed "terror" attacks,
the US and Israel have now put the mark of Cain on this nation making it easier
to attack it. It's never hard finding a pretext to act when there's enough determination
to do it. Both the US and Israel have had lots of practice finding them where
they exist or inventing or provoking them when they don't. The recent Iraq "now
you see 'em, now you don't" WMDs come to mind as an invented one that destroyed
a nation. Iran and Syria are quite aware of this and are doing all they can
to ward off a similar fate. Still they know full well, if the US and/or Israel
act against them forcibly, they and their people will pay a painful price. And
the region will as well if the Arab street explodes as one or two more countries
in it go up in flames to further the imperial aims of two rogue terrorist states
allowed to go unchecked by a complicit world community hoping to benefit from
the scraps left for it in the carnage or too timid to stand up for what's right.
What May Lie Ahead - The Potential Danger Is Great
There's much at stake in the Middle East for both the US and Israel including
the very real possibility that the duel Israeli offensives with US support and
aid may make an already impossible situation even worse. It also seems strange
to some that the most extreme elements in the US administration, Congress and
among their influential supporters now appear to see a chance to undo or at
least ameliorate the political and military disaster the US has suffered in
Iraq and likely one ahead in Afghanistan as that country is rapidly descending
into a growing out-of-control conflict as well. The alternative and more sensible
view unheard in the mainstream is that two or three wrong decisions don't make
a right one. But that's a consideration those in charge in the US and Israel
probably never thought of, and it's not the role of their corporate media allies
to tell them. Their job is only to report what government officials say.
It's clear at this time of great potential danger, a lot more than that is
needed. The Arab street in the region and Muslim one around the world may be
ready to explode if two more of its states are attacked by the US and/or Israel
with support or compliance of the West and its own leaders. It will be even
more likely to happen if nuclear weapons are used which is now planned against
Iran to destroy targeted facilities below ground. Whatever the perceived gains
may be from this aggressive adventure, the potential dangers of undertaking
it seem so daunting and the odds for ultimate success so long, it's hard to
understand why any sensible leader would risk taking them. But it's quite possible
George Bush and Ehud Olmert intend to try. No one knows how this will play out
if they do, but the world now holds its collective breath waiting to find out.
There's no need for breath-holding to know one near-certain outcome of this
conflict and another likely one. Just as Hezbollah was born out of the rubble
of Lebanon in the 1980s, so too will one or more new resistance groups rise
out of Lebanon's carnage today and the daily killing, destruction and intensified
immiseration in Palestine. It's a simple law of physics - Newton's Third Law
that there's no action without reaction. And it follows that the more extreme
the action, the more proportionally similar the reaction. Israel is sure to
achieve its goal to incite the continued conflict and violence it needs to avoid
the political solution it won't now tolerate. But in the long run, this high
risk strategy may prove Israel's undoing as no nation can survive and prosper
on conflict and war without end or for just cause. Unless the Jewish state can
find a way to coexist peacefully and justly with its Palestinian people and
Arab and Persian neighbors and abandon the sure to fail path it's now on, it's
very survival is in doubt and so is that of those it targets. Time for more
breath-holding. Stay closely tuned.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at
lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.
Read from Looking Glass News
UK Govt
Sources Confirm War With Iran Is On
drums of war sound for Iran
Plans Torture Center for Abducted Lebanese
Propaganda: Hizbullah wants soldiers moved to Iran
dual/multi-use WMD
Israel running out of Bombs?
Rogue Nation Committing Genocide
Lebanon Massacre
using chemical delivery weapons in Lebanon
is now using poison gas and depleted uranium shells on towns in the south of
left for dead
and Beirut compared - July 20, 2006
Mossad "has significantly infiltrated Hizbullah"
images of "Gifts from Israeli Children"
If Israel Had Never Been Created?
Giant Gaza Strip from the Caspian to the Red Sea
Israeli Goods
the United States will attack Iran in 2006
matter what Iran agrees to, Bush regime wants war
plan to divide Iran
to U.S.-Iran War Has Begun: Reports
colonel claims U.S. military operations are already "underway" in
the Hariri assassination in the light of recent events
Reportedly Assassinated To Make Way For Large US Air Base In Lebanon
Dangerously Incomplete Hariri Report
claims"provocation" as warplanes buzz President
Prepares to Invade Syria
Abramoff and the Syrian "Chalabi"
Syrian Chalabi?
minister "commits suicide"
Syrian Mass Murder Campaign Inches Forward
bugged Syrian first lady’s e-mails
and Netanyahu Pushing For War Against Syria