Untitled Document
City is Threatned by Massive US/Iraqi Military Attack
Doctors for Iraq has received reports that an estimated 3,250 families from the
city of Ramadi have been forced to flee the city because of the threat of an imminent
US/ Iraqi military attack on the city.
Ramadi is the capital of Anbar Province in the west of Iraq and is home to
an estimated 500,000 people. Many thousands of people are now displaced trying
to flee the city in fear of a military assault on Ramadi.
Residents described severe shortages of water and electricity in the past seven
days especially in the Al Tameem and Al Azizia quarters of the city.
All entrances and exists to the city have been sealed off by the US/ Iraqi
military with reports of only one passage remaining open through the Al Warar
bridge that provides a route out of Ramadi.
Local shops and markets have remained closed for the past seven days causing
a shortage in food as people are unable to buy provisions because the city is
under an ongoing military curfew.
Eyewitness describes a large number of US military units surrounding the city
with the formation of two US military bases towards the east and west of the
city. Residents have told Doctors for Iraq that the main government building
has been occupied by the US military.
Reports have been received of a large number of snipers in the centre of Ramadi
impacting on the movement of civilians trying to escape the city and restricting
the movement of doctors and medical units. Doctors for Iraq have received reports
of casualties caused by sniper fire.
The presence of US/ Iraqi military snipers and checkpoints is severely restricting
the movement of ambulances and medical personnel in the city. Ramadi has four
main hospitals with the main general hospitals still functioning trying to meet
the needs of patients and casualties.
This military activity and the threat of a US/ Iraqi military attack on the
city along with checkpoints, curfew and an incursion of the city is having a
major impact on delivery of health services for people. A Doctors for Iraq assessment
team in Ramadi reports of a severe shortage of medicine and medical equipment
such as IV fluids, surgical sutures, antibiotics and aesthetic drugs. Our teams
described the situation in the city and the plight of displaced families as
being desperate.
Doctors for Iraq know that an estimated 1,000 displaced families have fled
to Heet, West Iraq. The displaced people are being forced to live in old unused
buildings and schools and are facing a shortage of food, water, blankets and
medical care.
Already our medical teams have seen cases of young children suffering from
diarrhoea and reported adults facing a shortage of drugs to control hyper tension
and ischemic heart disease (angina)
Doctors for Iraq is deeply concerned about the general humanitarian situation
in Ramadi. The health infrastructure in the area has been severely impacted
on by continuous military attacks in the area. Doctors for Iraq are concerned
about the plight of thousands of civilians who have fled the city and the many
civilians that remain in the city.
Doctors for Iraq is calling for:
An immediate stop to any planned military attack on a densely populated city
full of civilians.
International NGO's and agencies to assist internally displaced people fleeing
Ramadi and civilians that remain inside the city so they have water, food,
shelter and protection.
Assistance to provide medical humanitarian aid to civilians in need and
to provide medication and medical equipment to hospitals in need.
Doctors for Iraq calling on the US/ Iraqi military and all armed actors
to uphold the principles of international law and ensure that civilians have
a safe passage out of the city and can access healthcare free of intimidation
and violence.
For more information about the medical needs of hospitals please contact
Doctors for Iraq at: press.officer@doctorsforiraq.org
or projects.manager@doctorsforiraq.org
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