Untitled Document
Muslims Look for Responsible Journalism
The “War on Terrorism” is flourishing business for the corporate
world - a 21st century fantasy on its own, where facts live in denials and predetermined
dogmas cover all aspects of Muslims and Islam. When facts are not available,
the mainstream media would construct dark illusions to assert the corporate-political
agenda to encroach human rights, freedom and dignity. The media games are not
played by any definable rules. After the 9/11 attacks in the US, the sole victims
are Muslims and Islamic civilization and nobody else. The recent arrests of
the17 youngsters in Toronto, including five underage boys are a clear case in
point. Immediately after their arrests, the synchronized statement issued by
the new Canadian PM could be conveniently compared to the words of President
Bush in thought and spirit. The media quickly eluded to the crimes unknown and
unsubstantiated and identified them “ Muslim Terrorists.” As if
Muslims were born in the eye of storm and the religion of Islam was the basis
of this ephemeral judgment. If the individuals or ethnic groups other than Muslims
were involved, the mass media would not have jumped to such hasty and irrelevant
ethnically biased conclusions. The reasoning could be that Muslim communities
lack political presence or affiliation with an influential political party.
Facts are the foundation of truth, and truth and justice are inseparable. Facts
are pertinent to reach fair conclusion. End cannot be assumed to play with the
facts and be based on dogmas to explain the facts of human life. In a systematic
modern society, are there any ethical values and professional standards to be
followed by the journalists in North America and Europe? Is there any accountability
mechanism for those whose overwhelming motives poison the public perceptions
and carve-up malicious propaganda against Muslims and Islam?
Stewart Nusbaumer (“Terror to Empire”: 07/2003), asked the same
question, “ can American stop this madness?” And added: “The
Bush Administration hawks are lumping together all kinds of reasons and excuses
under the rubric of terrorism and exploiting the horror of 9/11 for political
and corporate gain - the war against terrorism has become, in fact, a war for
empire.” Belatedly, Canada is enlisted when American led adventures
are under global scrutiny and appears to be falling apart with public calls
for “war crimes” and “impeachment”. In all probabilities,
the arrest of 17 individuals involve important legal issues and the opportunities
to prove innocence or guilt but in a court of law. How come the mass media has
assumed the role of law and justice? Is that is what the Canadian justice is
about? Not so, I believe. But what about those 17 people and their families
whose life has been destroyed by the false media created perceptions and biased
imagery? The media appears to be spearheading the animosity psyche more for
public consumption than the role of a fair agent of information and public awareness.
Gwynne Dyer (“The International Terrorist Conspiracy”, 06/2006),
London-based prominent journalist, points out: “there is no shadowy but
powerful network waging a terrorist war against the West: the whole thing is
a fantasy.” Europeans are well aware, of Baader-Meinhof Gang (German),
Red Brigades (Italy), and Red Army (Japan), but no one calls them Christian
or Buddhist terrorists. Why? Simply, because there are Christian or Buddhist,
not Muslim. The “War on Terrorism” is a war against Muslims
and to control their natural resources under the American Empire, and nothing
else. Ethnically conscientious and politically infuriated, the Dutch
lady Minister of Immigration (CBC TV Night News documentary: 8-9 June), has
a quick solution for the “hijab” - “abaya” - black cover
dressed ladies, do as the Romans do or 100,000-150,000 Muslims get out of here.”
Was that an incentive to the North American politicians to think and act likewise?
Some media outlets have readily available phony Islamic experts or officially
subsidized gatekeepers of approved truth to allege that Islam teaches radicalism
and the issue of “youth extremism.” Nobody knows where such an intellectual
nuisance comes from? Islam is a religion of peace and it shares all its values
and belief, as do the other branches of the Abrahamic monotheistic faiths such
as the Christianity and Judaism. Islamic religious teaching-learning do not
include nor envision hatred against other fellow human beings. Indeed, Islam
professes deep respect and dignity for the People of the Book. Muslims are an
integral part of the Canadian multicultural mosaic. If the societal relationship
is weak, it does not mean it is harmful. It should not be misinterpreted in
a naïve context to generate alarming images when an individual commits
crime; it is not the ethnicity of the individual involved, group or the religion
to be blamed.
The timing of the major accusations against the 17 people arrested could be
put in a proper context. In one statement, the accused was going to ”behead
the PM.” Another, someone was going to “attack the Parliament”
and so on. These are highly charged allegations with serious long and short
terms consequences. Often, media strategists manufacture such accusations to
maximize the propaganda stunt and create public fear and confusion. Mr. Batasar
or other defense lawyers can only offer its true explanation. In reality, such
claims are outcome of big political thinking and seem more relevant to the on-going
war horrors in Iraq, than the minds of the accused youngsters. Many civilian
massacres are daily being reported in Iraq and the blames rests on the American
and British military forces. Was the arrest of the 17 youngsters an attempt
to distract the public attention from the real-world issues?
Since 9/11, there has been no major terrorist attack in the West. What happened
in London in July 2005, is reportedly a homegrown individual extremism, not
linked to any global network. Gwynne Dyer offers commonsense insight: “Most
people in the West believe the official narrative rather than the evidence of
their own eyes. There must be a major terrorist threat; otherwise, the government
is wrong or lying, the intelligence are wrong or self-serving, the media are
fools or cowards, and the invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with fighting terrorism.”
Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), vehemently claimed by the US Administration,
were one of the major reasons for warmongering in Iraq. It backfired at the
political deception and stupidity forged by the American and British decision
makers. Hal Crowther called it “Weapons of Mass Stupidity”, (06/2003),
and elaborated: when Mark Twain and H.L. Mencken were alive, they never imagined
Fox News and Bill O’Reilly to serve as “crash dummies.” He
goes on to illustrate, how O’Reilly cursed a boy whose father had died
in the 9/11 but he refused to support the Iraq war. He cites Fox TV anchorman
Neil Cavuto, who celebrated the fall of Baghdad by informing all of us who opposed
the war in March; “you were sickening then, you are sickening now.”
Crowther pinpoints the rationale: “these troubled men are neither bad
journalists nor even bad actors portraying journalists- they ‘re mentally
unbalanced individuals whose partisan belligerence is pressing them to the brink
of psychosis.”
At this juncture, cautious and responsible journalism is missing to support
the dictates of law, justice and social harmony. There is no excuse for the
mass media to make the end assumptions and sponsor the guilty portrayal of Muslims
and Islam when no such evidence exists. If the motives and activities of the
suspected 17 terrorists were of criminal nature, let the judge decide about
it, not the news media. There is an urgent need for the authorities, the mass
media and Muslims to be courageous and active participants to bridge the gaps,
cross-over the varied cultural time zones and enter people’s real life
to enhance understanding and social harmony. The terrorism myth is a political
gimmick and a fraudulent policy objective to exploit feelings and mislead the
softhearted North American and European pubic against Muslims - a people –
a community - a civilization, intimately respectable as are the Christian, Jewish
and others.
Mahboob A. Khawaja is an academic who specializes in strategic
studies with an interest in comparative civilizations. He is the author of Muslims
and the West: Quest for Change and Conflict Resolution. He can be reached at:
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