Untitled Document
The Associated
Press reports: “A document purportedly captured in an al-Qaeda hideout
portrays the insurgency in Iraq as being in ‘bleak’ shape, saying
that it is losing strength and proposing ways to stir up trouble between the
U.S. and Iran to divert American attention.”
As usual, a translation is in order. Military intelligence
created a document (or did not create one and simply claims it found one) at
complete odds with reality and dished it out to corporate media stenographers.
Also as usual, a caveat is attached to this alleged discovery: “There
was no way to confirm the authenticity of the information attributed to al-Qaeda,
and U.S. and Iraqi officials offered conflicting accounts of when and where
it was seized.” As well, another caveat should be attached: there is no
way to confirm the existence of “al-Qaeda in Iraq” or for that matter
the existence of “al-Qaeda” in any other country, period. Our rulers
demand we suspend critical judgment.
Georgie’s brain, Dick the Destroyer Cheney, appeared on the Sean Hannity
show. “Vice President Dick Cheney said the document, if authenticated,
shows the terrorists know they are losing the war…. The words ‘are
fascinating because they do reveal—obviously whoever wrote them, assuming
they are authentic—somebody who believes they are on the losing end of
the engagement,’ Cheney said… ‘I think the psychological business
here is really enormously important as well, too. Somebody said the other day
that … the way we win is when … the terrorists finally become convinced
that we won’t quit.’”
In fact, this is backwards, but then we are dealing with the laws of science
in Bushzarro world, where up is down and black is white. Actually, the American
people have finally “become convinced” the Iraqi resistance will
not quit—as people confronted with foreign occupation are determined to
struggle on until the invader quits—and demand their government get the
heck out of Iraq. Of course, the government, ruled by fascist ideologues, will
not quit until they are forced to flee to waiting helicopters on the roof of
the massive “embassy” under construction in the green zone (described
as “a monument to rank with Grand Coulee Dam, the Pentagon, Disney World
and the Mall of America,” according to David
Sarasohn of the Oregonian).
Meanwhile, we are fed more background information on Abu Hamza al-Muhajer,
aka Abu Ayyub al-Masri, the new Iraqi Goldstein. As reported in the Toronto
Sun, the “Afghanistan-trained Masri” (i.e., he was trained in
a camp initially set-up by Pakistan’s ISI and the CIA) is “a key
figure in the al-Qaida in Iraq network and has long been responsible for facilitating
the movement of foreign fighters from Syria into Baghdad,” an unsubstantiated
although critical claim, as Syria figures prominently on the axis of evil target
list. According to Maj.-Gen. William Caldwell, al-Masri has served the forces
of darkness since 1982, “beginning with his involvement in the Egyptian
Islamic Jihad, which was led by (Osama bin Laden’s deputy Ayman) al-Zawahri.”
As we know, the Egyptian Islamic Jihad was spawned by the Muslim Brotherhood,
an organization long ago compromised by the CIA, as “the Americans began
looking for a Muslim Billy Graham around 1955? and the Brotherhood fit the bill,
as CIA agent Miles Copeland told Said K. Aburish (A Brutal Friendship: The West
and the Arab Elite, St. Martin’s Press, 2001, p. 60-61).
Even though we are told al-Masri is a previously unknown figure, it seems the
Pentagon kept a “classified” photograph of him. “At a press
briefing in the Iraqi capital, the U.S. military showed reporters a previously
classified picture of the Egyptian-born militant man who goes by the name Abu
Ayyub Masri, wearing traditional Arab headdress,” reports the National
Terror Alert Response Center. “It’s important for the people
of Iraq to know who this is,” declared Maj. Gen. Caldwell. It is also
important Americans “know who he is,” as al-Masri will be put to
use over the next few months. Muslim evil needs a face.
“Whether Abu Hamza has what it takes remains to be seen,” writes
S. Robbins for the neocon National Review Online. “But there is a
clear deterrent effect in targeting terrorist leaders. The Israelis have been
successful at it. Saudi Arabia too—each time they took down a leader of
the local al Qaeda outfit, the terrorists would announce a new one—until
so many went down they stopped identifying their leaders.”
Not mentioned here is the fact Israel and Saudi Arabia are seasoned experts
when it comes to creating terrorists, patsies, and useful idiots. In fact, Israel’s
history is replete with illustrative examples of Mossad and Shin Bet manufactured
terrorism, from the Lavon Affair to nurturing Hamas to the discovery of a fake
“al-Qaeda in Palestine” cell. Saudi Arabia did not so much specialize
in creating terrorists as financing them, as it provided “many hundreds
of millions of dollars in aid … totaling probably more than a billion”
to the CIA-ISI organized mujahideen in Afghanistan, according to Phil
Gasper. Fanatical elements of the mujahideen would later be recruited to
work for “al-Qaeda” and service U.S. objectives in Bosnia, Kosovo,
Chechnya, Indonesia, and elsewhere.
As Cheney tells us, “al-Qaeda in Iraq” may indeed be “on
the losing end of the engagement,” but only because this serves the momentary
propaganda needs of the neocons. However, beyond the illusions of Bushzarro
world, the reality of the situation in Iraq is obvious, not that we should expect
the corporate media to tell us about it.
In 2004, an Oxford Research International poll revealed “those strongly
opposed to those strongly supporting the Coalition presence was 2.5-to-1? and
“70 percent of Iraqis viewed Coalition troops as an occupying or exploiting
force.” A January 2005 poll by Zogby International “found 82 percent
of Sunni Arabs and 69 percent of Shiites favor US withdrawal ‘either immediately
or after an elected government is in place’” (see Vicious
Circle: The Dynamics of Occupation and Resistance in Iraq, Project on Defense
Alternatives Research Monograph #10, Carl Conetta, 18 May 2005).
Of course, after the so-called Iraqi “election,” U.S. troops did
not depart, have no intention of departing now, and it is extremely likely,
as the situation in Iraq has worsened considerably since the above polls were
conducted, not only do more Iraqis demand the United States get out of their
country, but large numbers have joined the resistance.
Abu al-Masri, either real or yet another PSYOP contrivance, was created
and groomed for domestic consumption, as an endless stream of evil and perfidious
Muslims are required for the neocon forever war, the “clash of civilizations,”
the implementation of Israel’s long-held plan to divide and conquer the
Middle East and reduce Muslims and Arabs to “hew’ers of wood’
and draw’ers of wa’ter” (as the Hittite, Amorite, Canaanite,
Perizzite, Hivite, and Jebusite tribes were thus reduced in Joshua 9:21).
Iraqis, however, understand “al-Qaeda in Iraq” is a load
of hooey and a newly enshrined terrorist, worthy of countless column inches
and internet bytes in the United States, will not deter or minimize resistance
against an illegal and immoral occupation.
Read from Looking Glass News
New "al-Qaeda in Iraq" Boogieman: Abu al-Masri
The Battle for Your Mind: Persuasion & Brainwashing Techniques
Being Used on the Public Today
Cut-outs, moles, patsies and provocateurs