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For the past ten days Canadians have been subjected to a non-stop barrage
of inflammatory media coverage arising from the arrest of seventeen alleged
terrorists on June 2 and 3.
Sensationalist headlines, in poster-size type, have greeted newspaper
readers: “STORM Parliament Hill, SEIZE the politicians, BEHEAD the Prime
Minister (the Globe and Mail); “Jihadist generation” (the Toronto
Star); “The Jihadis among us” (the National Post.)
Rather than critically examining the claims of the police, the Canadian
Security Intelligence Service, and the Conservative government concerning the
alleged terrorist conspiracy, the corporate media has greatly amplified and
embellished them. Above all, the media has trumpeted the official claim that
only the prompt action of security forces prevented one or more terrorist atrocity.
While Prime Minister Stephen Harper observed, in hailing the arrests, that
he has long warned Canadians that they are not immune from the threat of terrorism,
it was the media that made explicit comparisons with the events of September
11, 2001 and the March 2004, Madrid, and July 2005, London bombings. To give
these comparisons an air of credibility, the media turned to various security
“experts” to provide them with lists of potential terrorist-targets
in the Toronto-area and to make “casualty estimates.”
Likewise it is the media, rather than the government, that has taken the lead
in promoting the claims of CSIS and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police that the
country faces a major threat from “home-grown” terrorists, whose
capacity to mix with ordinary Canadians reputedly makes them especially dangerous
and difficult for security forces to apprehend.
Meanwhile, facts that call into question the police-government claims—for
example, that some of the alleged terrorists contracted to buy fertilizer, which
can be used in the making of bombs, from police operatives—have been virtually
buried; and manifest abuses of police-state power, such as mobilizing machine-gun
touting police and manacling the accused for their court appearances, have been
presented by the media as further indices of just how menacing the terror plot
Nevertheless, by the end of last week, cracks had begun to appear in the official
story that the 17 were poised to carry out a major terrorist attack. For one
thing, the alleged terrorist plotters, a group comprised almost entirely of
young men and boys, had repeatedly done things that drew attention to themselves,
such as trespassing on a farm for several days last December so as to conduct
How did the press respond? Did it adopt a new, more critical attitude toward
the claims of the authorities and begin to raise questions about the timing
of the arrests and the possible role of police informants and agents provocateurs?
Hardly. Leading columnists like Margaret Wente (Globe and Mail), David Frum
(National Post) and Richard Gwyn (Toronto Star) sprang into action to pen pieces
arguing that not all terrorist acts are committed by well-trained terrorists.
“Initial reports,” wrote Gwyn, “made it appear as if a Canadian
equivalent to the attacks on the World Trade Center towers by hijacked passenger
planes had been prevented at the very last minute.
“The collective analysis has switched.
“The predominant thesis now is that this was just a case of silly and
callow kids playing at revolution. The pendulum has swung way too far on the
underside after starting out overreacting.”
One thing was common to all these attempts to buttress the police-government
claims that Canadians had been at grave risk. They omitted any mention of two
crucial facts: CSIS and the RCMP had had the alleged terrorists under blanket
surveillance for months if not years; police-intelligence sources concede that
they long had sufficient evidence to arrest some if not all of the alleged terrorists,
but, with the government’s approval, chose not to do so.
As the World Socialist Web Site has previously explained, the “smashing
of the Toronto terrorist plot” occurred at a time dictated by the police
and government, and was clearly contrived to boost the authority of CSIS and
RCMP and support the Conservatives’ contention that Canada must change
its policies in accordance with it being a frontline state in the “war
on terror.” (See: Why
did Canada’s security agencies allow the alleged terror plot to grow?)
The Globe and Mail’s court-police reporter Christie Blatchford, who is
well known for acting as a conduit for the police and prosecution, also sought
to counter the growing public perception that the authorities and press have
exaggerated the threat represented by the Toronto terror plot. But she took
a different tack. In a column published last Thursday, she argued that the alleged
terrorists’ indifference to state surveillance is proof of how well “they
knew” Canada, “its collective habits, its endearing if maddening
“They believed, as only a Canuck could, that the Canadian spy service
likely was no different from other arms of government—a paper tiger, toothless,
big on severe-sounding warnings but loath to act.”
So highly did the Globe editors think of this crude attempt to contrive an
argument that squared the authorities’ claims as to the gravity of the
threat posed by home-grown terrorists and the seriousness of the Toronto plotters,
they stuck it on the front page.
In the corporate media, the Toronto Star’s Thomas Walkom has been virtually
alone in questioning the official story. In a series of columns, he has noted
that the timing of the terror plot’s uncovering well serves both the interests
of the police-security establishment and the Harper government. CSIS and the
RCMP are anxious that a parliamentary committee conducting a mandatory five-year
review of the Anti-Terrorism Act passed in December 2001 not recommend repeal
of any of their new powers. The Harper government has just pushed through a
major expansion of the Canadian Armed Forces’ intervention in Afghanistan
in the face of widespread public opposition.
Walkom has also noted that RCMP and CSIS have previously made claims that people
were implicated in terrorist conspiracies, most infamously with the 2003 arrest
of a group of 23 South Asians (Operation Thread), that were subsequently shown
to be without foundation.
But such dissenting voices have been all but completely drowned out by the
dominant shrill, sensationalist media clamor.
The media coverage of the alleged Toronto terror plot constitutes a significant
expansion in its role in spearheading the corporate elite’s drive to push
Canadian politics dramatically right.
The country’s most influential newspapers—the Globe and Mail, the
National Post, and the La Presse—all editorialized in favor of a Conservative
victory in last January’s election. The entire media, including the state-owned
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, has since embraced the Conservative campaign
to use the CAF intervention in Afghanistan to tout the notion that Canada is
a warrior nation. On a daily basis, the media carries reports extolling the
role “our men and women” are playing in suppressing the Taliban
insurgency in southern Afghanistan.
In the past ten days, the media has sought to stoke fear and panic in a patent
attempt to stampede the populace behind the Conservative government’s
right-wing agenda, especially the expanded Canadian Armed Forces’ role
in Afghanistan, its push for closer relations with the Bush administration,
and plans to expand the police-security apparatus, including surveillance of
the internet, in the name of fighting “home-grown terrorism.”
This campaign has had some impact. A Globe and Mail/CTV News poll taken at
the end of last week found that 48 percent of Canadians support the CAF intervention
in Afghanistan, while 44 percent oppose. This is a major shift from a poll earlier
this month, which showed the opposition to the intervention outweighed support
for it by 14 percentage points.
There is one further aspect of the press coverage of the alleged Toronto terror
plot that merits consideration—the large number of establishment voices
that are suggesting Muslims are collectively responsible for the alleged terror
conspiracy and the linked calls for Canada to reconsider its immigration and
multiculturalism policies and notions of citizenship.
That the neo-conservative National Post should argue in this vein is hardly
surprising, given its semi-official endorsement of Samuel P. Huntingdon’s
“clash of civilizations” claptrap. But the Toronto Star, the semi-official
mouthpiece of Canadian liberalism, also editorialized that the “onus”
in preventing “a possible backlash” against Muslims lies first and
foremost with “the Muslim community itself.” The Star’s national
affairs columnist, Jim Travers, has argued that the terrorist plot indicates
that the Canadian state has been too tolerant of cultural difference and that
Canadian citizenship must be redefined so that “the national interest”
comes “first.” In a subsequent article, “Immigration under
the microscope,” Travers says that “the case and trials provide
the catalyst for overdue introspection... It (the federal government) either
doesn’t know or won’t discuss why some groups find it so easy to
become part of the (Canadian) weave and others so difficult.”
Ignoring the far more destructive state-terrorism practiced by the US and Israel,
and supported by the Canadian government, and the ongoing invasions of Iraq
and Afghanistan by western powers, CBC radio host Rex Murphy tried to draw listeners
to his call-in show June 4 into a discussion as to why terrorism is so much
associated with “this community,” i.e., Muslims.
Any discussion of this phenomenon could not omit mention of another front-page
Christie Blatchford column in which she mocked official condemnations of the
vandalizing of a Toronto mosque and the associated official appeals against
an anti-Muslim backlash.
In a column entitled “The biggest elephant in the room,” Blatchford
presents herself as a straight-shooter who has the courage to say what no one
else will—that the 17 arrested on June 2-3 were Muslims. As if this was
not self-evident from the police explanation that the alleged terrorist conspiracy
was al-Qaeda-inspired.
Writes Blatchford, “They have first names like Mohamed, middle names
like Mohamed and last names like Mohamed.”
Referring to the nighttime attack where windows were smashed at a Muslim mosque
the day after the arrests, she snidely objects to concerns raised over that
incident with the sarcasm: “It’s those bastard vandals (probably
crazed right-wing conservatives, or maybe the Jews) who yesterday morning broke
windows at a west-end mosque who stand before us as the greatest danger to Canadian
Mocking the Toronto police chief’s condemnation of the attack, Blatchford
concludes—“Windows everywhere in Canada’s largest city are
safe, especially windows in mosques. The war on windows will be won, whatever
the cost.” This on the front page of the Canada’s newspaper of record!
Read from Looking Glass News
Toronto Terrorist Ringleader Has Military Connections
Canada Terror Plot Grows More Absurd
Framing the Toronto and London Patsies
CSIS: Canada Joins the Intel Op Club
The Toronto 17
All "War on Terrorism" News Articles