Untitled Document
... believe the 5 corporations who own almost all of the media in the U.S. are
... believe $300 billion of U.S. tax money, allocated for the war and reconstruction
in Iraq is actually going to Iraq .
... are unaware Iraq had 650 million barrels of oil in reserve just before the
war in Iraq .
... are unaware at least $8.8 billion is known to be missing in Iraqi oil revenue
from the period the U.S. was in control of Iraq .
... are unaware 198 million in Iraqi dollars is missing from the Iraq treasury
from the period the U.S. was in control of Iraq .
... are unaware that war is exceptionally profitable for a small number of investors.
... believe Halliburton's no-bid contracts have nothing to do with former CEO,
now Vice President Dick Cheney.
... are unaware that the Iraq war is the biggest case of war profiteering in
human history.
... believe Saddam Hussein or Iraq had anything to do with 9/11, Al Qaeda or
Osama bin Laden.
... are unaware the U.S. has killed more than 10,000 innocent women and children
in Iraq with cluster bombs and depleted uranium munitions.
... believe depleted uranium weapons are not radioactive or deadly weapons of
mass destruction (they are 12% less radioactive than nuclear weapons grade uranium
and very deadly).
... believe wealthy, warmongers can also be true Christians.
... are unaware stem cell research threatens the pharmaceutical industry by
curing and preventing diseases which drug companies profit from by treating
with drugs.
... are unaware the pharmaceutical industry is based entirely on treatment and
is threatened by cures and prevention.
... are unaware the Food and Drug Administration does NO testing of food or
drugs. They only set guidelines and review the testing corporation's do of their
own products.
... are unaware the Medicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act has been
're-estimated' to cost U.S. taxpayers $1.3 Trillion (not the original $243 billion
or the 'adjusted' $400 billion), and only pharmaceutical corporations and HMOs
benefit from the increase.
... are unaware the Boston Tea party was a protest against corporate corruption
(East India Company).
... are unaware our founding fathers intentionally made sure that corporations
had no power over people or our government.
... are unaware corporations have fought aggressively and systematically over
the past 200 years to increase their power and influence over our government.
... are unaware U.S. corporations are now protected under the 14th amendment
as a legal 'person.'
... are unaware the definition of fascism is: 'The marriage of corporation and
state' -- Benito Mussolini.
... are unaware well known U.S. corporate interests attempted a military coup
against Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.
... are unaware most corrupt and wasteful government projects are run primarily
by corporate contractors.
... are unaware 'less government' means paying corporate contractors three times
what we pay government workers to do the same work.
... are unaware American corporations behave very differently in other countries.
... are unaware Enron and others were NOT investigated until they collapsed
under the weight of their own greed.
... are unaware Bush's massive tax cuts were invested overseas to build sweat
shops, factories and other facilities, where our jobs have been outsourced.
... are unaware outsourcing American jobs weakens labor unions and keeps wages
low and corporate profits high .
... are unaware weak enforcement of immigration laws lowers wages in the U.S.
and increases corporate profits.
... are unaware 'Free Trade' means 'Slave Wages' to poor people in Honduras,
Bangladesh, China, Malaysia, Burma, Cambodia, Dominican Republic, Colombia,
Philippines, Thailand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Nepal, El Salvador, Guatemala,
Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and others.
... believe America is hated all over the world because of our freedom.
... believe the massive U.S. national debt (now $7,786,000,000,000) created
by Republican presidents Regan, Bush and Bush does not seriously threaten the
future of our children and grandchildren.
... are unaware massive national debt ensures the expansion of poverty, which
keeps wages low, which increases corporate profits.
... are unaware widespread poverty keeps wages low and corporate profits high.
... are unaware weak gun control laws perpetuate violence in poor neighborhoods
which expands poverty, reduces wages and increases corporate profits.
... are unaware abortions go down only when we reduce poverty, expand healthcare
and improve education.
... are unaware that making abortion illegal expands poverty which reduces wages
and increases corporate profits.
... believe the Michael Jackson trial deserved more news coverage than the genocide
of 400,000 people in Darfur , Sudan.
... believe Social Security is the biggest priority in America .
... are unaware privatizing Social Security would be a massive give away to
experienced Wall Street investors that would also destabilize Social Security.
... are unaware that NOT funding 'No Child Left Behind' is dismantling funding
for schools in poor neighborhoods, which expands poverty, lowers wages and increases
corporate profits.
... are unaware the Healthy Forests Initiative has led to massive clear cutting
of prime lumber and almost none of the forest fire prevention that it was sold
... are unaware the Clear Skies Initiative has increased pollution.
... are unaware Tort Reform will absolve corporations of massive negligent liabilities
for things like asbestos exposure, pollution, mercury poisoning, hazardous waste,
mad cow disease and all sorts of dangerous products and practices.
... are unaware mercury pollution (mostly from coal fired power plants and medical
vaccines) has caused an epidemic of Autism, ADD and ADHD in the U.S.
... are unaware the Bush administration is dismantling three decades of US environmental
... believe global warming is a rumor or conspiracy.
... are unaware 'Global Warming' is causing colder weather because the melting
ice caps are cooling the gulf stream.
... believe the science of evolution is less valid than literal fundamentalist
interpretation of creationism.
... believe the UN scandals could have taken place without the largest, most
influential member and host nation being involved.
... believe making a war monger ambassador to the UN will help prevent more
... are unaware that expanding equal rights to any segment of the population
(including gay people) also expands economic opportunity and puts pressure on
wages, which would reduce corporate profits.
If you believe Fox News is fair and balanced, you have been brainwashed by corporate
owned media.