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(Please do not scroll down if you do not wish to see these photos.)
It seems that the Pentagon, that veritable fount of veracity, has probed
itself for the alleged execution-style slaying
of civilians in Ishaqi, and found
that the operation -- which left 11 civilians dead, including five children
under the age of five -- was in fact an exemplary feat of arms, strictly by
the book.
Everything happened pretty much the way they originally said it happened: soldiers
seeking a dastardly al-Qaeda operative (now more circumspectly described as
a man suspected of being an al-Qaeda operative) took fire during the pursuit
and responded with heavy force: air power and ground assault on the suspect's
redoubt, which just happened to be someone's house. In the course of the textbook
op, which we're told killed the al-Qaednik and a local bombmaker, there were
also three "noncombatant" deaths, and an estimated nine "collateral
deaths." (The difference between these two categories is not explained.
And of course it doesn't matter to the innocent people killed; whether they
are "non-combatants" or "collaterals," they're still just
as dead. No doubt there are strict bureaucratic guidelines behind these distinctions.)
These deaths are regrettable, of course, but such things happen as unintended
consequences of noble causes, and no doubt there will be a bit of loose change
doled out to the innocent victims' families.
So that's that then. Nothing to see here, time to move on... And you know,
I really wish we could. No one here takes any pleasure or satisfaction from
reports of yet another egregious failure of the human spirit, yet another eruption
of the bestiality that lies buried in the mud of our brains. This is true in
any case, anywhere, but it is doubly true if the crimes are done in the name
of your own country. And any time that such a report turns out to be mistaken
is a cause for joy.
By the way, this is what the powerful -- and their sycophants -- always fail
to understand: no genuine dissident is happy about dissenting. You dissent because
you see injustice, crime, corruption and needless death being wrought by the
power structures of your own society. You dissent because so many lies have
been forced down your throat, and you just want to know the truth, as far as
it can be known, you just want to speak the truth, whatever it may be. You dissent
because of the reality that you see. And this is a painful thing; it's like
watching a family member go bad, like learning your own father is a killer,
that your mother is thief. No one wants to believe evil of their own country,
their own society; but sometimes the very ideals that you were given by your
society -- a commitment to justice, to truth, the belief in the inherent worth
and moral agency of every individual human being -- compels you to confront
the reality of the crimes and corruption of the leaders and institutions of
that same society.
It isn't fun; there's no pleasure in it. Especially if, with Dostoevsky, you
believe that "each is responsible for all," that you yourself are
implicated in every failure of humanity. Bob Dylan captured the essence of this
kind of dissent well when he sang of the great iconoclast, Lenny Bruce:
He fought a war on a battlefield
Where every victory hurts.
So yes, it would be nice to be able to accept at face value the Pentagon's
exonerating version of the incident at Ishaqi. (Relatively speaking, of course;
that is to say, in the murderous context of the vast atrocity that is the Iraq
war itself, it would be better to accept the Pentagon's assertion that the deaths
of up these innocent people were simply the inevitable and unintended by-product
of urban warfare, rather than the more grisly alternative. It would be good
to have this slight mitigation of the general horror.) But a commitment to the
truth -- and a refusal to succumb to historical amnesia -- prevents such an
automatic acceptance. For this is the same Pentagon that
whitewashed the Haditha killings not once, but twice (with two different
stories) after the massacre there last year. This is the same Pentagon whose
innumerable investigations into itself during these crimeful Bush years have
only managed to peel a few "bad apples" plucked from the bottom of
the barrel, despite the extraordinarily vast and systematic nature of the regimens
of torture and atrocity established by the Bush Administration, as
Amnesty International has pointed out in an important new study. Such elaborate
systems cannot have been constructed and operated without orders -- direct and
implied -- from the very highest reaches of government and the military command.
Yet the Pentagon has employed oceans of whitewash to protect the brass, while
grudgingly throwing a few bits of cannon fodder and trailer trash -- as the
Bushist elite would see them -- on the fire to serve, in the words of Breaker
Morant, as "scapegoats of the empire."
Thus, in a general sense, you would be foolish to accept the result of any
of the Pentagon's self-investigations at face value, without independent corroboration.
This kind of cynicism is, again, painful and unpleasant, but it has been forced
upon us by the many, many lies that have emanated from that five-sided fortress
over many decades. This is not to say that every Pentagon self-exoneration is
false or incomplete, or that there are not many honorable military investigators
doing sterling -- and thankless -- work. (The current Haditha probe -- although
belated, and problematic in many respects, is an example of this.) It's merely
acknowledging the indisputable reality of history -- and certainly of the current
war -- that the Pentagon brass habitually lie and dissemble and look the other
way when it comes to allegations of atrocities by US forces. It's only prudent
to reserve judgment on any institution that investigates itself for wrongdoing.
Or put it this way: if you're ever charged with murder or bank fraud or dope
dealing or tax dodging, ask the cops if you can investigate yourself, and see
what they say.
But the Ishaqi exoneration warrants skepticism not only in this general sense,
but also in its particulars. From press accounts of the report, it largely reiterates
the Pentagon's original storyline, while enlarging the death count from the
original "four civilians, including one child," which it had held
to until this week, when the Haditha story spilled out. And the report apparently
just dismisses out of hand the large amount of credible evidence that contradicts
the Pentagon's latest story.
First is the photographic evidence: pictures taken of the aftermath by Agence
France Presse, and a video that emerged this week on BBC. These clearly dispute
the Pentagon's account, which holds that the house was first raked with gunfire,
then attack by helicopter gunships, then finally bombed by American jets: a
massive barrage of firepower that left the house in ruins. But the video shows
that part of the house was left standing. The photographs, which have been widely
available for months, show five dead children, one of them only a few months
old. They have been laid out by grieving relatives. Their bodies show no signs
of having been ripped up or damaged in the course of an all-out air and ground
assault; as
the BBC's John Simpson points out, they had not been crushed by the collapse
of the house, as the Pentagon claimed. Instead, they are unmarked, their clothes
dusty but in most cases untorn. In the photographs I saw, one child clearly
has blood oozing from the back of her head, while the baby has a hole in his
forehead, and other damage to his face. The other children are laid on their
back, with their wounds invisible, their bodies remarkably whole. Simpson, shown
viewing the film, said it was clear that the children had been shot.
Second is the testimony of the villagers, and of two officials of the U.S.-backed
Iraqi police, Major Ali Ahmed and Colonel Farouq Hussein. These are men who
risk their lives by their cooperation with the Coalition. The villagers say
soldiers entered the house and killed the occupants; the house was later hit
by the helicopter then bombed, apparently to cover up the killings, some of
the villagers surmised. The Iraqi police said "all the victims had gunshot
wounds to the head." Later, a Knight-Ridder reporter saw a preliminary
report indicating that the 11 victims had multiple wounds. This tallies with
Simpson's viewing, which showed that one of the dead children had been shot
in the side. Everyone who saw or examined the bodies agreed that the victims
had been shot, most likely by bullets from the large pile of American-issue
cartridges found inside the house, which can also be seen on the video.
Also dismissed by the Pentagon is the testimony of Ahmed Khalaf, brother of
house's owner, who told AP that nine of the victims were family members and
two were visitors, adding, "the killed family was not part of the resistance,
they were women and children. The Americans have promised us a better life,
but we get only death."
Not a single villager, not a single local police official agrees with the Pentagon
version of the attack. Are they all lying, even the "collaborators"
with the occupation? Not likely. Are they confused or uncertain about the exact
sequence of events? Naturally; the only Iraqis who know exactly what happened
in that house are dead. Are there discrepancies between the early reports on
the bodies' conditions, i.e., where they all shot in the head, or were some
shot in other parts of their bodies, and were they all bound before they were
shot, or just some of them, or perhaps none of them? Yes, there are discrepancies.
The video, seen in its incomplete form on BBC, does not clearly bear out the
charge that the victims had been bound. The video doesn't show all the victims,
but those being pulled from the house do not appear to be bound, although in
the version I saw, most of the bodies shown had already been wrapped in rugs
or blankets.
But is there any disputing the photographic evidence that the victims, particularly
the children, were shot, not crushed by the collapsing walls? No, this reality
cannot be denied, despite the Pentagon's report. Is there any disputing the
evidence that the children were killed by single shots, and not, say, riddled
with bullets in the course of a cross-fire between US forces and insurgents?
No, this reality cannot be denied either. Someone fired a single shot into the
bodies of every child on display in the photographs, which were taken by a Western
news agency, and corroborated by a representative of another Western news agency,
Associated Press, who was also on the scene after the attack.
What can we conclude from all this? That there was indeed a Haditha-style execution
of the innocent at Ishaqi? No; the limited amount of evidence that we can gather
on the incident -- at a distance, from press reports -- does not on its face
categorically prove a deliberate massacre. To categorically prove such an allegation
-- or categorically disprove it -- would require a thorough, completely independent
We can say that the available evidence gives many deeply troubling indications
that some kind of atrocity indeed occurred at Ishaqi. And we can say that key
portions of the Pentagon's self-exoneration are flatly contradicted by photographic
evidence, and also by the credible testimony from villagers, US-backed Iraqi
officials and Western
news agencies (including Reuters, Knight-Ridder, AFP and AP) as to the nature
of the victims' fatal wounds.
The Pentagon's hastily-announced report on Ishaqi does not answer all the questions
and charges raised by the incident; indeed, it seems not to have even addressed
some of them. The whole truth of what happened in the village will remain uncertain
until it can be investigated by an independent, impartial and authoritative
agency. And we know this will never happen.
Finally, let's put the incident in its proper context by quoting the conclusion
from our original post on Ishaqi:
We know that the American troops who caused the deaths of these children
– either by tying them up and shooting them, an unspeakable atrocity,
or else "merely" by storming or bombing a house full of civilians
in a night raid "with both air and ground assets" – were sent
to Iraq on a demonstrably false mission to "disarm" weapons that
did not exist and take revenge for 9/11 on a nation that had nothing to do
with the attack. And we now know that the White House – and George W.
Bush specifically – knew all along that the intelligence did not and
could not support the public case he had made for the war.
We know that the only reason that this dead baby has his arm frozen to his
lifeless face is that three years ago this week, George W. Bush gave the order
to begin the unprovoked, unjust and unnecessary invasion of Iraq. He hasn't
fired a single shot or launched a single missile; he hasn't tortured or killed
any prisoners; he hasn't kidnapped or beheaded civilians or planted bombs
along roadsides, in mosques or marketplaces. Yet every single atrocity of
the war – on both sides – and every single death caused by the
war, and every act of religious repression perpetrated by the extremist sects
empowered by the war, is the direct result of the decision made by George
W. Bush three years ago. Nothing he says can change this fact; nothing he
does, or causes to be done, for good or ill, can wash the blood of these children
– and the tens of thousands of other innocent civilians killed in the
war – from his hands.
*Note: "Ishaqi" now seems to be the preferred
transliteration of the town''s name. In our earlier reports, we used "Isahaqi,"
one of several versions that came out in the early news reports.*
BBC reports this afternoon that the Iraqi government has officially rejected
the Pentagon's investigation into the Ishaqi killings. Excerpt:
The Iraqi government has rejected the findings of a US military investigation
into the deaths of 11 civilians in the village of Ishaqi, north of Baghdad.A
spokesman for Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki said the report, which cleared
the US soldiers of wrongdoing, was unfair. The government will demand an apology
and compensation, the spokesman said.
Graphic photographs show bodies of civilians killed
in Ishaqi, Iraq
Published: Friday June 2, 2006
Photographs taken by Agence France Presse but not distributed by major US media
outlets show the bodies of Iraqi civilians killed in March in a home in Ishaqi,
Iraq. Those photographs -- may of which are graphic and show the decaying bodies
of children, some of them babies -- are displayed below. Please do not
scroll down if you do not wish to see these photos.
The photographs were discovered and highlighted by by Christopher Floyd of
ChrisFloyd.com earlier this year.
According to Reuters report on the incident, the 11 bodies of men, women and
children, including a 75-year old grandmother and a child under the age one
one, were found bound in their blown-up home. All were shot in the head; the
house was riddled with bullets. At the time, "The U.S. military said two
women and a child died during the bid to seize an al Qaeda militant from a house."
"A senior Iraqi police officer said autopsies on the bodies, which included
five children, showed each had been shot in the head. Community leaders said
they were outraged at the killings and demanded an explanation from the U.S.
military," Reuters reported. "Television footage showed the bodies
in the Tikrit morgue -- five children, two men and four women. Their wounds
were not clear though one infant had a gaping head wound."
Wrote Floyd, "We know from photographic evidence that the corpses of two
men, four shrouded figure s (women, according to the villagers), and five children
– all of them apparently under the age of five, one as young as seven
months – were pulled from the rubble of the house and laid out for burial
beneath the bright, blank desert sky. We know that an Associated Press reporter
on the scene saw the ruined house, and a photographer for Agence France Presse
took the pictures of the bodies."
"We know that two Iraqi police officials, Major Ali Ahmed and Colonel
Farouq Hussein – both employed by the U.S.-backed Iraqi government –
told Reuters that the 11 occupants of the house, including the five children,
had been bound and shot in the head before the house was blown up," Floyd
added. "We know that the U.S.-backed Iraqi police told Reuters that an
American helicopter landed on the roof in the early hours of the morning, then
the house was blown up, and then the victims were discovered. We know that the
U.S.-backed Iraqi police said that an autopsy performed on the bodies found
that "all the victims had gunshot wounds to the head." We know that
the U.S.-backed Iraqi police said they found "spent American-issue cartridges
in the rubble."
The photographs, quite graphic, follow.