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Two weeks ago, Amir Taheri published an op-ed in Canada's National Post
about an Iranian law that forced Jews to wear a yellow stripe. The story, reminiscent
of Nazi Germany, quickly provoked outrage, but was just as quickly revealed
to be a total fabrication.
It also ran in the New
York Post.
Apparently this is just the sort of reliable advice that President
Bush needs. Yesterday, Taheri had a face-to-face with the President as one of
a small group of "experts" on Iraq that visited the White House.
to Press Secretary Tony Snow, the experts were invited to the White House for
their "honest opinions" on Iraq.
Iran Badge Fabricator Goes to Washington
Molly Ivins
So, Haditha becomes another of the names at which we wince, along with Abu
Ghraib, Guantanamo and My Lai. Tell you what: Let’s not use the “stress
of combat” excuse this time. According to neighbors, the girls in the
family of Younis Khafif—the one who kept pleading in English, “I
am a friend. I am good”—were 14, 10, 5, 3 and 1. What are they going
to say? “Under stress of combat, we thought the baby was 2”?
“We have a Haditha every day,” said Muhanned Jasim, an Iraqi merchant.
“Were [those killed in Haditha] the first Iraqis to be killed for no reason?”
asked Ghasan Jayih, a pharmacist. Well no, but we Americans don’t count
collateral damage unless we’re forced to. We prefer to ignore collateral
damage, especially if they’re under 5.
Someone else with a greater taste for the ironies of technology will have to
explain why it’s funny that this “Haditha” was uncovered in
part by a soldier taking photos with his cellphone. Good work by Time magazine
and Col. Gregory Watt. Apologies are owed by any on the right to Rep. John Murtha,
who warned of Haditha early, though none of us is holding a breath. The attacks
on Murtha’s patriotism were despicable. When will that tactic wear out?
Meanwhile, back at the full-force fun festival known as Washington, here’s
a moment to cherish.
Two weeks ago, Amir Taheri had an Op-Ed article in the Canadian National Post
claiming that the Iranians have a law requiring Jews to wear yellow badges.
It turned out to be a complete fabrication and has been the subject of much
contempt among bloggers. So Tuesday, Taheri was invited to the White House along
with other “experts” to give the president their “honest opinions.”
With advice like that, our war in Iran will be a slam-dunk.
Speaking of slam-dunks, Bud Trillin of The Nation is on a tear about Bush’s
picks for the Medal of Freedom. First, Bush gave it to old “Slam-Dunk”
George Tenet himself, after pushing him out as head of the CIA. Then, Paul Bremer
got the medal. Remember him? Guy who screwed up Iraq beyond recall in the first
We’re lurching into the ludicrous. So we’re thinking, who else
belongs on this distinguished roster? “Heckuva Job Brownie” Brown,
of course. The guy in charge of implementing the Social Security drug plan.
Rumsfeld! By golly, there’s a man who never made a mistake.
I think that leaves out Tony Blair, who joined Bush in a mistake-admitting-athon
last week. (The Prez is sorry he talked “too tough” to the terrorists.)
Neither of them thought to name “the war in Iraq,” for example,
as a mistake. But, as The Economist rather unkindly put it, their meeting was
“The Axis of Feeble.”
Ever hopeful that some good might yet be pulled from the rubble, the appointment
of Henry Paulson as treasury secretary raises hope among the never-say-die crowd.
He’s good on global warming—how’s that for a change? But the
real irony is that the administration had to bring in someone who can “soothe
Wall Street,” which is said to be “nervous.” This whole administration
has been run to favor, and grant tax breaks to, “Wall Street.” How
dare the ungrateful louses be “nervous”?