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Disgusting CBS Corporate Media Slut Falls Victim to Her Own Propaganda

Posted in the database on Tuesday, May 30th, 2006 @ 15:48:52 MST (3099 views)
by Rubber    Mirror of the World  

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US Corporate shill, Kimberley Dozier, was badly injured in Iraq today by a bomb that killed 2 of her colleagues.

Dozier has been instrumental in helping to demonize the Iraqi public as a bunch of ignorant terrorists, while simultaneously serving as an eager apologist for the illegal occupation of Iraq, and the countless atrocities regularly committed by US soldiers against the Iraqi public.

When asked about Iraqi reaction to the cold blooded mass-murder of two dozen innocent unarmed Iraqi civilians in Haditha by US Marines, one of many known abominable acts known to have been committed by US troops, Kimberly Dozier responded in her May 28th CBS report:

"Well, there's actually been a very muted response from the Iraqi public, only because many Iraqis believe this kind of thing goes on all the time. Al-quaeda and other terrorist groups are putting out a constant stream of propaganda alleging American atrocities."

"Unfortunately, an incident like Haditha only makes Iraqis believe every other wild rumor that they're getting fed."

Anyone that has been paying attention to the Iraq occupation knows full well that trigger happy US soldiers have repeatedly slaughtered innocent Iraqi civilians- at checkpoints, at peaceful demonstrations, even at wedding parties. We all watched as one US Marine even executed an unarmed and injured Iraqi prisoner on prime time TV news, while facing no subsequent penalty for this indisputable war crime.

In the same May 28th report, Ms. Dozier states that:

“One frustrated senior commander told (Dozier), (that) he still runs across American officers who boast of following a simple, brutal creed…’Kill them all and let God sort them out.’

The mass murderous shit-bag commanders that follow such a creed should be dealt with as war criminals that have grossly failed in their solemn oath to defend and protect the US Constitution, and have served to compounded the disgrace of our already contemptable nation. If the ‘senior commander’ in question lacks the wherewithal to take such action, he/she should be relieved of his/her command, and face war crimes charges for their complicity.

Dozier has dutifully played her role in justifying the illegal and immoral ongoing US occupation of Iraq, lending her obedient support to the whitewashing effort of the debacle, and now she has tasted the fruits of her labor.

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