Untitled Document
At the request of Judicial Watch, the US Department of Defence released
the full version of the September 11th, 2001 attacks on Pentagon security camera
videos. The neo-conservative press is delighted at this broadcasting, which
supposedly contradicts conclusively our analyses. In fact, the video does not
contain any additional element in comparison with the images already broadcast
in 2002, and where it is still impossible to see a Boeing 757-200. This sequence
confirms, on the contrary, the analysis of the former artillery officer Pierre
- Henri Bunel published by Thierry Meyssan in his book Pentagate, and that we
reprint here today.
Videos released on May, 16th 2006 by the United States Department of
Judicial Watch
September 11 Pentagon Video -- 1 of 2
Judicial Watch
September 11 Pentagon Video -- 2 of 2
The Effects Of A Hollow Charge, 4th chapter of book
What is the nature of the explosion that took place at the Pentagon on 11 September
2001? An an’alysis of the video pictures of the impact and the photographs
of the damages permits one to know by what type of device the attack was caused.
Did the explosion correspond with that produced by an airplane’s kerosene
or that of a real explosive? Did the fire correspond with a hydrocarbon fire
or with a classic blaze?
Deflagration or detonation?
As a preamble, it seems indispensable to make clear to the reader an essential
distinction: the difference between a deflagration and a detonation.
The combustion of explosive chemical materials - powders, explosives or hydrocarbons,
for example - release energy by producing a shock wave. The diffusion at high
speeds of the enormous quantity of gas produced by the chemical reaction is
accompanied by flame, by a noise caused by the displacement of the shockwave
through the air, and by smoke. One also often observes, even before seeing the
flame, a cloud of vapor due to the compression of the air surrounding the zone
of the explosion. The air can’t be set into motion immediately, so it
compresses under the influence of the shockwave. At first, under the compression
of the air molecules, the invisible water vapor that the atmosphere always contains
in greater or lesser quantities compresses and becomes visible as a white cloud.
What I would like to underline here is the notion of the shockwave. An explosion
is a reaction that projects gas at a greater or lesser speeds. Explosive materials,
according to their chemical composition and the physical arrangement of their
molecules, impart upon the gases they generate a greater or lesser speed of
propagation. One says that they are more or less progressive. The observation
of the shockwave is thus a precious indication of the speed of the gases projected
by the explosion.
Explosive materials are divided into two groups, according to their progressiveness.
Explosives produce a shockwave whose speed of propagation is superior to a value
of about six thousand feet per second. One says that they "detonate".
Explosive materials whose shockwave speed is lower than that do not detonate.
They deflagrate. This is the case, for example, of gunpowder or hydrocarbons.
In an internal combustion engine - and the turbojet of a Boeing 757 is a continuous
internal combustion engine - the fuel under pressure deflagrates and does not
detonate. If it detonated, the engine’s structure would not withstand
it. The kerosene of an airliner that crashes ignites and does not generally
produce even deflagration, except in certain circumstances and at points limited
to the engines. In the recent case of the Airbus that fell on a Queens neighborhood
in New York in November 2001, the engines did not explode upon arriving at the
ground. Kerosene is a heavy oil analogous to diesel fuel, tri-filtrated in order
to satisfy the physical conditions of passage through the fuel injectors of
jet engines. It is in no sense an explosive.
The color of explosions as also fairly remarkable. In detonations, the shockwave
displaces itself rapidly. If the explosion occurs in the air without obstacles,
the flame is often pale yellow at the point of the explosion. As it moves away
from ground zero it turns orange then red. When it encounters obstacles, such
as the walls of a building, one practically doesn’t see the pale yellow
part. The duration of illumination by this color is brief. The form of the flame
gives an impression of "rigidity" because of the speed of propagation.
It is only when the dust lifted by the shockwave starts to bum due to the brutal
rise in temperature that smoke appears. This is fire smoke that has little resemblance
to the black, heavy coils given off by hydrocarbon fires.
But solid explosives are not simply chemical combinations. One can improve
their effectiveness by playing with their physical forms. In principle, the
shockwave propagates perpendicularly to the surface undergoing reaction. By
working the shapes of the explosive charges one can orient the shockwave in
such a fashion as to send a maximum of energy in a given direction, like directing
the light of a lighthouse with a reflector. We thus find spherical charges whose
shockwaves go in all directions; cylindrical charges like those that equip shrapnel
shells, those weapons that burst into minuscule pieces of steel the size of
a tab of chocolate and spray the battlefield; t1at charges, that allow making
holes in plane obstacles with a minimum of energy lost in useless directions;
but also hollow charges. These latter concentrate the principal shockwave in
the shape of a high-temperature jet bearing a quantity of energy capable of
piercing armor made of steel, composites or concrete.
The ignition
The explosive that constitutes the weapon [1 ] should explode
at the desired time. In order for it to react exactly as the user wishes, it
needs a certain degree of stability. The explosive that constitutes the principal
charge of a weapon is too stable to explode by a simple shock. In fact, to initialize
the chemical reaction, the charge must be submitted to a shockwave provoked
by a more sensitive and less powerful explosive that we call the detonator.
The explosive charge of the detonator reacts to a shock, to a spark or to an
electrical or electromagnetic impulse. It then creates a shock wave that provokes
the detonation of the principal charge.
The system that commands the explosion of the detonator is called the ignition
system. The devices vary considerably and it would take too long to examine
all of them. I will thus only deal with the two systems that might have been
used at the Pentagon, explosive ignition systems commanded by the operator and
ignition systems for hollow charges by instantaneous percussion with a short
Shells, bombs or missiles are equipped with an ignition system which comprises
the release, the delay system and a detonator. This device is called a fuse.
It is fixed on the weapon either during its construction, or at the moment of
conditioning for firing. It includes a security system that prevents the ensemble
from functioning until being armed.
The release can be activated by a shock in the case of percussion fuses, by
a radar detector at a distance in the case of radio-electric fuses, by the reaction
to a source of heat or a magnetic mass in the case of thermal or magnetic fuses.
Either the release provokes detonation instantaneously, or the delay system
acts so that the weapon only detonates several milliseconds after the impact.
In this last case, the weapon begins to penetrate the objective by physically
denting it with its armor. The charge detonates once the weapon has already
entered the objective, which increases its destructive effect.
For certain very hard fortifications, one even finds that there are multi-charge
weapons. The first charges fracture the concrete, while the later one or ones
penetrate and detonate. In general, anti-concrete charges are hollow charges.
The jet of energy and melted materials penetrate the fortification and spread
inside quantities of hot materials pushed by a column of energy that pierces
the walls like a punch. The great heat produced by the detonation of the hollow
charge provokes fires in everything that is combustible inside.
During the Gulf War, the anti-fortification missiles and guided bombs pierced
all of the concrete bunkers that were hit, notably at Fort As Salman. A single
bomb could pierce through three thicknesses of armored concrete, having begun
with the thickest, on the outside.
The missile
In order to conduct an attack with such a weapon system, a launcher is obviously
needed. In the case of guided bombs, the launcher is a plane or at the very
least a powerful helicopter. The weapon then leaves with an initial speed which
is that of the carrier vehicle. It descends in a glide and generally guides
itself by following a laser illumination. In the case of a missile, its range
is much greater because the missile has its own engine. If needs be, one can
conceive a system so that the missile depart from its own launch pad on the
ground. There are in fact ground-to-ground anti-fortifications missiles.
A cruise missile of a recent model generally follows three phases of flight.
The launch, during which it attains its tlight speed in emerging from the bay
of an airplane or a missile launch-tube. Pushed forward by the engine at full
power, it reaches its cruising speed and deploys its wings and tail fins. It
then descends to its cruising altitude and follows its approach trajectory.
In the course of this flight phase, it frequently changes direction, turning
according to the Hight program, climbing or descending to remain low enough
to escape detection as far as possible. One might then mistake it for a fighter
plane in tactical Hight maneuvers. It keeps this altitude until it reaches the
point of entry to the terminal phase. This point is situated a certain distance
from the objective; two or three miles depending on the models. From this point,
the missile flies in a straight line t?wards the target and undergoes a strong
acceleration that gives it maximum speed to strike the objective with the maximum
of penetrative force.
The missile thus has to reach the point of entry to the terminal phase with
great precision, so that before acceleration it is not only in the right spot
but also pointing in the right direction. That is why it often happens that
the missile ends its cruising flight with a tight turn that allows to adopt
the right alignment. A witness might observe that the missile reduces its engine
power before throttling back up.
The type of explosion observed at the Pentagon
On 8 March 2002, a month after the beginning of the controversy on Internet
and three days before The Big Lie was published in France, five new images of
the attack were released by CNN [2 ]. A photo agency then distributed
them very widely to numerous newspapers throughout the world. These images originating
from a surveillance camera were not made public by the Pentagon itself, which
contented itself with authenticating them. In them, one can see the flame developing
from the impact on the façade of the Department of Defense’s building.

The first shot (Photo Section, p. II) is that of a white puff that seems to
be a white smoke. It definitely calls to mind the vaporization of the water
contained in the ambient air at the beginning of the deployment in the atmosphere
of a supersonic shockwave of detonating material. One distinguishes, however,
traces of red name characteristic of the high temperatures reached by the air
under the pressure of a rapid shockwave.
What is plain to see is that the shock wave starts from the interior of the
building. One sees above the roof the emergence of a ball of energy that isn’t
yet a ball nf fire. One might legitimately think of a detonation by an explosive
with a high energetic power, but for the moment it still cannot be determined
whether it is a charge with a directed effect or not.
One distinguishes at ground level, starting from the right-hand side of the
photo and going to the base of the mass of white vapor, a white line of smoke.
It looks very much like the smoke that leaves the nozzle of the propulsion unit
in a flying vehicle. As opposed to the smoke that would come out of two kerosene-fueled
engines, this smoke is white. The turbojets of a Boeing 757 would in fact leave
a trail of much blacker smoke. The examination of this photo alone already suggests
a singleengine flying vehicle much smaller in size than an airliner. And without
two General Electric turbopropulsion units.

In the second shot (Photo Section, p. III) one still sees the horizontal trail
of smoke but one can also make out very clearly the development of the red flame.
It is interesting to compare this shot of the impact at the Pentagon with that
of the impact of the plane with the second tower at the World Trade Center (Photo
Section, p. 1II). The color of the latter is yellow, which points a lower temperature
of combustion. It is mixed with black, heavy smoke. It is the color of hydrocarbon
combustion in the air. In this case, it is kerosene contained in the airplane
that is burning. This flame descends quite slowly down the front of the fa,ade
where the plane had penetrated, carried by the falling fuel. In contrast, the
flame of the Pentagon explosion rises sharply from inside the building, ripping
off debris that one sees mixed with the red flame. There is no longer the cloud
of vapor due to the shockwave that masked the flame in the first photo. The intense
heat has caused it to evaporate. As we have seen, that is characteristic of detonations
of a high-yield explosive.
We should take the opportunity here to note the appearance of the smoke rising
from the first tower that was hit, as the fire develops there. It consists of
heavy, oily coils. As for traces in the air of the airplane, as opposed to the
aircraft that seems to have hit the Pentagon. there is no trail although the
impact has just taken place.

The photos on page IV of the color section were taken a short time after the explosion.
The firemen are not yet in action. In the one at the top, the flame of the explosion
itself has extinguished. The fire llt by the explosion smolders and its flames
are not yet visible, except at the level of the point of impact, where one perceives
a red glow in the axis of the vertical support of the highway signs. We are thus
not seeing the configuration of an airliner fire because the kerosene would have
ignited instantaneously. The fa,ade has not yet collapsed. It does not present
any visible signs of major mechanical destruction, although the upper floors and
the roof have already been hit by the blast.
In the photo below, taken according to its author about a minute later, the
fires ignited inside the building by the heat wave have begun to spread. The
arrow indicates a hole in the fayade through which one sees the heart of a fire
beginning to mount. The façade still has not collapsed and the initial
smoke has dissipated. It is only after the fires have begun to merge and fom
a single blaze that the thickest smoke appears, but without presenting the same
appearance as the smoke from an airliner fire with its reservoirs of kerosene.
To sum up, the examination alone of these photos that everyone has seen in
the press permit one to measure the striking differences between the two explosions.
If the flame of the World Trade Center is obviously that of kerosene from an
airplane, it would seem that this is not at all the case at the Pentagon. The
flying device that struck the Department of Defense has, at first sight, nothing
to do with the airliner of the official version. But we have to continue the
investigation in order to progress in our search for elements that will perhaps
permit us to determine the nature of the explosion that damaged the Pentagon.
A hydrocarbon fire?
When the firemen intervened on the site, one sees clearly that they are using
water to attack the fire (Photo Section, p. X). Several official photographs
show a fire truck that we in France would call a CCFM (carnian citerne pour
feu moyen - a tanker truck for a medium-sized fire). The water coming out of
the hoses is white in color, so it does not contain that substance used on certain
fires known as a "retardant". In general, retardants give the water
a reddish or brownish color. Thus the principal fire being attacked is not a
hydrocarbon fire, because one cannot see any foam cannons that are characteristic
of interventions in airplane accidents or any hoses projecting adapted products.

However, the examination of the photo at the top of page VI does show the residues
of carbonic foam, The explanation is given in certain accounts of September 11
according to which either a helicopter, for some, or a truck, for others, parked
close to the fayade, exploded. One can see in any case on many pictures a truck
on fire to the right of the impact. On the other hand, the quantity of foam residues
is relatively small. Essentially, it is spread not on the building fire but on
the lawn that stretches in front, as if they had extinguished a fire set alight
by that of the attack. This is what is known as a "sympathetic fire",
in French firemen’s jargon. A foam hose was thus used to put out one or
more secondary fires.
One can see in the pictures released by the Department of Defense a truck armed
with a foam cannon attacking a fire situated in front of the façade,
while the high-powered water pumps attack the main fire inside the building.
The spraying as it is being carried out at that moment manifestly aims at lowering
the general temperature by wetting everything first, before penetrating into
the building to extinguish fires point by point.
Artillery, intelligence and BDA
After having given my reactions as a fonner firefighter, I’m now going
to give those of an artillery officer and observer. Among his tasks, an artillery
observer must pick out objectives, estimate the type of weapon needed to be
deployed to treat them and the quantity of projectiles required to render them
harmless. Once the objective has been treated, one must still evaluate the real
damage to measure whether the first strike was sufficient or if firings should
It’s a matter of establishing an appraisal of the damages that is then
transmitted to the command and intelligence echelons. This evaluation of battlefield
damages is called in English a Battlefield Damage Assessment (BDA). One must,
of course, employ maximum objectivity in these evaluations: it would be stupid
to ask for more firings on an objective that had already been neutralized or
destroyed, but just as stupid to let it be thought that an objective had been
rendered harmless when it still presented a menace.
During the Gulf War, every day there was a meeting in General Schwartzkopf’s
command post between tq..e French, British and American commanders-in-chief.
A part of the "intelligence" chapter of this briefing dealt with the
examination of BDA photos. And Schwartzkopf paid particular attention to this.
In these pictures one saw the effects of weapons and the scale of damage inflicted
on the objectives.
This was not mere voyeurism on the part of the three generals. It permitted
them to decide if there was reason to continue attacking objectives already
treated, but also to decide whether to use less powerful weapons in order to
prevent the destruction inflicted on military objectives from impinging on the
civilian environment. Needless to say, for the interpreters of images, artillery
observers and intelligence officers, damage evaluation was a key matter that
we studied carefully. And when one adds practical experience to theory, as unfortunately
was my case, one does possess some elements of objective appraisal in examining
the damage suffered by a building; especially if one knows the building well,
as is also true in my case concerning the Pentagon.
The official photos of the facade

A general view of the façade is highly interesting. Furnished again
by official bodies, it is presented at the top of page V of the Photo Section.
As the firefighters finished working on the exterior of the building, one can
make out several instructive elements. First of all, the soot covering the fayade
is a mix of that which would have been deposited in a classic fire and others
more characteristic of those deposited by the shockwave of a high-yield explosive,
but in no way of the thick, oily coat deposited by a kerosene fire. The windows
have been broken by a detonation and not melted by a hydrocarbon fire that would
have lasted several days. The most remarkable thing is that relatively few of
them are broken, and that the windows affected are essentially situated close
to the point of the explosion at the level of the lower floors. Near ground
zero, therefore. It is very likely that the shockwave was propagated along the
corridors, and one follows it very well in the general overview shown on page
XI of the Photo Section. This corroborates the testimony of David Theal1 [3
]. This liaison officer at the Pentagon describes the sudden arrival of a violent
noise accompanied by debris that ravaged the corridor outside his office.
At the beginning of its displacement, the shockwave broke panes and, once it
was channeled by the walls of the corridors, it took an orientation that no
longer had as much effect on the windows. It should be made clear that these
were double-glazed windows in which the outer pane is particularly solid. That
was what a representative of the company that installed them declared [4
], and it’s also what was explained to me well before this attack, during
an official visit to the Pentagon as an observer.
On a picture that is a more detailed close-up, at the bottom of page V, one
has a view of the impact zone after wreckage was cleared. It allows one to make
out the vertical concrete pillars of the building’s frame and the corridors
that fun along the floors. One understands better then how the shockwave bypassed
the windows as we mentioned above.
The shot shows that the vertical pillars, some of which are surrounded by wooden
casings, have obviously been weakened at the ground level, that is, the place
where the detonation occurred. But they weren’t crushed or broken as would
have been the case if they were struck by the leading edges of the wings of
a hundred ton airplane. They would have been hit by the part of the leading
edge situated approximately at the spot where the engine pods are fixed, the
most solid area. Manifestly, no wing has struck these vertical pillars of the
building’s concrete frame.
If a plane had struck the Pentagon, as the official version would have us believe,
the wings would have touched the vertical pillars at approximately the level
of the floor on which one can see men standing. It’s obvious that the
weakened zone of the pillars is located below, where one can see the wooden
casings and the red-colored steel props. So the vehicle that carried the charge
that weakened the pillars struck lower than an enormous airliner would have
done. And r refer you back to the first photographs studied on which we could
see the trail of smoke from a propulsion unit very close to the ground.
This picture also permits us to put into context statements by certain experts,
according to whom "the Pentagon is constructed of particularly solid materials".
It’s true that the building’s contractors used hardened materials
for the windows and the outer facings, but the Pentagon is no more a blockhaus
than an armor-plated car is a tank.
An anti-concrete hollow charge
The last photo was produced by the Department of Defense and published on
a Navy Web site [5 ]. It is presented on page XII of our Photo
Section. In examining it, one can see an almost circular hole topped by a black
smudge, This perforation is about seven feet in diameter and is situated in
the wall of the third line of buildings working inward from the façade.
It is supposed to have been made by the nose of the plane.
That would mean that the nose of the aircraft, a radome of carbon fiber that
is far from being armored, would have traversed without destroying them six
load-bearing walls of building considered to be rather solid. And what would
then be the cause of the black smudge marking the wall above the hole? The hydrocarbon
fire. But then, all of the façade of this building would be marked with
soot and not only the few square feet that have been really blackened. And the
broken windows, was that the result of the impact? I remind you that the windows
are solid.
The appearance of the perforation in the wall certainly resembles the effects
of anti-concrete hol low charges that I have been able to observe on a number
of battlefields.
These weapons are characterized by their "jet". This jet is a mixture
of gas and melted materials that is projected in the direction of the axis of
the paraboloid that constitutes the forward face of the weapon. Propelled at
a speed of several thousand feet per second, with a temperature of several thousands
of degrees, this jet pierces concrete through many feet of thickness. It could
thus pierce five thick walls of the building without any problem. Five walls
out of six because the fayade was perforated by the vector itself. The detonation
of the military charge only occurs, in fact, once it has been carried inside
the objective. As I eXplained earlier, the fuses arming anti-concrete charges
are not instantaneous, but have a short delay. That is why the flame of the
explosion developed from within, the interior of the building towards the exterior.
As one sees on the photos taken by the security camera, the shockwave damaged
the fa,ade, the upper floors and the roof, and propagated itself through the
corridors at the height where the vector had struck: on the ground level.
The jet contains gases at a high temperature that slow and finally come to
a halt before the melted materials. The gases burn everything combustible in
their path. A schematic diagram of the flame and the jet of a hollow charge
that is piercing walls is shown on page XIII of the Photo Section.
The melted materials travel further than the gases, and in this particular
case, the picture of the last hole certainly resembles the effect that the melted
materials of a jet would have had at the end of their trajectory. They would
have been finally stopped by the last wall they reached. But still fairly hot
enough, they would have marked the wall with this black smudge, just above the
hole. Heat rises from materials that are beginning to cool and thus only mark
the fayade above the impact. At this terminal point, the temperature is no longer
high enough to make more of a mark on the cement. On the other hand, the remnants
of the shockwave still have enough energy to break the windows immediately around
the hole. One understands then why the firefighters intervened with water. It
is the extinguishing t1uid with the strongest heat-to-mass ratio. It is thus
the best -adapted to cooling materials that have absorbed a "heat wave"
and to extinguish fires in urban areas that have been lit by sympathy. It was
not a matter of the firefighters extinguishing a hydrocarbon fire, but of putting
out punctual fires and cooling overheated materials.
This photo, and the effects described in the official version, lead me therefore
to think that the detonation that struck the building was that of a high-powered
hollow charge used to destroy hardened buildings and carried by an aerial vehicle,
a missile.
Pierre-Henri Bunel is a graduate of the Ecole Militaire
de Saint-Cyr (the French officers’ academy) and a former artillery officer,
whose expertise is recognized in the following fields: the effects of explosives
on humans and buildings, the effects of anillery weapons on personnel and buildings,
firefighting for specific types of fire, wrecks and remains of destroyed airplanes.
He participated notably in the Gulf War, at the side of Generals Schwartzkopf
and Roquejoffre.
This author's
Pentagate is fully accessible in both PDF and HTML formats,
free of charge, on the website Pentagate.info
Pentagate is also available in the Voltaire
Network online bookshop .
[1 ] In military language, the ammunition is the ensemble
of the propulsive charge and the projectile. The weapon is the launcher for
small caliber launchers. and the projectile itself for large caliber weapons
systems. Thus the weapon of an artillery man is the sllell or the missile, not
the cannon or the launch pad.
[2 ] ’Images show September II Pentagon crash’,
CNN, R March 2002 (report includes video clip of explosion): http://www.cnn.com/2002/US/03/07/gen.pentagon.pictures
[3 ] ’September 11, 2001’, Washington Post, 16
September 2001: http://www.washingtonposLcom/ac2/wp-dyn/A38407-2001Sep15
[4 ] ’DoD News Briefing on Pentagon Renovation’,
Defense Link, Department of Defense, 15 September 2001: http://www.defense1ink.mil/news/Sep2001/t09152001_t915evey.html
[5 ] ’War and Readiness’, All Hands, magazine
of the US Navy: http://www.mediacen.navy.mil/pubs/allhands/novOl/pg16.htm