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Judicial Watch was known as a Republican Party attack dog against the Clinton
Administration, but went a long way to rehabilitating its partisan image when
it went after the secret activities of the Cheney
Energy Task Force, eventually revealing some maps of hydrocarbon deposits
and oil and gas installations in Iraq and neighboring countries, seemingly showing
that the war in Iraq was about oil. Now it has apparently ‘forced’
the Pentagon to release a video of the crash into the Pentagon building. This
video appears to be the source of the stills that have already been released,
and remains the only purported visual evidence of what crashed into the Pentagon.
I have a few comments:
1. If you look at the video (I downloaded a copy from here),
you can see that it is a collection of stills joined together, and of such
bad quality that you cannot tell what hit the Pentagon. It is a manufactured
product, and therefore can’t be analyzed to provide any evidence as
to the speed of the plane, and can’t be analyzed to see if there are
anomalies in the video. It is literally mostly smoke. It really is of no more
use than the stills that have already been released, and the most amazing
thing about it is that people claim that it now settles the issue of what
hit the Pentagon. It certainly does not. You would think that if the American
government had evidence that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon - and we know they
have other tapes - they might allow us to see it. Now that the Pentagon has
established the precedent of releasing one ‘video’, there is absolutely
no reason to withhold the other tape evidence. This release indicates to me
that they are afraid to show us the real evidence. It is far past the time
when the critics of the conspiracy theories ought to be admitting that the
unexplained and mysterious absence of evidence is in itself evidence of a
2. What (or who) leaves a shadow in front of the camera
on the bottom left about forty per cent through?
3. From Judicial
“Judicial Watch originally filed a Freedom of Information Act request
on December 15, 2004, seeking all records pertaining to September 11, 2001
camera recordings of the Pentagon attack from the Sheraton National Hotel,
the Nexcomm/Citgo gas station, Pentagon security cameras and the Virginia
Department of Transportation. The Department of Defense admitted in a January
26, 2005 letter that it possessed a videotape responsive to Judicial Watch's
request. However, the Pentagon refused to release the videotape because
it was, ‘part of an ongoing investigation involving Zacarias Moussaoui.’
Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit on February 22, 2006 arguing that there was
‘no legal basis’ for the Defense Department's refusal to release
the tape.
‘We fought hard to obtain this video because we felt that it was
very important to complete the public record with respect to the terrorist
attacks of September 11,’ said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
‘Finally, we hope that this video will put to rest the conspiracy
theories involving American Airlines Flight 77. As always, our prayers remain
with all those who suffered as a result of those murderous attacks.’”
Although Judicial Watch asked for all the recordings, it pronounced
itself satisfied after getting just one, one which did not, and could not,
put to rest the conspiracy theories. I smell a rat.
It is probably time to question whether the Bush Administration really wanted
to hide the Cheney Energy Task Force information, or only wanted to appear to
be hiding what Judicial Watch claims to have forced out. We still don’t
know anything of what Cheney was up to except the released documents, which
the ‘left’ was happy to accept as proof that the attack on Iraq
was all about oil. Or was that what we were supposed to think? From the John
Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt devastating and cool reply
to critics:
“Probably the most popular argument made about a countervailing force
is Herf and Markovits’s claim that the centrepiece of US Middle East
policy is oil, not Israel. There is no question that access to that region’s
oil is a vital US strategic interest. Washington is also deeply committed
to supporting Israel. Thus, the relevant question is, how does each of those
interests affect US policy? We maintain that US policy in the Middle East
is driven primarily by the commitment to Israel, not oil interests. If the
oil companies or the oil-producing countries were driving policy, Washington
would be tempted to favour the Palestinians instead of Israel. Moreover, the
United States would almost certainly not have gone to war against Iraq in
March 2003, and the Bush administration would not be threatening to use military
force against Iran. Although many claim that the Iraq war was all about oil,
there is hardly any evidence to support that supposition, and much evidence
of the lobby’s influence. Oil is clearly an important concern for US
policymakers, but with the exception of episodes like the 1973 Opec oil embargo,
the US commitment to Israel has yet to threaten access to oil. It does, however,
contribute to America’s terrorism problem, complicates its efforts to
halt nuclear proliferation, and helped get the United States involved in wars
like Iraq.”
The United States has effectively abandoned the Iraqi oil fields and the pipelines
to the insurgency, and the oil production, small to begin with, continues to
drop month by month. Indeed, abandoning maintenance of the oil fields means
that significant production will be lost permanently. There is not the slightest
indication that the United States cares a whit about Iraqi oil, or about allowing
American firms to develop it. The ‘forced’ release of the
Cheney documents was another Judicial Watch charade, intended to fool us into
thinking we’d uncovered the real reason for the attack. The ‘forced’
release of this ridiculous manufactured ‘video’ of the attack on
the Pentagon is another example of Judicial Watch carrying the can for the same
people for whom it has continued to work since its days of attacking Clinton.
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