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Fake Left Anti-War Groups Out Themselves

Posted in the database on Sunday, May 29th, 2005 @ 01:40:30 MST (1490 views)
from Bellaciao  

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You know, I hate to be accusatory, but there comes a time when you’ve got to call people out on their bogus logic. This incredible smoking gun memo just came out, now we KNOW that Bush Lied to start the war and that all the WMD threats were bogus, the neocons were ’fixing the facts’ to sell it to the gullible American public. Why aren’t all honest members of Congress raising hell? Troops are still dying everyday- dying so Bush the Liar can save face- we need to stop this NOW. Immediate action is called for, protests now to Demand Congressional Action.

related audio: Ramsey Clark- Impeach W (4.5mb MP3)
It is up to US to Demand Action from Congress

And what do US anti-war groups think? These ’progressive leaders’ have called for protests Sept 24-26. Huh? Why September? Bush lied, it’s all come out, they stole $9 billion and didn’t investigate, they spread radioactive waste across Iraq, and they PLANNED THE WAR IN 2002 !!! This equates to pre-meditated murder on a mass scale. How much proof does one need? They lied, they’re looting, sinking our kids in debt- it’s sick... and the biggest US anti-war groups plan a protest this fall? All those kids that are going to die between now and then... it’s ok because you’re busy til late September?

Where is the logic in waiting 4 months? It’s too hot in the summer? College kids are getting summer jobs? What possible reason could they have to protest in September, rather than right NOW!

To me, it just seems logical that this call for a late September protest is a Cointelpro action. Cointelpro (peace group infiltration) was real in the ’70s, and everything Bushco is doing today is much worse than what Nixon did in the ’70s... It is entirely possible, and judging by their actions probable, that the biggest ’anti-war’ groups are infiltrated, if not setup by Cointelpro type influences.

It’s not too hard a leap to make... they lied to start the war, they knew they couldn’t fool everybody with the mass media lies, so they setup phony protest groups to divert and weaken the movement. If you think this is ’conspiracy theory’ fine, but back it up with logic- why should we wait until Sept 24th, why should we allow another 2 troops to die everyday?

Anti-war Groups that have called for a protest in late Sept. (as of 5/25)

TroopsoutNow.org - Never heard of ’em before, but this was the first email I received calling for ’unity’ rally in late September.
A.N.S.W.E.R. also has a call for a National Day of Action June 13th: Send Posada to Venezuela. ?! (Ever notice that ANSWER always manages to get their protests covered on national tv (C-span)- and the rallies always fail to provide important facts, fail to make a real case to the tv audience. ANSWER loves cheerleading chants- very easy for the public to dismiss.)
United for Peace and Justice- here’s part of their statement:

It’s time to hold all pro-war politicians accountable for the deaths, the destruction, the lies, and the toll on our communities from the illegal and immoral Iraq war!"

....so join us in September?!

Simply put, does Karl Rove want us to protest now, or in September? Why are the anti-war groups siding with Karl Rove? That’s two of the largest anti-war groups in America, UfPJ and ANSWER, both committing to wait until September to protest. Why? (Note: ’Progressives’ have scheduled the Take Back America conference in DC next week as well. Activists from around the country will travel to DC and whadda-ya-know, their Reps won’t be there as it’s Home District Week. fyi- there’s another one the week of July 4th)

Here is an alternative to waiting until September 24th to raise your voice.

Take the Time to Give Congress A Piece of Your Mind!
Can’t make it to DC, that’s fine- all CongressCritters are returning home next week, from Memorial Day, May 30 until Friday June 3rd. There should be informed citizens in every state, giving their "Reps" and earful. There are millions of Republicans and Democrats disgusted with what Bush has done to America, they would all be in the streets if they just knew when and where to be.

Every State is going to have a Memorial Day ceremony, attended by a Senator or Congressman... why not show up with a few friends and ask them some questions?

Why didn’t they investigate the ’lost’ $9 billion?

Why did they stiff our troops $2 billion for Health care?

Why did they vote for a "Soviet-style" National ID Card?

Why are they still giving halliburton more cost-plus contracts?

Why don’t they care about The Memo and it’s grave implications?

Why is lying about a dress impeachable, but lying to start a war is acceptable?

"Do something dammit! Use your power as a Senator to commandeer a tv station, let’s replace the sitcoms with the truth and save our country!"

Every member of Congress swore to uphold the Constitution. Lying to start a war is as bad as it gets- impeachment proceedings should begin immediately. If they don’t hold Bush Accountable, those members of Congress are guilty of treason, and they too, must be held accountable. If possible, go to their office and give them an earful next week! ; -)

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