Untitled Document
Impunity Imperils Eradication of Cruel Treatment
(Washington, DC)—At the launch of its 2005 Annual Report, Amnesty International
called on foreign governments to uphold their obligations under international
law by investigating U.S. officials implicated in the development or implementation
of interrogation techniques that constitute torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading
treatment. While the U.S. government has failed to conduct a genuinely independent
and comprehensive investigation, the officials implicated in these crimes are
nonetheless subject to investigation and possible arrest by other nations while
traveling abroad, the organization said.
The human rights organization warned that at least one dozen former or current
U.S. officials are vulnerable to this action. The individuals, who, to date,
have either dodged investigation or escaped sanction, include those at the highest
levels of government, such as President Bush and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld,
as well as Attorney General Gonzales and former CIA Director George Tenet. They
also include government lawyers who advocated or approved setting aside critical
protections against torture or recommended interrogation methods that constitute
torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, as well as military officers
who implemented those decisions. While the United States bears primary responsibility
for investigating these acts, research by Amnesty International establishes
that more than 125 countries have legislation permitting investigation of serious
crimes committed outside their borders.
“Tolerance for torture and ill-treatment, signaled by a failure to investigate
and prosecute those responsible, is the most effective encouragement for it
to spread and grow. Like a virus, the techniques used by the United States will
multiply and spread unless those who plotted their use are held accountable,”
said Dr. William F. Schulz, Executive Director of Amnesty International USA.
“The U.S. government’s response to the torture scandal amounts to
a whitewash of senior officials’ involvement and responsibility. Those
who conducted the abusive interrogations must be held to account, but so too
must those who schemed to authorize those actions, sometimes from the comfort
of government buildings. If the United States permits the architects of torture
policy to get off scot-free, then other nations should step into the breach.”
The Geneva Conventions and the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel,
Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (Convention against Torture) place
a legally binding obligation on states that have ratified them to exercise universal
jurisdiction over persons accused of grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions
and torture or to extradite the suspects to a country that will. Therefore,
if anyone suspected of involvement in the U.S. torture scandal visits or transits
though foreign territories, governments could take legal steps to ensure that
such individuals are investigated and charged with applicable crimes.
Certain crimes, including torture and other grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions,
are so serious that they amount to an offense against the whole of humanity
and therefore all states have a responsibility to investigate and prosecute
people responsible for these crimes. This principle applies wherever those suspected
of the crimes happen to be, whatever their nationality or position, regardless
of where the crime was committed and the nationality of the victims, and no
matter how much time has elapsed since the commission of the crime. One of the
best-known applications of this principle was the October 16, 1998, arrest in
London of Augusto Pinochet, in connection with torture and “disappearances”
in Chile at a time when he was president of that country.
Although approximately 125 members of the U.S. armed forces have either been
court-martialed or received non-judicial punishment or other administrative
action, to date no one in the extended chain of command, including those who
formulated policies on the treatment and interrogation of prisoners, has been
held accountable.