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Crude propaganda posters mirror images from Orwell's 1984
A new poster has been plastered around London over the past few months to remind
us that Big Brother is watching in order to keep us all safe.
The poster headline reads simply "Watching over you 24/7" and features
giant eyes set into the landscape of the Houses of Parliament in London.
Of course we are being surveilled constantly for our "safety and security"
as the sub headline reads. The telephone number below promises unique benefits
if you become a member of the London Neighbourhood Watch Association.
Since when was the entirety of London a "neighbourhood"? This is
a city with a population of nine million people - do we all need to spy on each
other and be constantly watched by cctv cameras in order to be safe and secure?
This new poster is similar in appearance to a previous example that was paraded
around bus shelters in London a few years ago.

The "Secure beneath the watchful eyes" poster featured multiple all
seeing Horus eyes. In Egyptian mythology Horus presented his eye to Osiris, the
god of death, who experienced rebirth in the underworld.
The symbol of the all seeing eye was adopted by the Bavarian
Illuminati and has pervaded modern culture.
How ironic or coincidental that the iconic London red bus would shortly down
the line once more appear, this time blown to smithereens, despite the helpful
and loving watchful eyes.
Even more farcical was the fact that the "investigation" into the
July 7 bombings was hindered when it was discovered the CCTV cameras on the
bus that blew up were
not working.
Britain is acknowledged as the world leader of Orwellian surveillance. An estimated
4.2 million closed-circuit TV cameras observe people going about their everyday
business, from getting on a bus to lining up at the bank to driving around London.
It's widely estimated that the average Briton is scrutinized by 300 cameras
a day.
Authorities maintain the cameras deter crime, despite the fact that police
have admitted that they are 'too
busy' to watch CCTV, even AFTER a crime has taken place. The outrage of
civil libertarians has fallen on deaf ears as the public seems willing to accept
the constant monitoring for the greater good.
The Posters are both eerily similar to shots taken from the film re-productions
of George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty Four in which a totalitarian government regime
rules over the people with an Iron fist and relies on a total surveillance society
to scare the population into submission and docility.

The posters are nothing more than crude and simplistic propaganda informing us
that we are all under suspicion in this surveillance society. The fact that the
in this latest one they feel the need to add the words "security and safety"
is an attempt to play down the immediate aggressive and threatening feeling that
is instilled upon its viewing.
Other posters that have gone up all over the UK recently inform the population
that should they spit in public, on a bus or train for example, then their DNA
will be collected and stored on the national database FOREVER.

Under current UK laws, if you are arrested for any recordable offence, police
are allowed to take your fingerprints and a sample your DNA. Even if you are
subsequently released and found innocent, police can still keep your DNA, which
is added to a PERMANENT
Worse still, hundreds of thousands of children aged between 10 and 18 have
their DNA added to the database despite never being cautioned or charged
for any offence.
How can all this be to protect freedom and ensure our liberty? Some are awakening,
but still no one dares to suggest that on our doorstep is a Police State surveillance
society that is worse than Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia. We have to speak out
now before it's too late, because it can happen and it is happening here.