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A further wave of police-state laws is currently being pushed through
the Australian parliament without the Howard government even claiming any new
terrorist threat. The measures—six bills so far—are in addition
to the detention without trial, sedition and “advocating terrorism”
legislation passed by the federal and state parliaments just before Christmas.
Virtually no media coverage has been given to the latest laws, even
though they will authorise the government and its security agencies for the
first time to intercept the telephone and email communications of completely
innocent people. They will also extend the Australian Security and Intelligence
Organisation’s (ASIO) secret detention and interrogation powers for a
decade, effectively making them permanent.
The Telecommunications Interception (Amendment) Act 2006, which was pushed
through both houses of parliament last week, permits the federal police and
ASIO to covertly monitor or read anyone’s phone calls, emails, SMSs and
other “stored communications”. This power extends to so-called “B-Parties”—innocent
people who have, even if unwittingly, communicated with someone suspected of
a crime or of being a threat to “national security”.
Intimate or confidential conversations that “B-Parties” have with
other people, including family members, friends, work colleagues, lawyers and
doctors, can be bugged. This includes discussions with a lawyer under legal
professional privilege. The authorities can use the information collected for
many purposes, including to initiate prosecutions, even if it is irrelevant
to the original suspect.
To obtain an interception warrant, ASIO need only show that it is “likely
to assist” in obtaining intelligence “related to security”.
These vague terms leave vast room for arbitrary or political use. There is no
protection against the government eavesdropping on conversations involving Members
of Parliament and journalists, who rely on confidential sources.
By intercepting calls to mobile phones, the authorities can also trace a person’s
movements. Federal and state police and other law enforcement agencies can have
a tap in place for up to 45 days, while ASIO warrants last for three months.
Claiming that it was “urgent” to do so, Attorney-General Philip
Ruddock bulldozed the bill through in a matter of days, brushing aside a Senate
report in which MPs, including government backbenchers, appealed for a series
of modifications to soften the Bill’s obvious “Big Brother”
These amendments included confining interceptions to people “suspected
of engaging in the planning of, or other involvement in, terrorist acts or murder”.
The defeat of that amendment only serves to confirm that these measures, like
the more than 30 other pieces of “anti-terrorism” legislation already
passed since 2002, are not about protecting ordinary people from terrorism.
Rather, their purpose is to hand draconian powers to the security and intelligence
agencies to spy on and move against ordinary people.
The “war on terror” has already been used as a cover for a rapid
expansion of tapping. According to the latest official statistics released by
Ruddock, 3,028 intercept warrants were granted in 2003-2004, a 41 percent rise
since 2000-2001. In the early 1990s, less than 250 warrants were authorised
These figures provide only a partial picture, however, because they exclude
ASIO warrants, the numbers of which are kept secret from the public. Moreover,
the legislation requires the major telecommunications providers, such as Telstra,
to provide ASIO with intercept data which they have obtained, ostensibly for
the purpose of maintaining network integrity.
In addition, there are now powers to plant surveillance and tracking devices
on people, vehicles and premises, whether or not the subjects are alleged to
be involved in any crime. During the first half of 2005, 257 warrants were issued
under the newly-introduced Surveillance Devices Act 2004.
On March 29, Ruddock tabled amendments to strengthen and continue, until 2016
at least, ASIO’s interrogation and detention powers, which were first
introduced in 2003 with a three-year sunset clause. Under this regime, ASIO
can interrogate someone for up to 48 hours, if an interpreter is required, or
detain them for up to a week for questioning, simply because it alleges they
may have information relating to terrorism. This is an addition to the measures
introduced late last year, which allow for secret “preventative”
detention for up to 14 days and for house arrest for as long as a year at a
Ruddock’s move followed a bipartisan review by the Parliamentary Joint
Committee on Intelligence and Security, in which Labor MPs joined their government
counterparts in backing the powers as a “useful tool”. Although
the committee recommended a new five-year sunset clause, Ruddock said a decade-long
extension would match the 10-year period agreed by the state Labor governments
for last year’s laws.
Ruddock claimed the amendments enhanced “rights and safeguards”
for people under questioning or detention. He did not mention the lengthening
of questioning periods by discounting time spent on procedural matters, handling
complaints, legal advice, medical attention, religious observances and recuperation
A handful of minor concessions only underscore the far-reaching character of
the powers. Subjects will have an explicit right to contact a lawyer—but
ASIO can still vet the lawyer; the monitoring of subject-lawyer communications
will be banned under questioning warrants—yet, will still be allowed in
detention; and the authorities may permit subjects to inform their families
or employers of their detention—but only as a matter of discretion in
some circumstances.
The parliamentary report gave a censored glimpse of the use of the powers between
mid-2003, when they were introduced, and mid-2005. It said questioning had occurred
14 times, while no one had been formally detained. The questioning, described
as “polite and dispassionate, if persistent,” lasted for as long
as 43 hours spread over nine days. Apparently little evidence was produced,
because only four people were charged with any offence as a result.
Predictably, none of the 25 former judges handpicked to serve as “issuing
authorities” to authorise and monitor the interrogations had rejected
a request by the attorney-general for a questioning warrant. Yet, lawyers who
testified before the committee expressed outrage that the warrants gave them
and their clients no information whatsoever about the alleged reasons for the
ASIO has probably carried out many more interrogations without warrants, or
parliamentary knowledge, by threatening its targets with detention if they did
not cooperate. ASIO’s and the government’s contempt for democratic
scrutiny was underlined by the fact that passages were deleted from the report
“at the request of ASIO,” even though the committee “did not
accept that the content ... constituted a national security concern”.
In one day, Ruddock also introduced a range of Bills to strengthen the powers
of intelligence and law enforcement agencies relating to “border compliance”,
“aviation transport security”, “maritime transport and offshore
facilities” and “powers of intervention at sea”.
All of this has happened with barely a mention, let alone a criticism, in the
mainstream media. Once again, there is no real opposition within the media and
political establishment to the tearing up of fundamental democratic rights and
complete acceptance of the Howard government’s bogus “war on terrorism”.