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Tony Soprano vs. Antonin Scalia

Posted in the database on Saturday, April 01st, 2006 @ 16:45:23 MST (2496 views)
by Kurt Nimmo    Another Day in the Empire  

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In Bushzarro world, it’s okay for a Supreme Court judge to give a dismissive gesture like an Italian Mob boss. But if a photograph of the gesture is published it stands to reason the photographer will be fired after twenty years of service. “A freelance photographer has been fired by the Archdiocese of Boston’s newspaper for releasing a picture of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia making a controversial gesture in the Cathedral of the Holy Cross on Sunday,” reports the Boston Herald. “Peter Smith, who had freelanced for The Pilot newspaper for a decade, lost the job yesterday after the Herald ran his photo on its front page…. Smith snapped the photo of Scalia flicking his hand under his chin after a Herald reporter asked the conservative jurist his response to people who question his impartiality on matters of church and state.”

In 1779, Thomas Jefferson believed religious freedom would counter the influence of the Church of England in Virginia and wrote the Act for Establishing Religious Freedom. “Strongly guarded as is the separation between religion and Government in the Constitution of the United States, the danger of encroachment by Ecclesiastical Bodies may be illustrated by precedents already furnished in their short history,” James Madison wrote a few years later. The First Amendment not only prohibits government from adopting a particular denomination or religion as official, but also requires government to avoid excessive involvement in religion.

Scalia’s hand gesture is sincerely apropos, considering his view that the Constitution simply “sets minimums” and most “of the rights that you enjoy go way beyond what the Constitution requires.” Under the reign of Bush and the neocons, those “minimums” are becoming quite stark—after all, according to our ruler, the Constitution is nothing more or less than a “goddamn piece of paper,” sort of like toilet paper. Or maybe butcher’s paper.

Bush and his crew of Machiavellian miscreants have attacked the First Amendment (no anti-Bush placards or t-shirts allowed when our installed potentate comes to town), the Second Amendment (ask the people of New Orleans about gun-grabbing), the Fourth Amendment (we are increasingly subject to “unreasonable searches and seizures,” from so-called “sobriety” checkpoints to NSA mega-snooping), the Fifth Amendment (ask thousands of individuals detained after nine eleven about this one), the Sixth Amendment (consult Jose Padilla), and the Ninth Amendment (intended to protect rights unremunerated—think about this one when you end up on a no-fly list at the airport). But then of course the Straussian neocons have nothing but contempt for the Constitution, as their guru, Leo Strauss, was a fan of dictatorial government as was his mentor and patron, the Nazi jurist Carl Schmitt.

Scalia is a member of Opus Dei, the Catholic order that “received massive political support after the fascist victory in the Spanish Civil War. Generalissimo Francisco Franco protected and fostered conservative elements within Opus Dei by appointing eight ministers to powerful positions in his government,” according to Michael Carmichael. “Opus Dei purports to be apolitical, but its members have been associated with right-wing political causes since its inception.” It is believed the late Propaganda Due (the Italian Freemasonic lodge) member and Mafia banker Michele Sindona was close to Opus Dei. Sindona was a friend of Licio Gelli, the neofascist masonic Grand Master of Propaganda Due (also a member of the Knights of Malta) involved in the Operation Gladio “strategy of tension,” i.e., the terrorist slaughter of innocents in Italy. Opus Dei is often described as “God’s Mafia” and “the Cult of Christ.”

Let us consider Scalia as the Mafia don of the Supremes and the highest court, responsible for appointing our would-be dictator, George W. Bush. It makes perfect sense he would dismiss the media with a contemptuous Sicilian hand gesture. It also makes perfect sense a photographer would get sacked for taking a picture of Don Vito Corleone caught in a spontaneous act of contempt.

On the other hand, I guess Peter Smith should consider himself fortunate—he is not sleeping with the fishes.

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