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The Google Maps satellite map of Magnolia Park, Florida shows a clear view
of an unusual object floating above 39th Street in the town.
The shadow on the object is similar to the shadows on the ground, meaning that
it is in the atmosphere relatively close to the surface, probably no higher
than 20,000 feet.
There are no towers or unusual objects in the area that could account for the
formation, which appears to be in rapid vibrational movement. Because of the
unusual motion visible on its surface, it is not likely that this is a balloon.
Without knowing its distance from the ground, it is impossible to determine
the size of the object, but it would seem to be quite large, even huge.
Calls to individuals living in the area and a search of news sources for 2005
revealed no reports of UFOs over Palm Beach or Magnolia Park this year. The
last National UFO Reporting Center report for Palm Beach was in 1999.
This is a confirmed unknown object in the air above a populated area in the
United States, recorded sometime in 2005.
To go to the Google map, click
Preston Dennett was drawn into the UFO
field by the totally unforgettable UFO siege that friends from Topanga Canyon
began to share with him in 1986. Without a doubt, this is one of the greatest
UFO stories ever told! Subscribers can listen to a special upcoming interview
with Dennett--just for them.
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