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NSA sources report that the agency's out-of-control security directorate,
in its pursuit of "leakers," is now attempting to have the families
of NSA personnel to inform on them. While it is illegal to compel someone
to testify against their spouse, that is not a problem with NSA Security, which
has been visiting the homes of NSA employees in an attempt to persuade the spouses
of NSA employees to reveal information about leaks. The visits have been intimidating,
according to those who were approached by the NSA Security personnel. In addition,
WMR has also learned that the psychiatric abuse committed against NSA employees
by NSA psychiatrists working in concert with NSA Security is now the subject
of full-blown ethics investigations by the Maryland Psychiatric Society, the
Maryland Board of Physicians, and Maryland Psychological Association. The investigation
may result in the loss of state licenses for NSA psychiatrists and psychologists
who have engaged in abusive practices.
NSA Soviet-style "Psikhushka" under investigation by Maryland professional bodies
According to congressional Democrats, in the event that the Democrats assume control
of one or both houses of Congress next year, there will be investigations of the
NSA Security Directorate that could result in referrals to the Justice Department
for criminal indictments against NSA and contractor personnel who have engaged
in illegal surveillance and other criminal acts.
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