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Straussian neocon war criminal and financial shyster Richard “Prince
of Darkness” Perle has weighed in on the attack Iran plan, now well under
way. “If you want to try to wait until the very last minute, you’d
better be very confident of your intelligence because if you’re not, you
won’t know when the last minute is,” Perle told Reuters
earlier this month in Munich, an appropriate venue to make such
a declaration, considering it was once the epicenter of Nazi perfidiousness
(in particular, the Munich Agreement). “And so, ironically, one of the
lessons of the inadequate intelligence of Iraq is you’d better be careful
how long you choose to wait.”
Of course, Iraqi “intelligence” was not “inadequate,”
it was a bald-face lie, as even the most casual observer cannot avoid realizing.
Perle knows this, but he is a scurrilous and amoral liar who buys into the Straussian
tenet that people must be lied to—and the more brazen the lie, the better.
As Hitler knew—and expounded upon in his treatise, Mein Kampf—the
masses, “in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily
fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often
tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale
falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths,
and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the
truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be
brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue
to think that there may be some other explanation.” And to this day, regardless
of all the glaring evidence to the contrary, millions of Americans believe Bush
would not tell such a brazen lie about Iraq’s nonexistent weapons of mass
destruction. It was simply an “intelligence failure” and Perle repeats
this falsehood.
“Perle is one of the top U.S. neoconservatives who advocated a pre-emptive
invasion of Iraq to topple Saddam and seize alleged stockpiles of weapons of
mass destruction. No such stockpiles were found after the war and U.S. President
George W. Bush has acknowledged that the intelligence was bad.” In fact,
this was a massive conspiracy engaged in by both the Bush administration and
the corporate media—shifting the blame to the CIA, since to become a handy
dog to kick around, while the center of lies and dissimulation was in the Pentagon’s
Office of Special Plans, dominated by Jabotinsky Likudites and their Straussian
neocon fellow travelers and co-conspirators.
“Asked if he thought a military strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities
was an inevitability, Perle said: ‘I hope that can be avoided but that’s
always a possibility. We are talking about physical facilities and they’re
always vulnerable.’”
Of course, Perle does not “hope” mass murder and possibly
the nuking of Iran “can be avoided,” for the Straussian neocons
are all about killing Muslims with impudence, as the Israelis are all about
killing Palestinians, including defenseless children, with impudence. Richard
Perle wants us to believe he is rational and moderate, when in fact he is a
Straussian radical and war criminal who should spend the rest of his natural
days in an orange jumper, making sure not to drop the soap in a prison shower.
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