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The controversy continues over the anti-Islamic cartoons published in a Danish
publication. The latest word notes that Merete Eldrup, managing director of
JP/Politikens Hus, the company that published the cartoons, is the wife of Anders
Eldrup, chairman of DONG (Danish Oil and Natural Gas), a currently state-owned
energy provider about to be privatized.
Moreover, according to a posting on Indymedia UK, as well as several
other sources, Anders has been among the attendees at the last five meetings
of the Bilderberger gathering, alleged by some to be an internationalist conspiracy
bent on world government.
Meanwhile, his wife, before she took over the directorship at JP/PH, was both
the Head of Secretariat at the Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs, and
the Deputy Director of the Danish Energy Authority. She is currently Deputy
Chairman and Managing Director of the Copenhagen Business School.
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