Untitled Document
The clash of civilisations.
It used to be the rogue state of Israel that was involved in a clash
with liberals and democrats in the West.
Why was there a clash?
1. The Israelis had used terror to drive the Arabs off their land.
2. Some of the Israelis were religious fundamentalists with 'weird, outdated
But, certain clever people in the USA have managed to change the story.
Now the clash is supposed to be between the 'mad Moslems' on the one side and
the western liberals and democrats on the other.
How has the Pentagon and the CIA, together with its friends in Israel,
managed to stir a clash between Moslems and the West?
1. Has the CIA/Pentagon given its support to Islamic fundamentalists in countries
such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Afghanistan?
2. Has the CIA/Pentagon/Mossad infiltrated fundamentalist Christianity and
allied it to Zionism?
2. Have certain western politicians allowed large numbers of poorly educated
Moslem illegal-immigrants to enter certain western countries?
3. Did the CIA/Pentagon recruit Osama bin Laden and people like Mohamed Atta?
4. Have some ignorant Moslems been recruited by certain security services
to take part part in various dubious activities?
5. Has a 'Jewish influenced' media stirred up trouble between Christians
and Moslems?
6. Have large numbers of Moslems allowed themselves to be brain-washed and
It is our impression, after visiting half a dozen Moslem countries, that the
great majority of Moslems are moderate, tolerant, hospitable people.
Moderation, tolerance and hospitality can evaporate under pressure.
The Palestinians have had their land stolen and their children murdered - hence
the vote for Hamas. Most Palestinians are not fundamentalists!
The CIA gave Iran the dictatorship of the Shah and then the dictatorship of
the Ayatollahs.
The Iraqis had the CIA agent Saddam Hussein imposed on them and then they had
their country manipulated into a war against Iran. More recently, a relatively
secular Iraq has become a more fundamentalist Iraq.
The CIA has helped keep pro-western governments in power in Morocco and Algeria.
This has encouraged moderate Moslems to turn to fundamentalist politicians.
The Americans have kept the Saudi monarchy in power.
The CIA toppled Indonesia's Sukarno and Suharto.
If you watch the media carefully you begin to notice the pattern of
Europe Journey of Belgian female 'bomber'
wars and the clash of civilisations
leader Griffin walks free
Not all Americans are fundamentalists. Not all Moslems are fundamentalists.