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Bush's "Gulf Of Tonkin" Underlines Criminal Desperation For War

Posted in the database on Saturday, February 04th, 2006 @ 18:50:05 MST (2384 views)
by Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones    PrisonPlanet.com  

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This week's revelations that George W. Bush and Tony Blair considered staging a war provocation by painting a US spy plane in UN colors and flying it over Iraq, in the hope that Saddam would order it shot down, illustrates a desperate depth of criminality only rivaled by previous notorious historical examples.

Philippe Sands, a QC and professor of international law at University College, London, unearthed documents that shadow even the Downing Street memo in terms of direct and unequivocal confirmation that the war was deliberate and planned from the very start and that any pretext to garner international support for it would be considered and utilized.

The US government considered staging an act of provocation that would fool the world into supporting an unpopular war.

This tactic is by no means new. The Gulf of Tonkin incident, where US warships were apparently attacked by North Vietnamese PT Boats, an incident that kicked off US involvement in the Vietnam war, was a staged event that never actually took place. Declassified LBJ presidential tapes discuss how to spin the non-event to escalate it as justification for air strikes and the NSA faked intelligence data to make it appear as if two US ships had been lost.

Operation Northwoods, Pearl Harbor and the attack on the USS Liberty are other historical examples where the same method of staged provocation was either considered or directly used in an attempt to start a conflict.

Sands (pictured above) appeared on the Alex Jones Show and shed more light on the documents and their implication for the power structure in London and Washington DC.

Sands called Bush and Blair's place in history a "legacy of criminality" and stated that when they leave office they will likely face "Pinochet style proceedings" for their actions.

Despite advice from Blair's advisors and the forecasts of the CIA, the documents exposed by Sands betray a complete ignorance for the possibility of Iraq turning into the quagmire that it is today.

Sands indicated to Jones that his contacts deep inside Blair's inner circle had leaked the original documents. This highlights a substantial degree of division within the halls of Downing Street and lends hope to the possibility of similar leaks occurring.

Sands concluded that the 'White House Meeting Memo' laid bare one simple fact, that "definitively, they knew there was no evidence and they were reduced to plotting these types of shenanigans."

Sands pondered the possible personal ramifications of releasing the documents, noting that the British government had sought to prosecute individuals who had previously blown the whistle.

"I suppose the possibility can't be excluded that they may come after me but I suspect they will be concerned about what else is out there and if I were them I would want to kick the story into touch, get rid of it, and that's not done by prosecuting people," said Sands.

Sands remained confident that more whistleblowers will come forward and weaken the power base of an arrogant trans-Atlantic power monopoly already soaked in blood and attempting to sell more wars based on spin and deception.

"As President Bush's power, as Tony Blair's power begins to fade away, they're beginning to speak out, they're beginning to release documents, they're beginning to realize that the tide has turned, that's the big change that has happened. There's a lot more material that's going to come out and it's not going to make a pretty picture."

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