Untitled Document
1) The Northern Alliance Leader, Ahmed Shah Massoud , is buried
- paving the way for installation of an oil company company executive , Hamid
Karzai. The likey perps : British intelligence and Pakistan’s ISI
2) The head of Pakistani intelligence arrives in Washington
on this day , after wiring 100k to Mohamed Atta. An asset of British intelligence
, Omar Saeed Sheikh, facilitates the transaction.
3) Sir David Manning ,Tony Blair’s top foreign policy
advisor, meets with Deputy Sec. of State , Rich Armitage in Washington - the
latter a recipient of Pakistan’s highest civilian honour.
4) Tom Kenney arrives in NYC late in the evening of 9/10/11.
He tells Dan Rather on live TV that his FEMA crew were in the city for an emergency
disaster preparedness drill to be conducted the following morning. FEMA denies
this claiming that Kenney is mistaken . FEMA insists that the crew arrived in
resonse to the events of 9/11. Mayor Rudoph Guliani , testifying before the
9/11 Commission, sided with Kenney’s version of events.
5 ) Investment banking giant Goldman Sachs issues a terror
alert to it’s employees and clients on this day . Clients and executives
worldwide are admonished to avoid close proximity to tall buildings.
6) NSC advisor Condoleezza Rice decides that she will call
former SF Mayor Willie Brown to urge him to cancel his flight to NYC scheduled
for the following morning.
7) Attorney General John Ashcroft continues his practice of
flying on private chartered jets ,citing unspecified "security concerns"
8) Top Pentagon civilian leaders suddenly cancel their flights
scheduled for the mornong of 9/11/01.
9) Detailed plans for the invasion of Afghanistan arrives
on the desk of US President George W. Bush on 9/10/01.
10 ) Executives working at the Twin Towers Complex begin to
arrive in Omaha , Nebraska . The following morning they will attend a charity
breakfast and participate in a golf tournament sponsored by billionaire investor
Warren Buffet. The location for this event is Offut Air Force Base . The president
of the United states would arrive at Offut AFB hours later.
11) Operatives of Mossad receive word that tommorrow is "D-Day".
The following morning they will video the World Trade Centre as planes crash
into the two gigantic buildings - much to their glee.
12 ) Open interest in put option soar for stocks in reinsurance
companies and large air carriers. Many of these trades are handled through the
private investment banking division of Alex Brown/ Deutschbank in Germany. The
head of that division resigns days later.
13 ) The former head of the counterintelligence division
of the FBI, John O’Neill , is preparing for his first day of work at his
new job , head of security for the World Trade Centre complex. His first day
on the job would tragically be his last day on earth.
14 ) One of the largest war games in history is assembling
within shouting distance of Afghanistan. The deployment of 22,000 British troops
is that nation’s largest deployment since World War 2.
15) The final preparations for another emergency disaster
preparedness drill are taking place at the Defence Dept. Some crazy idea about
an airplane striking the Pentagon . As the drill commences ,a real plane strikes
the Pentagon, leaving drill participants in total quandry - not knowing whether
they are reacting to a simulated "disaster" or the real deal. The
Navy Captain (Res. ) who helped prepare these disaster drills is the lead pilot
of the plane that actually crashed into the Pentagon. That part of the Pentagon
where these drills are planned is the location where the plane exact it’s
fatal toll on passengers and employees of the Defence Dept.