Untitled Document
Exactly one year ago, in
response to a previous bogus "Osama" transmission, I wrote:
"Like previous productions, the tape was conveniently timed to
reinforce and invigorate Washington’s expanding war agenda, keep the populations
of Western nations fearfully compliant and supportive of the Bush administration’s
"war on terrorism", further provoke anti-Western sentiment in the
Middle East, and distract from exploding political and economic fault lines
all over the world. Analysis of previous alleged Osama bin Laden videos, and
other loudly-promoted ‘terror tapes’, ‘arrests’ and
‘trials’, have been exposed as propaganda, likely produced
by operatives of the Bush administration. We can logically conclude
that this work is more of the same."
This latest production may be the clumsiest and most transparent fakery
of them all. Today, with the Bush administration cornered
and bleeding from scandals, in need of a distraction and cover for
an atrocity
in Pakistan, more justification for a future
conquest of Iran, and facing Peak
Oil and Gas-related collapse, it is a fine time for another wag,
another attempt at the same old trick. But it is a trick that is losing its
One day after the initial broadcast, Al-Jazeera.com (not associated
with the Al-Jazeera Space Channel TV Network
that broadcasted the Bin Laden tape) responded with "Bin
Laden tapes: fact or fiction?", a piece that questions the authenticity
and too-convenient timing of this latest work, correctly suggesting the possibility
of a US intelligence/Bush administration "wag the dog". In "Latest
Bin Laden Tape: Another of the NeoCons' 'Greatest Hits'", Steve Watson
points out, "even the BBC lays this out in the open with the headline Bin
Laden threats may boost Bush:
" ‘The commander-in-chief has been under intense pressure in recent
weeks, accused of trampling on civil liberties in pursuit of terror suspects.
His defence has been that America is a nation at war. So Bin Laden's latest
threats to launch new attacks on the US will only serve to underline this
" ‘The White House will also cite the tape when trying to convince
allies abroad that the use of tough tactics is justified - even when civilians
are killed, as in last week's air raid in Pakistan.’
"That just says it all really."
As Michel Chossudovsky points out in "The
Anglo-American War of Terror: An Overview":
"One of the main objectives of war propaganda is to ‘fabricate an
enemy’. As anti-war sentiment grows and the political legitimacy the Bush
Administration falters, doubts regarding the existence of this illusive ‘outside
enemy’ must be dispelled.
"Propaganda purports not only to drown the truth but also to ‘kill
the evidence’ on how this ‘outside enemy’, namely Osama bin
Laden’s Al Qaeda was fabricated and transformed into ‘Enemy Number
One’. The entire National Security doctrine centers on the existence of
an ‘outside enemy’ which is threatening the Homeland."
Even if he were real, "Osama", "Al-Qaeda" and the "war
on terrorism" has exclusively served the political purposes of the Anglo-American
empire, every moment that the Bush administration has needed a fabricated straw
enemy. The irrefutable fact that Osama bin Laden, and Al-Qaeda, and all fabricated
propaganda featuring their images, are creations of Anglo-American intelligence,
and continue to serve faithfully as intelligence assets.
is Osama bin Laden?"
Anti-war Left targeted
As this writer previously
noted, "if the case can be made that the tapes are, in fact, manufactured
by US intelligence agencies, it stands to reason that the words out of the mouth
of the Osama image have also been conceived, written and planted by these same
agencies. It is therefore foolish to ‘read’ the tapes without this
likely framework in mind…It is not a stretch to expect future bin Laden
tapes to issue more specific planted facts about a variety of issues that the
Bush administration wants American citizens to oppose. "
Recall that the goal of the last round of "Osama" transmissions sought
to ridicule 9/11 "conspiracy theories", and the concept that oil was
behind the Anglo-American war of conquest. In this followup, the Bush administration
wants Americans, and the entire world, to oppose the anti-war movement. If "Osama"
the arch-fiend is talking peace, then peace, of course, is unacceptable.
In a January 21, 2006 piece, "What's
Not Right About the Bin Laden Tape", Wayne Madsen cuts to the heart
of the Bush propaganda game:
"What's not right about the Osama Bin Laden tape. One thing that the Bush
administration does well is manage perceptions of the public. Amid protests
over the NSA wiretapping, the extension of the Patriot Act, and the nomination
of neo-Fascist Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court, an audio tape on Osama Bin
Laden is sent to Al Jazeera. On the tape, Bin Laden suddenly veers from being
a traditional right-wing Wahhabi fanatic to the right of the House of Saud to
a leftist progressive. The tape by Bin Laden was quickly verified as ‘authentic’
by a CIA that is now firmly in the grasp of neo-cons under Porter Goss.
"However, the tape is an obvious fake being used by the Bush administration
to scare Americans into believing ‘Al Qaeda’ is making plans for
another attack and an attempt to link Bin Laden to Democrats."
Madsen then gets to heart of the fakery:
"The reason the tape is as phony as Niger yellowcake documents and Saddam's
weapons of mass destruction is as plain as day. ‘Bin Laden’ allegedly
quotes from the introduction of a book written by long-time Washington, DC progressive
author and journalist and a friend of mine, Bill Blum. Bill was once an editor
and contributor to Covert Action Quarterly, a magazine devoted to exposing CIA
operations like the arming, funding, and training of Bin Laden and his mujaheddin
guerrillas during the Afghan-Soviet war.
"The Bush perception managers are either incredibly stupid or are trying
to ensnare liberal journalists as aiders and abettors of Al Qaeda, something
that is certainly within their scope. Bin Laden allegedly quotes the following
passage from Blum's book, Rogue State: "If you (Americans) are sincere
in your desire for peace and security, we have answered you. And if Bush decides
to carry on with his lies and oppression, then it would be useful for you to
read the book Rogue State, which states in its introduction: 'If I were president,
I would stop the attacks on the United States: First I would give an apology
to all the widows and orphans and those who were tortured. Then I would announce
that American interference in the nations of the world has ended once and for
all.'" However, this quote is not from Rogue State, again, pointing to
a very bad forgery of the Bin Laden audiotape."
Madsen correctly points out that historian Blum’s support for the Soviet
war in Afghanistan makes a plug from "Osama" all the more ridiculous:
"So, we're now supposed to believe that Bin Laden has come around to plug
the book written by an author who demonstrated that the Soviet cause in Afghanistan
was for self-defense and in furtherance of the well-being of the Afghan people
and that Bin Laden's and his mujaheddin compatriots' cause was anti-progressive
and destabilizing to the central Asian region? This would be laughable if it
were not for the fact that the neo-cons are once again using the Big Lie to
further their ambitions of global domination and worldwide fascism. The 911
attacks are beginning to look more and more like the Reichstag Fire, both engineered
to bring about fascist control."
All signs point not to a transmission out of a mountain cave, but more likely
out of Langley, Virginia office, and the desk of amateurish (and frankly, poorly-read)
propaganda operatives.
In other ways, the new transmission is telling as a measure of how far the
Bush administration has fallen. "Osama" is open to "a long-term
truce on fair conditions", and a solution that "prevents the wasting
of billions of dollars that have gone to those with influence, and merchants
of war in America who have supported Bush’s election campaign with billions
of dollars". These are almost the words of a neoliberal Democrat. Is this
"Osama" talking peace---or the Bush neocon propaganda writers conceding
that its own game is so lost, that its favorite war propaganda image has had
to be recharacterized and rescripted?
The inconsistency of the "voice" raises yet another question. It
is time for some "Bin Laden expert" to explain how "Osama"
has gone from the fanatical gibberish of previous transmissions, to the statesman-like,
William Blum-gushing nuance of this new one.
Unfortunately, there are still plenty among the indoctrinated American sheeple
who would still jump through this propaganda hoop in unquestioning and ignorant
Pavlovian fashion, every time Dick Cheney tells them to. This includes the so-called
anti-war Left, the majority of the Democratic Party faction, and elite Left
"progressives", all of whom have enthusiastically
supported the "war on terrorism" lie from day one----serving the
ultimate interests of the New World Order.
This includes William Blum himself, who apparently believes that "Osama"
is alive and real, and that the transmissions have been authentic. His fine
work notwithstanding, Blum’s own failure to grasp parapolitcal realities
is symptomatic of a broader
malady, which plays into the hand of Bush forces.
Perhaps the real end game of Bush propaganda forces is the creation of rifts
and the sowing of even more dissension within the anti-war/anti-imperialist
ranks, rendering the establishment of a mass and powerful anti-war movement
What the world must continue to take seriously is not a threatened
strike by "Osama", but the violent desperation of a stumbling New
World Order (the ultimate creator of "Osama", and the paymasters of
"Al-Qaeda" and "Islamic terrorism"), and a Bush administration
that will resort to anything to save itself. As it was on the morning of 9/11,
all eyes must remain locked on the guilty parties in Washington and the
openly criminal
Bush administration, with the means, motive and opportunity to wreak havoc.